15 Other Ways to Say “So Happy To See You”


Haven’t we all ever had a moment where we ran into someone we haven’t seen in a long time or felt the need to express how excited we are to see a colleague or an old-time friend? I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck on saying the expected phrase “so happy to see you,” instead I would want to say something more authentic, an expression that flows from the heart.

These 15 other ways to say “so happy to see you” take the utterance of speech to the next level. It validates to the person you’re referring to that you are pleased to see them and wouldn’t have it another way.

Now, you have access to the knowledge of what words to say when your colleagues, friends, or family members show up at your party/event.

You no longer have to repeat the same phrase for every single guest who walks in or when you see someone in a meeting because this article provides alternative phrases alongside illustrations that help you put these phrases to good use.

If you’re interested in this, all it takes is to continue reading.

What to Say Instead of “So Happy To See You”

  1. I would be lying if I said I was not delighted to see you.
  2. My eyes lit up immediately when I saw you here.
  3. I derived pleasure from your presence here today.
  4. Thank you for letting my eyes behold you today.
  5. You did me a huge favor seeing you here.
  6. Words can not describe how delighted I am to see you.
  7. I am starstruck by the sight of you, my dear.
  8. I must admit, I am overwhelmed with joy seeing you.
  9. This event just got better seeing you.
  10. It’s like my heart suddenly grows arms and legs and begins to dance anytime I see you.
  11. Now that I get to see you, my happiness knows no bounds.
  12. My excitement is off the roof just because I get to see you.
  13. It’s always so heartwarming to see you.
  14. I smile from chin to chin anytime I see you.
  15. I am always thrilled to see you.

I would be lying if I said I was not delighted to see you

So Happy To See You

Let them soak in the glory for a moment, if it takes coming clean by telling them how delighted you are to see them, then so be it.

“I would be lying if I said I am not delighted to see you” is an expression that screams your ability to tell the truth, which is that you do miss them and appreciate their presence. 

As an additional suggestion, you should hold their hands while saying this or make sure to maintain eye contact to be perceived as honest.


  • Wow! You’re here, I would be lying if I said I am not delighted to see you.
  • This party just started now that you’re here, I would be lying if I said I am not delighted to see you.

My eyes lit up immediately when I saw you here.

This would be suitable for a person that you’re familiar with as it won’t be deemed appropriate for a work related setting. 

This is a great alternative for “so happy to see you” especially when you encounter someone that you admire at an event, bar, or any other place. Not to worry, in the illustrations below, you’ll know how this phrase can be asserted in a scenario.


  • Rebecca right? My eyes lit up immediately when I saw you here at this event. 
  • I must say you’re quite beautiful, my eyes lit up immediately when I saw you here. 

I derived pleasure from your presence here earlier today.

After a grand opening of a project or the concluding part of an event, there is often the need to thank everyone as a group and also individually.

This expression can be found in an appreciation speech, a text message after a date, or a phone call with someone who attended your auction. Allow me to show you.


  • I was truly honored that you made time out of your busy schedule to attend my art exhibition. I derived pleasure from your presence here earlier today.
  •  I derived pleasure from your presence here earlier today, I am eternally grateful for it.

Thank you for letting my eyes behold you today.

“Thank you for letting my eyes behold you today” is a phrase that wouldn’t come across to the person as a rehearsed statement.

You’re being thankful to them for allowing you to see or to ‘behold’ them which is a very kind and respectful way of communicating.


  • You have done me such a huge favor, thank you for letting my eyes behold you today. 
  • Thank you for letting my eyes behold you today. I will make sure to repay the favor. 

You did me a huge favor seeing you here.

“You did me a huge favor seeing you here” is yet another phrase that serves as an alternative for the phrase “so good to see you.” What this means is that showing up or meeting you, is an act of kindness to you and you find it favorable.

Even at the office, where you work, you could thank your staff or superiors for being available to hear you present or pitch an idea. Whatever context you decide to say this phrase, your tone has to be on the happy side.


  • You did me a huge favor seeing you here, I hope you enjoyed the show? 
  • You have no idea how happy you made me, you did me a huge favor seeing you here. 

Words can not describe how delighted I am to see you

So Happy To See You

If you tell someone that there is not a single plausible word that could fully describe the extent of your happiness, just because you saw them. You have finally found another phrase that breaks the cycle of the stale words in your social ethics vocabulary.

Whether in a one-on-one conversation with your friend or family members you haven’t seen in a while, this alternative phrase is up to the task.


  • I don’t have words. It’s like words can not describe how delighted I am to see you. 
  • How do I say this? Words can not describe how delighted I am to see you. 

I am starstruck by the sight of you, my dear

Additionally, “I am starstruck by the sight of you, my dear” conveys the idea that you’re pleasantly surprised to see a person.

This would be serviceable for a scenario where you see someone you didn’t expect to see show up or cross paths with you, but it’s fine because you are happy that you saw them. Now, this individual can be anyone in your life.


  • I am starstruck by the sight of you, my dear, thank you for coming. 
  • What a pleasant surprise, I am starstruck by the sight of you, my dear, thank you for coming.

I must admit, I am overwhelmed with joy seeing you.

Amongst other ways to say “so happy to see you,” is the expression, “I must admit, I am overwhelmed with joy seeing you,” which is similar to the one that has been previously written about.

The words “overwhelmed with joy” heighten the degree of excitement and appreciation you feel when you see someone. 

Say this instead to the people that you’re thrilled to see, no one hates to be appreciated, not even your superiors. If you are worried if it sounds out of line, it doesn’t. Here are ways you can say it in the most appropriate ways.


  • The President of the company is in the room, I must admit, I am overwhelmed with joy seeing you.
  • I am honored, I must admit, I am overwhelmed with joy seeing you here at my little party. 

This event just got better seeing you.

“This event just got better seeing you” provides a context to it, this informs you of places you can use it. Better still, you can remove the word “event” and include the actual location that you’re in.

Suppose all your friends showed up and you’re aware of the energy that they possess, you can be the first to appreciate that by telling them that the party/event/meeting just got better now that they arrived.


  • Look who’s here! This event just got better seeing you guys. 
  • Sweetie, you made it. This event just got better seeing you.

It’s like my heart suddenly grows arms and legs and begins to dance anytime I see you.

Go big or go home! You can agree with me that this is a better phrase in terms of creativity compared to “so happy to see you.”

As humans when we’re happy, we often use terms like dance or music to express that. In this case, you can say that your heart does that which makes it even more touching. Coming up with other ways to say things becomes less challenging when you’re not so focused on finding big words in the dictionary.


  • This might sound silly but it’s like my heart suddenly grows arms and legs and begins to dance anytime I see you.
  • It’s like my heart suddenly grows arms and legs and begins to dance anytime I see you. How are you able to do that? 

Now that I get to see you, my happiness knows no bounds.

“Now that I get to see you, my happiness knows no bounds,” highlights the jubilation around seeing a person.

What your attention should be on while saying this is on the person or people you’re talking to, this way, they know that you’re being intentional. Don’t forget that your words have to match with your body language. It sends the message that now that you’re permitted or chanced to see them, your joyful days just started.


  • Now that I get to see you, my happiness knows no bounds. Thank you for this opportunity. 
  • Allow me to say this, now that I get to see you all, my happiness knows no bounds

My excitement is off the roof just because I get to see you.

“My excitement is off the roof just because I get to see you” is an expression that also chooses to express the same message of love and happiness when you see a person but with different words which is the whole point of this write-up.

Because of the presence of “off the roof,” you might want to avoid using it in a formal setting as this does not sound fitting for such. Rather, in a chat with your friends, close teammates at work, or family members, this would be right and acceptable.


  • I am a huge fan of yours. My excitement is off the roof just because I get to see you. 
  • I am shaking in my boots, my excitement is off the roof just because I get to see you. 

It’s always so heartwarming to see you

So Happy To See You

What warms the heart can only be good and amazing. This is why this phrase passes as a synonymous phrase for “so good to see you.”

For instance, let’s say you are a prominent person in society, and you would like to address your fans who showed up for your book signing, or concert, this phrase would be great to add to your appreciation speech to your fans and supporters.


  • Thank y’all for making it to my concert, It’s always so heartwarming to see you guys. 
  • I am glad you could make it to my book signing. It’s always so heartwarming to see you [my fans, supporters e.t.c].

I smile from chin to chin anytime I see you.

When we are happy, we smile, that’s the right order of things. Saying that you smile from chin to chin describes in a visual manner the extent of your happiness.

Whether you say this to a close friend or a romantic partner, the bottom line is that you are trying other ways to express certain emotions by choosing to utter them with other choices of words. Let’s see how this phrase can fit into an illustration.


  • I smile from chin to chin anytime I see you. I can’t even control it anymore. 
  • It’s normal for me to smile from chin to chin anytime I see you

I am always thrilled to see you.

The last phrase on the list is “I am always thrilled to see you” and this proves the point that you are happy and feel wild that you’re seeing someone.

Hugging or giving the person a handshake depending on your relationship with the individual, would be considered a gesture that shows the authenticity of your expression.


  • Oh! My goodness, you’re here! I am always thrilled to see you. 
  • Look who we have here, it’s [the name of the person], I am always thrilled to see you.


Out of these outlined other ways to say you are happy to see someone, I am positive that you’ll be able to find the one that you would use anytime you perhaps meet an old-time friend, your partner, or any other person that you are happy to meet.

You no longer have to stick to using the same lines as you can now switch things up a little bit by trying or saying “so happy to see you” in another way.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts about this article in the comment section, it would be great to know what you think.

So Happy To See You

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