15 Simple Ways to Say “Thanks to God”


We often find ourselves in situations where we feel grateful, whether it’s for answered prayers, blessings in disguise, or the simple joys of life. One of the most profound ways to express this gratitude is by thanking God.

While the phrase “thank God” is common, there are other beautiful, simple ways to convey this sentiment. If you’re looking for different ways to say “thanks to God,” you’re in the right place.

In this article, I’ll share 15 simple ways to say “thanks to God” and explain how each can be used in everyday situations. Each phrase will also come with two examples to show you how you can use them in your prayers or conversations.

Let’s explore these ways together.

15 Simple Ways to Say “Thanks to God”

  1. I give thanks to God
  2. I’m grateful to God
  3. Praise be to God
  4. God has been good to me
  5. I thank God for His blessings
  6. I’m blessed by God’s grace
  7. God, thank You for everything
  8. I am forever thankful to God
  9. I owe it all to God
  10. I give glory to God
  11. I’m thankful to God for guiding me
  12. Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy
  13. I’m thankful for God’s provision
  14. Thank God for His kindness
  15. I praise God for His love

 1. I Give Thanks to God

“I give thanks to God” is a straightforward and heartfelt way to express gratitude. It’s a phrase that acknowledges that everything we receive comes from God and we’re taking a moment to return the favor through our words.


  • I give thanks to God for guiding me through tough times. His presence was my strength.


  • I give thanks to God for the wonderful people in my life who bring me so much joy and love.

2. I’m Grateful to God

Being grateful to God is a humble way to acknowledge His blessings. It expresses appreciation for what He’s done and recognizes His influence in our lives.

So if you ever feel God has been faithful in your life and you want to show that appreciation, “I’m grateful to God is the perfect line” to use.


  • I’m grateful to God for another day of good health. I don’t take it for granted.


  • I’m grateful to God for answering my prayers when I needed Him most.

3. Praise Be to God

“Praise be to God” shifts the focus from us to God. It’s not just a simple thank you—it’s a declaration of how great and mighty He is, giving Him all the praise for His actions.

You can start your church testimony with this phrase too as it acknowledges all that the Lord has done for you. 


  • Praise be to God for giving me the courage to follow my dreams and trust His plan.


  • Praise be to God for the little miracles that happen every day, reminding me of His presence.

4. God Has Been Good to Me

Simple Ways to Say Thanks to God

The moment of reflection comes with a deep sense of gratitude.

Sometimes you reflect on all the happenings in your life, and you can’t just deny that the stormy days you scale through, how far you have gone is a result of God’s unyielding and steadfast presence to guide you through all you go through in life…

‘God Has Been Good to Me’ is a reflective way to express thanks. You saying “God has been good to me,” implies you’re acknowledging all the blessings He has showered upon you, even in moments when you may not have noticed them.

Below are examples of the sentence usage;


  • God has been good to me through all the ups and downs, always showing me His love.


  • God has been good to me, and I see His hand in every success I’ve achieved.

5. I Thank God for His Blessings

Gratitude brings/ opens doors for more blessings to come into your life. If you ever want to express your gratitude to God for all He has done, ‘I Thank God for His Blessings’ is a phrase you should use to get started with.

Thanking God for His blessings is one of the most direct and common ways to show gratitude. It’s a reminder to count our blessings, both big and small, and give thanks.


I thank God for His blessings in my life, especially for the people who support and care for me.

I thank God for His blessings each morning when I wake up to see another day.

 6. I’m Blessed by God’s Grace

Grace is an unearned gift from God, and when we say “I’m blessed by God’s grace,” we’re acknowledging that we don’t deserve all the good we have, yet God has given it to us out of His love.

All the times the blessings we receive are undeserving but God in his infinite grace still keeps showering us with those blessings; everyday, anew.

Give a deep sense of gratitude using the lines ‘I’m Blessed by God’s grace’ and watch how your life will be filled with a sense of gratitude.


  • I’m blessed by God’s grace to have a loving family who stands by me no matter what.
  • I’m blessed by God’s grace to experience peace even in difficult times.

7. God, Thank You for Everything

This is a simple yet all-encompassing way to thank God. Sometimes, words can’t capture all that we’re thankful for, so we say, “God, thank You for everything.” 


  • God, thank You for everything You’ve done for me, even the things I don’t fully understand.


  • God, thank You for everything, Your love, Your guidance, and Your never-ending grace.

8. I Am Forever Thankful to God

Simple Ways to Say Thanks to God

To be “forever thankful to God” is to show a deep sense of gratitude that doesn’t fade. It’s an acknowledgment that no matter what, your gratitude to God will always remain.

Thus, ‘I’m forever thankful to God’ is a great way to portray your deep sense of gratitude to God. 


  • I am forever thankful to God for bringing me through the storm and showing me His light.


  • I am forever thankful to God for all the blessings, challenges, and lessons that have made me who I am.

9. I Owe It All to God

This phrase is often used when reflecting on one’s successes or accomplishments, giving full credit to God for everything. It’s a way to humble yourself and acknowledge that without Him, you wouldn’t have made it.

It can also be used as a response to questions about your total well-being, good health, sound mind, provision of jobs and shelter because truth be told, the aforementioned can’t be attainable with the presence of God in one’s life.


  • I owe it all to God the job I prayed for, the friends I’ve made, and the opportunities I’ve received.


  • I owe it all to God for the strength to overcome adversity and push forward.

10. I Give Glory to God

To “give glory to God” means you’re lifting Him up, acknowledging His greatness and power. It’s a way to make it known that all the good in your life comes from Him.

Have a thanksgiving service today? Start your thanksgiving with this powerful phrase.


  • I give glory to God for blessing me with wisdom and guidance when I needed it most.


  • I give glory to God for surrounding me with His protection and love every day.

11. I’m Thankful to God for Guiding Me

Simple Ways to Say Thanks to God

Life can be full of uncertain paths, and when you say, “I’m thankful to God for guiding me,” you’re recognizing His divine direction and thanking Him for showing you the way.


  • I’m thankful to God for guiding me through every challenge, helping me make the right decisions.


  • I’m thankful to God for guiding me to the people who uplift me and make me stronger.

12. Thank You, Lord, for Your Mercy

God’s mercy is His compassion and forgiveness toward us, even when we don’t deserve it.

Thanking Him for His mercy is a humbling way to acknowledge that without His grace, we’d be lost. So today thank the Lord for his mercy and watch your life filled with his mercy.


  • Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy in giving me a second chance, even when I failed.


  • Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy in forgiving me and helping me grow from my mistakes.

13. I’m Thankful for God’s Provisions 

God provides for our needs, whether it’s emotional, spiritual, or material. When you say, “I’m thankful for God’s provision,” you’re recognizing His care in every aspect of your life and also appreciating him for it.


  • I’m thankful for God’s provision in giving me peace of mind and strength to carry on.


  • I’m thankful for God’s provision in providing for my family’s needs, even when times were tough.

14. Thank God for His Kindness

God’s kindness can be seen in His patience with us, His forgiveness, and His love. Through thanking Him for His kindness, you’re acknowledging the gentleness of His heart and His constant care.


  • Thank God for His kindness in always being there for me, even when I feel unworthy of His love.


  • Thank God for His kindness in showing me the beauty of life and the power of love.

15. I Praise God for His Love

God’s love is unconditional, never-ending, and always present. His love is encompassing and undiscriminating. When you say, “I praise God for His love,” you’re recognizing the most important gift He’s given us—His love.


  • I praise God for His love that fills my heart every day and keeps me moving forward with hope.


  • I praise God for His love, which has been the foundation of my life and continues to guide me in everything I do.

 Final Thoughts

There are countless ways to say “thank you” to God, but what matters most is the heart behind the words. Each of these phrases helps to express the gratitude we feel for His blessings, guidance, mercy, and love.

Use these simple ways to show your appreciation, and remember, the more we thank God, the more we recognize His hand in everything.

In the end, no matter how you choose to say it, always keep in mind that God’s blessings are endless, and our gratitude should be just as boundless.

Simple Ways to Say Thanks to God

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