365 Questions to Ask Yourself


Are you on a journey of self-discovery? Are you uncomfortable with the way things are with you? Do you want to develop better self-awareness?

If your answer to the questions above is yes, then you should continue with this article.

In this article, I’ll be listing 365 questions to ask yourself. 

They’re thought-provoking and will help you discover yourself, help you connect more deeply to your mind, develop the right mindset, and help you build better relationships with people.

Moreover, you can take them once a day and reflect on them while you go about your daily routine.

365 Questions to Ask Yourself 

Below are 365 questions to ask yourself;

  • What’s my perception about life?
  • What have I discovered about myself?
  • What have I learned about people since I gained understanding?
  • What do I have to give others?
  • Do I have enough self-love?
  • Do I have enough love to give to others?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What lessons have I learned from my parents?
  • Do I always prioritize myself?
  • Am I always trying to please others?
  • How do I develop myself mentally and in all other areas?
  • What are those qualities I love in myself?
  • What are those traits I need to work on?
  • What are those habits I need to change?
  • Am I living the life I want?
  • Am I happy with the things I’m doing?
  • Are the people around me good for me?
  • Are there any differences between where I was 5 years ago and now?
  • What do I picture for my next 3 years?
  • What is my dream place to live?
  • Do I see myself traveling the world, and what are the topmost countries in mind?
  • Do I love my job?
  • What part of my job interests me the most?
  • Who’s my favorite person I look up to?
  • Do I love family life? Would I like to have kids someday with a partner?
  • What is my greatest fear?
  • Am I scared of death?
  • What are the things I enjoy doing?
  • What do I do for relaxation?
  • Am I affected by any part of my childhood?
  • Do I nurse any insecurity?
  • Do I value myself?
  • Do I feel intimidated when I’m with people?
  • What’s my personality like?
  • Do I think my personality rubs off wrongly on people?
  • Am I assertive? Can I stand up for myself?
  • Am I respectful to people and their feelings?
  • Am I kind?
  • Do I always act strong?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What kind of songs speak to me.
  • Does it feel like I’m missing something in my life?
  • What’s a perfect day for me?
  • What is my best achievement so far?
  • If I’d like to change anything about me, what would that be?
  • Do I like who I am?
  • Do I let what others say about me affect me?
  • Does what people think about me unconsciously affect me?
  • When was the last time I tried something different?
  • Does trying something new scare me?
  • What is the biggest challenge I’ve faced and how did I come out of it?
  • Do I compare myself with people?
  • What’s the best piece of advice someone has given me?
  • What is that thing that quickly excites me?
  • Am I inquisitive?
  • Do I enjoy being around people?
  • Am I a good listener?
  • Do I think someone would like to emulate me?
  • What’s that value I can never compromise on?
  • When last did I shed tears?
  • Do I believe in spirituality?
  • Do I think religion is important?
  • Do I love celebrating wins?
  • Do I procrastinate?
  • Am I living or existing?
  • Do I tell lies?
  • How do I like to spend my free time?
  • Do I have a friend that means a lot to me?
  • What can I confidently teach others?
  • What’s that thing I’ll regret if I don’t do it?
  • Is there a past I’m still holding onto?
  • Do I take it easy on myself?
  • How am I preparing for when I get old?
  • What legacy am I planning to leave behind after I’m no more?
  • Can I kill for the one I love?
  • If I have what it takes to change the world, would I give it out?
  • What matters to me most?
  • If I’m given the date I would die, what different thing would I do?
  • What is my favorite book and favorite writer?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What’s that thing I can fight to death for?
  • Am I afraid of risks?
  • Is never trying worse than failing?
  • If I’m allowed to address the world, what would I speak on?
  • What’s the thing I find very attractive in someone?
  • What makes someone special to me?
  • What am I thankful for?
  • Can I steal to feed my children?
  • What inspires me the most?
  • Where’s the weirdest place I find inspiration?
  • What one word can I use to describe my life?
  • Am I so scared of making mistakes?
  • Do I have good decision-making skills?
  • Do I think life is too short?
  • What can make me feel better when I’m down?
  • Have I ever regretted not taking action or saying something?
  • Have I ever wished I could take back my words?
  • What memory of my childhood do I cherish the most?
  • Do I believe in love?
  • Would I prefer to marry who loves me or whom I love?
  • Do I believe in taking revenge?
  • Can I marry for money?
  • Do I think anything is standing between me and my happiness?
  • Do I think ignorance is an excuse?
  • Am I a sincere person?
  • What makes my life meaningful?
  • What makes us human?
  • Am I in better control of my life?
  • How can I be more self-conscious?
  • How can I be more creative?
  • Does the past worry me a lot?
  • Do I worry a lot about the future?
  • Do I think I’ll ever visit a therapist?
  • Do I value meditation?
  • When last did I meditate on things about me?
  • What can I say to my 18-year-old self?
  • What is at the top of my list of priorities?
  • Do I make time for important things in my life?
  • Do I pay good attention to my health?
  • Am I worried about any part of my body?
  • When I look into the mirror, what comes to my mind?
  • Am I condescending?
  • Do I worry about my looks?
  • Am I judgemental?
  • Am I self-righteous? How can I work to be better?
  • What values should I look for before making one, my friend?
  • What values should I look for before getting into a relationship?
  • Are there any secrets I’ll take to the grave?
  • What is peace to me?
  • If I were to write a book about my life, what would I title it?
  • If someone were to offer me $1000,000, to commit a crime, would I?
  • Do I help someone selflessly, without thinking about what is in it for me?
  • What does success mean to me?
  • When do I know it’s time to let go?
  • If I were to make a wish, what would it be?
  • If I could relive a past, what would it be?
  • What does wealth mean to me?
  • Am I materialistic?
  • Can I say I was productive yesterday?
  • What does it take to make me smile?
  • How do I put a smile on people’s faces?
  • Do I believe in miracles?
  • What do I owe myself?
  • Do I believe in fate?
  • Do I believe in heaven and hell?
  • Am I a slave to anything?
  • Do I think I’ll treat people kindly if I’m in a position of power?
  • Is there anything I can’t live without?
  • What keeps me going daily?
  • If I’m asked to say one word before my death, what would it be?
  • Can I love someone enough to let go?
  • What does love truly mean?
  • Do I always tell white lies?
  • If I’m allowed to seek a piece of advice from one person, who would it be?
  • If I’m asked to ask just one question, what would it be?
  • What goals have I set to achieve?
  • Can I die for someone?
  • Do I believe in myself?
  • Am I walking in another’s shadow?
  • What is freedom to me?
  • What can I do today differently from yesterday?
  • What easily irritates me?
  • What animals do I like?
  • Am I confident in my skin?
  • Do I always wear my fears?
  • Is there a time I’m hypocritical?
  • Am I always stressed?
  • Do I make good use of my time?
  • Am I empathetic towards others?
  • Am I easily trusted?
  • Is there anything that makes me vulnerable?
  • Am I too emotional?
  • Is there any part of me I keep from the public?
  • Who’s that one person I can tell my darkest secret to?
  • Do I easily get jealous of people’s success, even though I hide it?
  • How often do I have negative thoughts?
  • How do I motivate myself?
  • Is there anyone I walk on eggshells with whenever I’m around them?
  • Is there anything I take for granted?
  • Have I fully developed my mind?
  • Am I always honest with myself?
  • Can I wake up at the right time without an alarm clock?
  • Do I always wake up tired?
  • Do I go to sleep immediately when I hit the bed or do I fill my mind with thoughts? 
  • Do I put enough effort into relationships?
  • Do I give opinions when people don’t ask?
  • Do I respect other’s values?
  • Do I act like I know it all?
  • Am I working towards the goals I have set to achieve?
  • How do I handle things that are beyond my control?
  • If today were the last day of my life, would I change my plans for the day?
  • What’s the most random thing I have done?
  • Am I a careful spender or am I extravagant?
  • What’s that thoughtful thing someone would do for me that would get me crazy?
  • Have I made someone smile today?
  • Is there anything I easily give up on?
  • Am I always afraid to leave my comfort zone?
  • Which of my friends can I trust my life in their hands?
  • Is there anyone in my circle that can die for me?
  • Can I give out a kidney to save anyone?
  • Am I in charge of my happiness?
  • Am I easily talked into doing something?
  • How do I handle a situation that seems beyond me?
  • When I fall, how long do I remain on the ground before getting up?
  • Am I easily provoked?
  • Have I ever done anything in anger I regretted?
  • What do I think will kill me?
  • Can I stand my ground when everyone is against me?
  • Will it take little effort to bring me down?
  • Do I easily adapt to situations?
  • How do I handle nervousness?
  • Am I quick to use the phrase, “I can’t”?
  • Am I in good control of my emotions?
  • Have I deeply been hurt or disappointed, how did I heal?
  • Do I always voice out my dissatisfaction?
  • Do I complain a lot?
  • Have I ever acted petty?
  • Do I enjoy arguing?
  • Do I run from difficult problems or face them head-on?
  • Do I like to be taken care of?
  • Have I ever provided a solution to a problem?
  • What easily frustrates me?
  • How do I regain the motivation I’ve lost?
  • What pushes me more, the reward of doing something or the consequence of not doing it?
  • Am I making progress with what I’m doing?
  • Do I think the things I do give meaning to my life?
  • Am I quick to apologize for something that isn’t my fault?
  • Is it easy to say “sorry” when I’ve wronged someone?
  • Am I a fault-finder?
  • What do my words mean to me?
  • Do I act indifferent to people’s problems?
  • Am I quick to look for favor with people?
  • Am I comfortable saying “no” to others?
  • Do I feel I don’t deserve the good things that come my way?
  • When was the last time I laughed that it hurt my belly?
  • Am I content with where I am now?
  • Do I pay attention to my dreams?
  • Is there any guilt eating me up?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Is there anyone I’m finding difficult to forgive?
  • Do I come off as a bitter person?
  • Am I a grateful person?
  • Do I think life is fair or unfair?
  • Do I appreciate myself enough?
  • How do I react to criticism?
  • Do I feel bad when I don’t get what I want?
  • When do I think love becomes a weakness?
  • What is the most horrifying moment in my life and how did I get out of the horror?
  • What makes life worth living?
  • Am I obsessed with anything?
  • Is the reward of the risk I’m in worth it?
  • What was that moment that I was the proudest of myself?
  • If I were to paint my life, how would it come out?
  • Do I save before spending or spend before saving?
  • What’s my plan for retirement?
  • Am I an impulse buyer?
  • What am I addicted to?
  • Have I ever reacted in anger?
  • What are the simplest things that make me happy?
  • What questions do I wish I had the answers to?
  • What thoughts have plagued my mind lately?
  • Where do I like to have a quiet time?
  • What part of nature do I enjoy?
  • If I earned more, would I spend more or save more?
  • What keeps me awake most times?
  • What things in life do I think should be free but are not?
  • Am I investing in anyone?
  • What’s that thing I’ve always wanted to have since I was a kid and have I gotten them?
  • What baffles me?
  • What’s my favorite quote and how has it motivated me?
  • Am I the hindrance to my growth?
  • Who’s my go-to person for advice?
  • What’s humanity to me?
  • What’s that thing I wished I’d known earlier?
  • How do I deal with loneliness?
  • Do I quickly lose interest in something?
  • What job will I never do no matter the pay?
  • What does the world not need?
  • Who’s a hero to me?
  • How do I keep myself busy apart from work?
  • Does luck exist to me?
  • What quickly grabs my attention?
  • What’s the worst situation I have ever been in?
  • What’s that simple fact I wish others understood?
  • What opportunity have I missed because of indecision?
  • Do I want more in life?
  • Is there anyone depending on me more than they should?
  • Am I tolerating what I shouldn’t?
  • Is money everything to me?
  • Have I ever felt like I’ve been treated like a fool, and by who?
  • Is my boss a good employer?
  • Am I in my current job because I haven’t found something better?
  • Are my siblings and parents my friends?
  • What experiences am I grateful for?
  • What mistake changed my life?
  • When last did my family and I do something beautiful?
  • Do I spend so much unnecessary time on my phone or watching TV?
  • Is my rent eating a lot of my monthly income?
  • What expenses am I making that I can do without?
  • What’s that thing I can afford now that I couldn’t handle before?
  • Do I keep a tab of the expenses I make?
  • What makes me secure and confident?
  • What smell makes me happy?
  • Can I do without alcohol for a year?
  • When was the last time I spoiled myself?
  • Do I have phobias?
  • Do I give compliments?
  • Whom do I take after, my mum or dad?
  • What are the qualities of a good leader, and do I possess any?
  • What are those things that kept me happy when I was a kid?
  • Was I a happy child?
  • What punishment hurt me deeply as a kid?
  • Did I achieve anything as a kid?
  • Would I love to be a child again?
  • Would I ever think of adopting a child?
  • What’s my orientation on disciplining children?
  • Did I enjoy school as a child?
  • What’s my favorite color?
  • Would I like to go back to my ex?
  • Who have I had the longest relationship with?
  • What family values will I continue with my children?
  • What family traditions are my favorite?
  • When do I want to get married?
  • Do I want children? If I do What age do I want to start having them?
  • What age do I want to stop having children?
  • How many basic survival skills do I have?
  • What surviving skill am I learning this year?
  • What’s my favorite meal?
  • What lasting impression do I think I leave on people?
  • Who do I think about the most?
  • What has been bothering me recently?
  • Do I act weird?
  • Is there a hidden talent I have?
  • Am I a fast or slow learner?
  • Am I patient?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Do I let my weaknesses affect me?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Am I overly dependent on myself?
  • What’s my orientation about gender equality?
  • Do I always feel attractive?
  • What made me give up on a goal?
  • Have I ever pursued something that ended up hurting me?
  • Am I patriotic?
  • How am I developing my community?
  • Do I love learning?
  • What’s something new I’ve learned this week?
  • Do I avoid important but difficult conversations with someone?
  • In the next 10 years, would I’ve gotten to where I want to be?
  • Am I intentional about the relationship I keep?
  • What would I do if I’m hurt by a partner?
  • Can I ever cheat on my partner?
  • Has my parents’ marriage impacted my view on relationships?
  • What are the red flags I should look out for in a relationship?
  • Is my previous relationship affecting my new relationship?
  • Do I enjoy the time I spend with my family?
  • Am I easily influenced?
  • How are people around me influencing me?
  • Am I respecting my friends boundaries and are they respecting mine?
  • Do I have unnecessary high standards?
  • Am I eating right?
  • If I were to be a superhero, what superhero would I be?
  • Do I make time for people who mean a lot to me?
  • Do I get enough rest and sleep?
  • What’s my vocabulary like? Is it rich?
  • Do I forget easily?
  • When last did I do a general health check-up?
  • How do I want to die?
  • Where do I want to be buried?
  • Have I written my will?


Questions to Ask Yourself

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