20 Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship


Are you new to pendulum divination, and you’re looking for questions about relationships to ask your pendulum?

Pendulum dowsing or divination is a practice that dates back to ancient Greeks and Romans. It has been used to predict the future.

This day you can ask a pendulum question about your life including career, diet, and love life to gain insight on the direction to follow or steps to take.

Moreover, it’s a way to sharpen and relate with your intuition and inner mind.

So, if you need relationship questions to ask a pendulum, this article is for you. I’ll be treating 20 relationship questions you can ask your pendulum.

20 Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

There are numerous questions about relationships you can ask a pendulum, from questions about compatibility, readiness, and boundaries, and questions about if they’re the right one for you.

However, being specific is very important to get a good answer.

Pendulums are typically designed to answer a yes or no question, however, with more knowledge about it, you can use it to help you decide on certain areas of your life.

Notwithstanding, you should avoid ambiguity.

Below are 20 great questions to ask a pendulum about relationship:

  1. Is …… the person for me?
  2. Will I have any regret if I continue in this relationship?
  3. Will I find the right person this year?
  4. Do I and …. align in all necessary aspects of life?
  5. Am I better off ending this relationship?
  6. Will setting this ….. as a boundary means I’m having too high a standard?
  7. Will continuing with my partner limit me?
  8. Am I giving more in this relationship?
  9. Am I emotionally ready to handle a new relationship?
  10. Am I meant for love in this life?
  11. Is there any reason I should doubt my partner’s faithfulness to me?
  12. Is this relationship likely to end with marriage?
  13. Will my ex return to me before the end of this year?
  14. Am I making the right decision concerning my relationship?
  15. Will there be problems from our parents about this relationship?
  16. Is my relationship moving in the right direction?
  17. Is there something I’m not doing right concerning my relationship?
  18. Am I pursuing the wrong person?
  19.  Will being with this person help me grow?
  20. Will I find my Mr. Right in school?

Is …… the Person for Me?

“Is …… the person for me?” is one of the questions to ask a pendulum about relationships.

This question is important when you’re yet to answer your partner’s proposal or ask them the big question.

First, deciding if someone will be your partner can be very difficult, especially if you’re discussing marriage. This time is when you begin to ask all the questions and cross all the T’s and dot the I’s.

Many people see this point as the crux of their life because the decision you take can determine the next ten years of your life and more.

Even if you’ve been with someone for a long time and the big question of marriage is hanging, you can still find yourself indecisive.

So, asking your pendulum can help you cross that hurdle.

Will I Have Any Regret if I Continue in This Relationship?

Sometimes being in a relationship doesn’t give us the satisfaction we want. You want a relationship badly and when you get one, you find it hasn’t filled that void as you wanted.

It happens, especially if you’re not with the right person or you sought the relationship for all the wrong reasons.

So, in moments of doubt and confusion like this, you can ask your pendulum.

However, you should be mindful of the time to ask this question. It isn’t ideal to ask questions like this when everything is well with your relationship, as a negative answer can raise doubt and create something that wasn’t there.

Will I Find the Right Person This Year?

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

“Will I find the right person this year?” is a great question to ask your pendulum.

This is a question that can give you all the motivation and energy you need in navigating your love life.

It’s an ideal question when things haven’t been going well with you concerning your relationship. For instance, maybe you have not been able to get someone you like and who likes you back, or you have been ending up with all the wrong people.

This situation can be frustrating and make you think you’re not destined for love. It can make you want to sit back and not make any effort concerning love anymore.

However, now it’s the time to ask your pendulum and get all the clarity you need. If you get a yes, then be pumped and ready to try again. But, if you get a no, it’s not the time to give up.

You can work your inner energy, build a positive mindset, and try again the next day, maybe with another time frame.

Do I and …. Align in All Necessary Aspects of Life?

Another important relationship question to ask a pendulum is the question about compatibility.

Compatibility is a necessary factor to consider when getting into a relationship, especially a long-term commitment.

While no two people can have the same view on every aspect of life, alignment is necessary in certain areas for a healthy relationship.

Aspects like religion, goals, parenting, financial intelligence, morality, and many more should align.

So, you can ask your pendulum this question while considering if that person is for you.

Am I Better Off Ending This Relationship?

Another question to ask your pendulum is, “Am I better off ending this relationship?”

This is a suitable question to ask if you’re no longer enjoying the relationship. If things are no longer the way they used to be between you and your partner, it can be difficult to end the relationship if you still love them.

And maybe you have tried making things work between you and your partner or you have done all you can to get things back to where they were before, but it’s proving futile.

If that is the case, ending the relationship or taking a break is the reasonable thing to do. However, it’s not going to be easy when your feelings are involved.

Notwithstanding, you can ask a pendulum to gain more insight on how you should proceed.

Will Setting This ….. as a Boundary Means I’m Having Too High a Standard?

Another question to ask a pendulum is question about boundaries.

First, setting and respecting boundaries in relationships helps one in navigating the ropes of relationships.

However, there are certain rules we set that are unreasonable.. But, where do we draw the line between reasonable and unreasonable? Mind you, these things can be subjective.

So, if you’re confused, as to whether your boundaries are reasonable or not, you can take the question to a pendulum and gain more knowledge.

Will Continuing with My Partner Limit Me?

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

For some people, their partners are the reasons they’re no longer progressing; a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

Moreover, partners are meant to support and help each other grow. If someone claims to love you, they should be ready to see you happy and progress in all areas of your life.

But, if you end up with someone and you notice that everything about you stops, then it’s time to question your decision.

Therefore, if you notice signs that your partner might not support your goals and aspirations and you’re unsure of how to progress, you can take your uncertainty to your pendulum.

Am I Giving More in This Relationship?

Sometimes we find ourselves in relationships where we make all the sacrifices. Maybe they’re doing something, but are they doing enough?

For a relationship to work, it requires efforts from both partners. One person can’t be doing the work or one person can’t be bearing a bulk of the burden.

So, if you’re worried that your partner might not be doing enough; if you’re worried that they’re not matching your energy, you might want to ask a pendulum this question.

If you get a yes, then you should know how to proceed. However, if you get a no, you need to ask yourself more questions.

Am I Emotionally Ready to Handle a New Relationship?

Ending a relationship, whether beautiful or ugly, can make one emotionally unstable.

Especially, if you’re just coming out of a bad relationship, it can be difficult starting a new relationship.

If you find yourself in such a situation, maybe you just came out of a bad breakup and after some time you feel you’re ready for a new one, but you still have some doubts, you can ask your pendulum about it.

By deeply searching yourself and connecting to your inner self, your pendulum should guide you.

Am I Meant for Love in This Life?

“Am I meant for love in this life?” is another question for your pendulum. This question can help clear all doubts or insecurities you feel about yourself.

First, some persons after trying relationships and failing might end up feeling they’re not meant for love. If you’re at this point in your life, you can ask your pendulum and see what answer you’ll get.

Also, if you haven’t been in any relationship before and you just want to play around with your pendulum, you can try this question and see what answer you get.

Is There Any Reason I Should Doubt My Partner’s Faithfulness to Me?

If you’re in a dilemma about whether your partner is faithful to you or not, you can take your question to a pendulum.

Maybe you’ve noticed some strange behaviors but have yet to see anything solid, asking a pendulum can help know what next action to take.

If you get a positive answer, then you can watch your partner closely, but if you get a negative answer, you can free your mind and focus on your relationship.

Is This Relationship Likely to End with Marriage?

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

You can ask your pendulum whether your relationship will likely end with marriage.

If you’re unsure about your partner’s commitment or whether you want marriage or not with them, you can ask a pendulum about it.

Maybe that’s all the motivation you’ll need to put more effort or not.

Will My Ex Return to Me Before the End of This Year?

If you still have feelings for your ex, you can ask a pendulum whether they’ll return to you within a timeframe.

This question can help you move on if you’re somehow still holding on. However, if you get a yes, then maybe you wait it out.

Also, you can play around with this question to see what answer you’ll get.

Am I Making the Right Decision Concerning My Relationship?

If you’re not confident about the decisions you’re making in your relationship, you can ask a pendulum.

Sometimes we don’t always get it right in our relationships. And if you’ve been unsure about the steps you’re taking with your partner, consult your pendulum to guide you.

If you get a positive answer, you can confidently proceed while trusting your instincts. However, if you get a negative answer, you can reflect and trace back your steps.

Will There Be Problems from Our Parents About This Relationship?

Problems from parents are not uncommon in relationships. However, it’s left for you and your partner to decide how to navigate through this challenge.

So, you can ask your pendulum this question to prepare yourself. Whether you’ve met their parents or not, you can ask while asking your partner about their parents to learn more.

Is My Relationship Moving in the Right Direction?

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

Another question you can ask your pendulum is whether your relationship is moving in the right direction.

It can be very exciting to start a new relationship. Finding someone you like and who also likes you and is ready for something between you two can make you so excited that you ignore some signs.

In the midst of all the flying hormones, you can ask your pendulum if you’re moving in the right direction. Maybe you need to slow down a bit and ask some questions.

So, this is another thing you can ask your pendulum to guide you.

Is There Something I’m Not Doing Right Concerning My Relationship?

If you’re worried you’re not doing something right about your relationship, you can consult your pendulum.

Maybe your partner is not showing enough gratitude or they’re laying some complaints, and you can’t pinpoint where you’re getting it wrong, you can ask your pendulum.

Or maybe there’s no complaint but you’re not satisfied with how your relationship is, you can ask a pendulum this question.

If you get a positive answer, then you know you have to search yourself more thoroughly to see where you might have gone wrong. Also, don’t forget to talk to your partner about it.

Am I Pursuing the Wrong Person?

If you meet someone you like but they’re not returning the same energy, you can ask your pendulum to see if it’s worth continuing with the chase.

Sometimes we like someone who’s not for us. So, rather than waste time going after them and trying your luck, you can ask your pendulum for guidance.

Will Being with This Person Help Me Grow?

Another question you can ask a pendulum if you’re uncertain about the person you like or the person you’re dating is if they’ll help you grow.

If your concern is whether they’ll support you to grow, you can consult your pendulum. Maybe they’re showing signs of indifference or they’re trying to be controlling, it can be worrisome.

So, this question is important to see if you’ll continue with them.

Will I Find My Mr. Right in School?

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

If you’re already in high school or about to start college, you can ask your pendulum if you’ll find your Mr. Right there.

It’s a question you can ask to keep your mind open about love and dating. Whether it’s school or not, you can ask your pendulum whether you’ll find your love in the place you’ll be for some time.

Final Words

While people have used pendulum dowsing to predict the future and make decisions, you mustn’t completely trust it for important decisions in your life.

It’s good to trust your intuition while working with it. Moreover, it’s meant to serve as your guide to decision-making and not to decide for you.

Questions to Ask Pendulum About Your Relationship

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