100 Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar


So you’re getting ready for a relationship seminar, excellent!

Remember that this event is done to help you and your partner (or future partner) grow closer! These workshops teach you how to talk better, handle disagreements, and connect on a deeper level. 

The best part? There’s usually a Q&A session where you get the opportunity to ask personalised questions and walk away with cool tips to make your relationship even stronger. 

Asking good questions during the seminar is super important because it helps you get advice on things that matter to you. 

In this article, we’ve put together 100 helpful questions to ask, from choosing the right partner to handling money, intimacy, and family stuff!

Key Takeaways

  • The best time to ask questions during a relationship seminar is when the Q&A session starts or when a panel discussion allows the audience to ask questions. 
  • The type of question you ask should be based on what’s important to you and whether you’re single or in a relationship. 
  • If you’re single, you can ask things like, “What qualities should I look for in a partner?” or “How do I know I’m ready for a relationship?” Getting answers from an expert can help you better understand how to choose the right partner. 
  • If you’re in a relationship, it’s good to ask about topics like improving communication or dealing with conflicts.

There are many reasons to ask questions during a marriage or relationship seminar. Maybe you want to stay engaged, or perhaps there’s something in your love life you really need clarity on.

We understand that it can be hard to express your thoughts, especially when it comes to sensitive topics, and you have to ask them in front of a crowd (depending on the seminar).

That’s why we’ve put together 100 questions that cover most areas of relationships. 

List of Best Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

No matter which one you choose to ask, getting an answer from a coach can help bring more insight and meaning to your life.

Questions about picking the right partner

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • Is it wrong to have a spec when finding a partner and is there a point between compromising and being rigid with my list?
  • How can I tell if someone is genuinely interested in me?
  • Is it okay to have differences in values with my partner?
  • How can I communicate my needs without causing conflict?
  • What red flags should I watch out for when choosing a partner?
  • How do I know if I’m ready for a serious relationship?
  • Can opposites really attract and stay together?
  • How can I avoid rushing into a relationship?
  • What role does friendship play in a healthy relationship?
  • Should I focus on physical attraction or emotional connection?
  • How do I deal with pressure from family or friends when picking a partner?
  • How can I maintain my personal growth while in a relationship?
  • What are some signs that a person might not be the right one for me?
  • How do I know if my partner and I have long-term compatibility?
  • At what point of financial stability is ideal for a man to be able to become open to a relationship?
  • How can I ensure my partner supports my dreams and goals?
  • How can I avoid repeating past relationship mistakes?
  • Does the “location” where you find a potential partner have to be a determinant? 
  • Is love at first sight real? How do I know what I’m feeling for someone is lust or love? 
  • How can I balance my independence with being in a committed relationship?

Questions about finance in relationships

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • money together or separately, and if so, how?
  • What should we do if one of us earns more than the other?
  • How do we approach financial decisions when we disagree?
  • What are some strategies for keeping our financial discussions positive?
  • Should a man be comfortable allowing his partner to earn more than he does? How do couples navigate periods where the woman becomes the provider? 
  • What do you do when your partner keeps comparing you to others in terms of their financial status? 
  • She says my money is our money but her money is her money. It occasionally causes quarrels in our relationship. What should I do? 

Question about Long Distance Relationships (LDRs)

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • What are the best ways to sustain intimacy in a long-distance relationship?
  • How should we address emotional needs being long-distance partners?
  • How do I surprise my partner in a long-distance relationship?
  • What strategies do you have to tackle impatience and frustration in long-distance relationships?
  • What are the things I can do to tackle external pressures and insecurity in my long-distance relationship?
  • What are some fun activities we can do together online?
  • How can we celebrate special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries from afar?
  • How do we deal with jealousy or insecurity in a long-distance relationship?
  • How can we maintain a sense of normalcy in our relationship?
  • How do we keep the relationship exciting and engaging over time?
  • My partner recently started feeling disconnected or doubts the future of the relationship due to the distance. What can I do? 
  • We have different expectations about the frequency of calls and text. I don’t like buzzing and buzzing. But h/she likes it. I don’t want to come across as selfish. How do we navigate this? 
  • I discovered my partner who is on an assignment in another city is in a close friendship or potential romantic interest with someone local. He keeps denying it despite several pieces of evidence. What should I do? 
  • How do we handle situations where planned visits fall through, and what can we do to maintain our connection despite the disappointment?
  • We experience a major conflict over something important, and it’s challenging to resolve it without face-to-face interaction. What strategies can we use to resolve significant disagreements effectively when we can’t meet in person?

Question about intimacy in relationships

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • My partner has a higher urge than I do. It’s too demanding. But I don’t want him/her looking elsewhere. What should I do? 
  • Can we date without intercourse?
  • What’s the best way to communicate if something isn’t working in the bedroom?
  • How can we maintain a strong intercourse connection during stressful times?
  • How do we discuss and set boundaries in our intimacy relationship?
  • How do I introduce new styles to my partner who is too “stiff”? 
  • He/she keeps comparing me to their ex performance. What should I do? 
  • What should we do if one of us has a different intimacy preference or kink?
  • What are some strategies for rebuilding intimacy after a period of separation or distance?
  • How should we handle differences in libido or energy levels?
  • What are some tips for maintaining a healthy and satisfying intercourse life as we age?
  • Is it normal to keep secrets while dating?
  • Does age gap really matter in relationships and marriage?
  • We’ve been experiencing a decline in our intimate life. He keeps telling me it’s due to a busy work schedule. But I suspect there’s more. What should I do? 
  • We’re considering having a child, and it’s affecting our intercourse life and intimacy. What would you recommend?

Questions about parents in relationships

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • Is the idea of “looking at my partner’s parents to predict how my partner will treat me” logical?
  • How do we balance family expectations with our own relationship goals?
  • What if our parents don’t like each other? How should we handle that?
  • How can we address cultural or religious differences between our families?
  • What are some ways to introduce my partner to my family?
  • How can we set boundaries with our parents to protect our relationship?
  • What should we do if our parents have strong opinions about our relationship?
  • How important is it for our parents to approve of our partner?
  • How can we manage conflicts between my mother and my girlfriend or wife? 
  • How do we deal with family expectations around children we have and when we have them?
  • What should we do if one set of parents is more involved or intrusive than the other?
  • How can we support each other if our parents have negative views about our relationship?
  • What are some ways to involve our parents in our relationship without letting them take over?
  • How can I address financial expectations from our parents regarding our relationship?
  • How do I deal with disagreements between my parents and my partner’s family?

Questions about online dating

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

  • seems perfect but has a habit of sending mixed signals. How do I decide whether to invest further in the relationship?
  • You’re connecting well with someone online, but they’re always busy and seem to only make time for you late at night. Am I overthinking or is it a red flag already? 
  • I’ve been talking with someone online who is very different from my usual type but makes me feel happy and intrigued. How do I evaluate if this person might be a good match despite the differences?
  • Dating apps or social media? 
  • Is it petty to take guys (or girls) from snapchat as unserious (relationship-wise)?
  • We’ve been online dating for a while now but I notice he/she frequently posts about their past relationships on social media. How do I address this with them, and what does it mean for my relationship?
  •  I and my online match plan to meet in person, but they cancel at the last minute for vague reasons. How should I handle this situation and decide if it’s worth pursuing further?

Remember This…

Before attending the seminar, it’s a good idea to have some questions prepared and written down. These should be personal to your own situation. 

Think about areas of your relationship life where you’d like advice from a relationship expert or coach, and write down those questions. If any of your questions happen to align with the suggestions above, that’s a bonus.

You might also come up with new questions during the seminar. Sometimes, the speakers or moderators say things that catch your interest, and you’ll want to learn more. That’s another great way to gather questions.

Good luck!

Questions to ask in a Relationship Seminar

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