150 Questions to Ask an Immigrant 


Communicating with foreigners and immigrants can be interesting. They always have stories to tell, and being around them will certainly heighten your curiosity.

When you meet an immigrant it’s normal to be curious about where they’re coming from, and how they’re finding their stay in your country.

Needless to say, a lot of questions will go through your mind.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll be highlighting questions for immigrants that explore the rich history surrounding their stories.

Whether you’re curious about their traditions or you wish to learn more about them and why they moved out of their country, you’ll find questions that suit your needs.

150 Questions to Ask an Immigrant 

There are countless questions you can ask an immigrant; from questions about their country of origin, reasons for immigrating to your country, and challenges they have faced, to the advice they have for fellow immigrants.

Below are 150 questions to ask an immigrant:

  • What is your country of origin, and what city are you from?
  • What made you leave your country of birth to settle here?
  • How many countries have you lived in, and why did you choose to settle here?
  • What have you noticed that is different from where you are coming from?
  • How old were you when you moved here?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • Are you enjoying your stay here so far?
  • Do you have any regret for leaving where you are coming from?
  • Do you intend to spend a very long time, maybe have your family and retire here?
  • Have you been observing the cultural traditions here, and which do you love?
  • How many languages are spoken in your home country, and which are you fluent in?
  • Have you learned the languages here, and how long did it take to become fluent?
  • What local dishes are prepared in your country of origin and which is your favorite?
  • Do you enjoy the dishes here, and which do you like the most?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • What are the cultural traditions you observe during events like weddings or holidays in your home country?
  • Do you enjoy the weather here, and do you prefer it to where you’re coming from?
  • What is the general notion that’s held about your country that is false?
  • Do you still practice your cultural traditions here, and is there anyone similar to ours here?
  • What are the traditional attires of your home country, and have you found them here?
  • Is religion taken seriously in your country, and which is the most common?
  • How many family members did you leave behind, and whom do you miss the most?
  • What were your parents like, were they very strict?
  • How many friends did you leave behind, and are you still communicating with them?
  • What kind of work did you do back in your country?
  • Are you the first in your family to leave your country?
  • How did you plan your trip? Did you carry everyone around you along, or did you plan with only close family?
  • Is there any special someone you left behind, and are you still in touch with them?
  • How did you feel when leaving, excited or nervous?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • How long did it take before you could finally move, and how did you feel waiting?
  • Did you move to meet any family members?
  • What was the first thought you had on stepping foot into this land?
  • Did you have anyone here to help you find your foot and adapt quickly?
  • Did you find it difficult to adjust to the new environment?
  • What was the biggest challenge you faced when making your plans and how did you overcome it?
  • What challenges have you faced so far since you arrived and how did you manage through them?
  • What resources or tools were particularly helpful in your difficult moment here?
  • Have you at any time cried about any challenge?
  • What was the most trying moment of your life since you came?
  • Has language beena barrier here? If yes, how did you manage the situation?
  • Have you gotten used to the culture here?
  • Did you ever face any form of discrimination when you came here and how did you manage it?
  • Have you faced any form of harassment, and how did you handle it?
  • Did you find it difficult getting employed here, and what challenges did you face?
  • Have you faced any form of discrimination due to color at your workplace?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • Did you find the cost of living here alarming? How did it affect you?
  • Have you made new friends, and was it easy to find one?
  • How did you feel the first few days when you arrived?
  • Have you ever been homesick, and what did you do in those moments?
  • What routine have you started here, is it the same as what you did back home?
  • What was that one thing you wished you had done differently when planning your way here?
  • If you got a good offer to return to your home country, would you take the offer?
  • If you’re allowed to bring one person over, whom are you bringing?
  • Can you share any stories about your family history?
  • Where do your parents come from? And do you speak each of their dialect well?
  • Were your parents born where they’re staying now? If they weren’t, where did they immigrate from?
  • Have your parent shared details with you about why they immigrated? Can you share their immigration story?
  • Where and how did your parents meet?
  • Is the cost of renting an apartment better than where you’re coming from?
  • What’s the average you spend on groceries? Are you okay with it?
  • Are utilities here costlier than where you’re coming from?
  • Are you living in a rented apartment? Will you ever want to buy a house?
  • Do you find commuting here easier?
  • Have you used the health care facility since you came here, and do you think they’re more expensive?
  • Do you enjoy eating at the local eateries?
  • Have you used the gym here? Do you enjoy it?
  • Have you gone round the city since you came here and did you enjoy the sightseeing?
  • Have you traveled to neighboring cities since you came here, and what cities were that?
  • Does your salary match the cost of living here?
  • Can you say you’re living a comfortable life?
  • If you’re given a big opportunity back where you’re coming from, will you return?
  • Have you obtained citizenship?
  • Are you okay with the immigration policy here? What changes do you suggest?
  • Is there any misconception about immigrants you’d like to clear?
  • Do you think this country cares about immigrants? Would you love to share any incident that supports or opposes this question?
  • What roles do you think individuals are not playing to support immigrants in their country?
  • What do you think is the cause of the high rate of immigration?
  • Do people in your country migrate often and what do you think is the reason?
  • What roles is your government playing in limiting the migration rate?
  • Why do you think people are migrating to this place?
  • Do you identify with the immigrant community here?
  • What piece of advice would you give immigrants about leaving their country?
  • What piece of advice would you give immigrants about coming here?
  • What are your dreams for the next 10 years in this country?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • Are the dreams you have now the same as what you had before becoming here?
  • How do you see yourself advancing in your career in this country?
  • Do you have a long-term goal for your stay here?
  • What are your plans concerning community development?
  • What plans do you have concerning your children and family here?
  • What steps are you taking to achieve any of your plans?
  • With what you heard before coming here about the system, do you feel it meets your expectations?
  • Do you think this country is favorable enough for you to settle here?
  • Are you planning for your family to join you soon? How are you planning?
  • Have you set long-term goals for your stay here?
  • How do you plan to contribute to your community here?
  • Have you found any of your people here and are you all relating well?
  • How do you find the neighborhood here?
  • Do you hope to become a citizen here? If not, what’s your reason?
  • Do you intend to start any business here, and what plans are you making toward that?
  • Do you plan to start a family here?
  • Do you think you can marry someone from this country?
  • Have you made plans for your retirement, and do they include here?
  • How do you balance participating in the culture here with preserving yours?
  • What strategies have you applied in overcoming challenges due to social norms?
  • Did you encounter any financial challenges since you came here and how did you manage it?
  • Was there anyone who was particularly helpful during your challenging times?
  • Have you at any time needed the help of the authorities since you came here?
  • Did you come with your children?
  • Do you think it’ll be easier without your children here?
  • How did your children find this place?
  • Can you say your children have adapted to this place?
  • Was it easy getting your children enrolled in school?
  • How are your children finding the educational system here?
  • How’s your neighborhood?
  • Can you say you prefer the neighborhood here or where you’re coming from?
  • Do you relate well with your neighbors?
  • Have you needed any help from your neighbors?
  • How do you work to ensure peace between you and your neighbors?
  • Do you keep any pets?
  • Do you think you have become a full part of this community?
  • Do you think you needed to adjust a lot just to fit in?
  • Have you experienced any form of community support?
  • What particular help did the community here provide?
  • Do you belong to any group here? And how have they been helpful?
  • Do you think the challenges you faced here helped you in any way?
  • What has been your motivation here?
  • Have you experienced any special act of kindness?
  • Have you faced any legal issues since you came here, and how did you resolve them?
  • If you could pursue and realize one major goal, what would it be?
  • Are you making any contribution from here towards your home country, and in what way?
  • Are you furthering your education or do you have plans of furthering them?
  • What experiences have you had that you think are worth sharing?
  • Do you intend to involve yourself in any political programs, and how involved do you want to be?
  • Are you involved in any social program?
  • How do you think cultural barriers can be broken down to help immigrants?
  • What cause do you feel you can advocate for here?

Questions to Ask an Immigrant

  • Are you balancing your work and personal life well?
  • Can you describe your first year in this country?
  • Can you describe your stay here in one word?
  • What plans did you have for your first year here, and were you able to achieve them?
  • What are your likes and dislikes in this place?
  • Are your likes and dislikes the same in your country?
  • What memorable experience have you had here?
  • What particular moment was frustrating for you here?
  • What would you describe as your happiest here?
  • Have you been able to share your culture and traditions with people in your community here?
  • Does the community enjoy the culture you share with them?
  • Is there anything you find strange here?
  • What’s the worst of your stay here?
  • What’s the best of your stay here?
  • What memory and legacy will you want to leave behind if you ever move from here?
  • Do you truly love this country?


Questions to Ask an Immigrant

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