40 Questions to Ask An Animal Communicator


Animal communication can be a fascinating and insightful experience, especially when you’re curious about what your pet is thinking, feeling, or even planning. 

Whether you’re looking for light-hearted conversation or seeking profound understanding, the right questions can open up new dimensions of your relationship with your pet.

For your next dialogue sessions with an animal communicator, I have provided 40 Questions to ask an animal communicator. 

They are questions ranging from the humorous to the deeply reflective and would make it an enlightening and entertaining session with them.

Stick with me till the end of this article because you’ll be well-equipped to explore the full spectrum of your pet’s inner world.

Table of Contents

Some Funny, Sarcastic, and Witty Questions To Ask An Animal Communicator 

  1. Does my cat secretly plot world domination, or is it just my imagination?
  2. What does my dog really think about my singing in the shower?
  3. Does my dog get as excited about our walks as I do?
  4. Is my parrot judging me every time I burn dinner?
  5. Is swimming in circles something that my goldfish gets tired of, or is it just a Zen thing?
  6. Does my cat think I’m just a giant, slightly incompetent cat?
  7. Does my dog ever think, “I could do that,” when watching me try to fetch the remote?
  8. Why does my rabbit insist on chewing through every single charger I own?
  9. Is my horse secretly laughing at me during riding lessons?
  10. Does my pet have a favorite movie, or do they just tolerate my Netflix binges?
  11. If my dog could use social media, what kind of posts would they make? 
  12. Is my pet convinced they are the true head of the household?
  13. Can you ask my dog what they dream about?
  14. What does my parrot really think about my taste in music?
  15. Does my turtle think I’m too slow, or does it appreciate my pace?
  16. If my dog could talk, what would be the first sarcastic comment they’d make?
  17. Does my cat believe I understand their intricate language of meows and purrs?
  18. Is my pet secretly disappointed every time I come home without a treat?
  19. How does my cat feel about the clothes I wear? Do I look faux-paw in fashion?
  20. How does my bird feel about its cage?
  21. My hamster seems to be assuming that I am the one inside the cage, but why?
  22. Is my parrot learning new words so he can roast me when I least expect it?
  23. Does my dog ever wish I would take a hint and stop throwing the ball?
  24. Is my cat secretly writing a memoir about life with a human?
  25. Why does my fish stare at me like I’m the one with two-second memory?
  26. Does my rabbit have a favorite spot in the house, or do they just like keeping me guessing?
  27. Is my pet ever concerned about my late-night snack choices?
  28. What would my cat say if they could critique my cooking?
  29. Does my dog believe they’ve trained me well, or do they still have work to do?
  30. Is my parrot planning a surprise birthday serenade, or just mocking my attempts?
  1. What brings my pet the most joy in their daily life?
  2. Does my dog sense when I’m sad, and how do they feel about it?
  3. What does my cat dream about when they’re curled up in the sun?
  4. Does my pet understand the concept of love, and how do they express it?
  5. What are my pet’s biggest fears or anxieties?
  6. How does my pet feel about the way I have set up their living space?
  7. What would my pet like me to know that they can’t communicate directly?
  8. Does my pet feel like a valued member of the family?
  9. What can I do to make my pet’s life more fulfilling?
  10. If my pet could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?

1. Does my cat secretly plot world domination, or is it just my imagination?

Watching your cat glare at you from the top of the fridge can be a little creepy and help you wonder about a lot of questions.

Ask your communicator if your cat has some grand plan that you are not privy to. They are animal communicators and they should know better. Innit?

2. What does my dog really think about my singing in the shower?

If your dog howls or makes funny sounds while you take a shower, it is possible they have opinions about the way you sing and there is no way you can know if they see you in the negative light or positive light. But you can ask an animal communicator to know their thoughts.

3. Does my dog get as excited about our walks as I do?

You can ask an animal communicator if you notice your dog is always reluctant to go on an evening walk with you.

Your animal communicator will be able to detect if your pet hates you. Is it the environment, or is it the weather affecting her? Is she sad? Is she having mood swings?

4. Is my parrot judging me every time I burn dinner?

Questions to Ask An Animal Communicator

Another hilarious and witty question to ask an animal communicator is “Is my parrot judging me every time I burn dinner?”. This question is apt, especially when you catch your parrot everytime giving you this long and intense stare when you burn dinner.

5. Is swimming in circles something that my goldfish gets tired of, or is it just a Zen thing?

Goldfish love to swim in endless circles. If you are wondering if it is a normal routine for fishes or it is a zen thing, pose the question to an animal communicator. They know better.

6. Does my cat consider me to be merely a big, clumsy cat?

Another funny question you can ask an animal  communicator is: Does my cat consider me to be merely a big, clumsy cat?

Perhaps in one of your funny expeditions with a spider, your cat had witnessed you fumbling in your pursuit of killing a spider and it had given you this disappointing, and rude facial expression… inquire if your cat now thinks he is better than you.

7. Does my dog ever think, “I could do that,” when watching me try to fetch the remote?

Discuss with an animal communicator how your dog looks at you when you try to fetch a remote. Since animals can talk like humans, they communicate via facial expressions and  sounds.

So chances are that they are asking if you need help with anything. If you need to figure out what their expressions mean, then ask an animal communicator.

8. Why does my rabbit insist on chewing through every single charger I own? 

If your rabbit finds your charging cables so irresistible that they can’t help but chew them then you have to ask an animal communicator what is it about them that makes it so worth replacing your phone charger for the third time this month?

9. Is my horse secretly laughing at me during riding lessons?

Get to know what your horse thinks about your riding lessons with this hilarious question; “Is my horse secretly laughing at me during riding lessons?”

You can tell an animal communicator your mind this way; “I can never get rid of the feeling that my horse is giggling to himself whenever I make a mistake during a riding lesson. Does it make jest of me?”

10. Is my pet a movie buff, or do they just put up with my Netflix obsession?

Want to know if your pet enjoys your movie selection or you are just boring it to death? Ask an animal communicator to ask your dog if it actually enjoys these films, or it is  just humoring you.

11. If my dog could use social media, what kind of posts would they make? 

As a creative or imaginative person then it might have crossed your mind, the kind of posts animals would make if they could use social media. Well, ask an animal communicator for their opinions.

But as for me, I imagine my dog’s Instagram would be full of food pics, with captions like ‘Human finally shared the good stuff today!’”

12. Is my pet convinced they are the true head of the household?

The way my cat struts around majestically, one would wonder if they are the owner of the house. Ask your animal  communicator if cats are domineering and actually think they are ones in charge of the premise anytime they walk.

13. Can you ask my dog what they dream about?

Questions to Ask An Animal Communicator

 You can also ask an animal communicator questions about what kind of dream a dog  dreams about.

Do they dream like humans? Does your dog care about you, does your dog dream about me? These are creative and hilarious questions you can ask an animal communicator.

14. What does my parrot really think about my taste in music?

Parrots are typically copycats but how do you know if they are whistling  your music because they actually enjoy your choice of music or they just do that because they are naturally copycats? Well, you can inquire from an animal communicator with the question above.

15. Does my turtle think I’m too slow, or does it appreciate my pace?

If you wish to know about your turtle’s perspective on your pace then ask your animal communicator ‘Does my turtle think I’m too slow, or does it appreciate my pace.’. This question will help understand the mind of your pet.

16. If my dog could talk, what would be the first sarcastic comment they’d make?

If you are as inquisitive as I am, you might want to know what dogs would say if they could talk. The above question is a witty question to as an animal communicator and elicit chuckles from them.

17. Does my cat believe I understand their intricate language of meows and purrs?

Another question you can ask an animal communicator is ‘Does my cat believe I understand their intricate language of meows and purrs? This will let you know what your cat thinks about you.

18. Is my pet secretly disappointed every time I come home without a treat? 

Pets, like humans, are emotional creatures and you really can decipher their expression on your own. Which is why you need to ask how your pet feels like from an animal communicator, anytime you don’t bring a treat home for him.

19. How does my cat feel about the clothes I wear? Do I look faux-paw in fashion?

As a fashion enthusiast, you might also worry about what your pet thinks of your fashion sense. If you need an honest reply, ask an animal communicator to inquire from your cat what they think about your fashion sense.

20. How does my bird feel about its cage

So your bird usually looks surly when it is in the cage? Do you think it is sad being caged and wanting to be free?”

Or could the surly expression be that she is not satisfied with her cage and demands a new pretty one? Well, pose the question to an animal communicator. You would definitely get an answer.

21. My hamster seems to be assuming that I am the one inside the cage, but why?

So  your hamster stares at you sometimes and gives you a look like he’s questioning all of my life choices? Ask your communicator if your hamster thinks he wishes you were the fool in the cage

22. Is my parrot learning new words so he can roast me when I least expect it?

Perhaps you caught your parrot repeating one of your embarrassing phrases, ask if your parrot is learning new words to roast you when you least expect it?

23. Does my dog ever wish I would take a hint and stop throwing the ball?

As a footballer, after your tenth throw, you saw your dog sit down with a look that said, ‘I thought we agreed to quit while we were ahead.’ Ask an animal communicator if your dog ever wishes you would take a hint and stop tossing the ball already?

24. Is my cat secretly writing a memoir about life with a human?

Questions to Ask An Animal Communicator

Another hilarious and interesting question  to ask an animal communicator is “Do you think cats secretly write a memoir about life with a human? Their answers could be an exposition into the world of cats.

25. Why does my fish stare at me like I’m the one with two-second memory?

Fish are assumed to have a short term memory. If you wish to know about the genuineness of this claim, discuss in this witty way with your animal communicator.

“Every time my fish gives me that intense look, I think, ‘Is he trying to remember where he knows me from?” This is a funny way to know the truth.

26. Does my rabbit have a favorite spot in the house, or do they just like keeping me guessing?  

Also you can ask if like humans, rabbits also have a favorite spot in the house they inhabit. This will further help you understand your cat more.

27. Is my pet ever concerned about my late-night snack choices?

You are a graphics designer and the nature of your job lets you stay awake at nights and snacks late, then you catch your dog’s worried expression as you reach for the ice cream at two in the morning; ask your animal communicator what your pet thinks about your late night snacking.

28. What would my cat say if they could critique my cooking?  

What do you think a cat would say if they could critique your thinking? If you want to know the mind of your cat, then ask an animal communicator about it.

29. Does my dog believe they’ve trained me well, or do they still have work to do?

Is there a look you get when you go on errands for your dog? Maybe your dog now thinks he is your owner. Chuckles. Ask an animal communicator the above question to know what your dog thinks about you running errands for him.

30. Is my parrot planning a surprise birthday serenade, or just mocking my attempts?

If you catch your parrot singing some of your songs then “Is my parrot planning a surprise birthday serenade, or just mocking my attempts?” is a perfect question to get a glimpse of your parrot’s mind.

31. What brings my pet the most joy in their daily life?

Often wonder what moment in the day brings your pet the most joy—is it when you come home, or when they get that special treat? Ask an animal communicator today to get an accurate response.

32. Does my dog sense when I’m sad, and how do they feel about it? 

Do you notice that your dog seems to stick closer whenever you are feeling down? Well, ask an animal communicator if your dog senses your sadness, and how does she feel about it?

33. What does my cat dream about when they’re curled up in the sun?

You watch your cat twitch and murmur in her sleep, and you can’t help but wonder what adventures she is dreaming about? You can seek the expertise of an animal communicator to know what your cat dreams about.

34. Does my pet understand the concept of love, and how do they express it?

If you need to know about pets’ concept of love, you can ask this question: “Does my pet understand the concept of love, and how do they express it?” You will get so many insights about pet concepts of love.

35. What are my pet’s biggest fears or anxieties?

“What are my pet’s biggest fears or anxieties?” is another vital question you can ask an animal communicator. This question will let you know more about your pets and teach you how to love them more.

36. How does my pet feel about the way I have set up their living space?

You have just set up what you think is the perfect space for my pet, but you would still  love to know what your pet actually thinks about it? Use the question above to get your desired response.

37. What would my pet like me to know that they can’t communicate directly?

 If you get the feeling your pet is trying to tell you something important, but you just can’t figure out what it is, then implore the help of an animal communicator to help you communicate with your pets better.

38. Does my pet feel like a valued member of the family?

‘Does my pet feel like a valued member of the family?’ is another inclusive question to ask an animal communicator. This will open up more discussion about your pet.

39. What can I do to make my pet’s life more fulfilling?

If you sometimes wonder if your cat is having the best life, you can ask an animal communicator what they think you can do to make life more fulfilling for your pet.

40. If my pet could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?

Lastly, ask this funny yet creative question from an animal communicator to understand more about the animal world. 

Questions to Ask An Animal Communicator

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