50 Questions to Ask a Doula


Selecting the right doula for your childbirth journey is an important decision.

Doulas are used by women all over the world, but in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and some parts of Europe, it is especially common for women to use them.

In many cultures around the world, the role of a doula which centers on offering women emotional, physical support before, during, and after childbirth is becoming more and more acknowledged.

To help guide your selection process, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of questions you can ask a potential doula. 

These questions will give you insight into their experience, philosophy, and the kind of support they can offer. 

Table of Contents

50 Reasonable Questions to Ask a Doula

  1. What inspired you to become a doula?
  2. How long have you been a practicing doula?
  3. How many births have you attended as a doula?
  4. What kind of training and certifications do you have?
  5. Are you certified by any professional organizations?
  6. Do you have experience with the type of birth I’m planning?
  7. Can you provide references from past clients?
  8. What is your philosophy on childbirth?
  9. How do you support a woman in labor?
  10. Do you have experience with unmedicated births?
  11. How do you support women who choose to have an epidural?
  12. Can you assist with home births?
  13. Are you familiar with hospital protocols?
  14. How do you work with medical professionals?
  15. What is your approach to pain management during labor?
  16. How do you support women in dealing with unexpected complications?
  17. Can you help with creating a birth plan?
  18. How do you help couples prepare for birth?
  19. Do you offer postpartum support?
  20. How do you handle emergencies during labor?
  21. What role do you play in the postpartum period?
  22. How do you assist with breastfeeding?
  23. Can you support families with multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)?
  24. How do you manage emotional support during labor?
  25. Are you available for phone or email consultations before labor begins?
  26. Do you offer childbirth education classes?
  27. Can you provide guidance on choosing a birth environment?
  28. What are your fees, and what do they include?
  29. Do you have a backup doula in case you’re unavailable?
  30. How do you handle multiple clients with similar due dates?
  31. How often will we meet before the birth?
  32. How do you support partners during labor?
  33. What tools or techniques do you use during labor (e.g., massage, breathing exercises)?
  34. How do you assist with pain relief naturally?
  35. Are you experienced with VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)?
  36. Do you offer support for high-risk pregnancies?
  37. How do you help women who experience anxiety about childbirth?
  38. Can you assist with births involving surrogacy or adoption?
  39. How do you handle situations where medical interventions become necessary?
  40. What is your approach to inductions?
  41. Do you offer virtual doula services?
  42. How do you support women with postpartum depression or anxiety?
  43. Can you recommend other professionals if needed (e.g., lactation consultants)?
  44. What is your availability around my due date?
  45. How do you communicate with clients during labor?
  46. Do you provide constant assistance or do you take pauses during labor?
  47. What happens if my labor is longer than expected?
  48. How do you support clients if a C-section becomes necessary?
  49. What are your thoughts on birth photography or videography?
  50. How do you ensure your clients feel empowered and informed?

1. What inspired you to become a doula?

When interviewing potential doulas, you can ask questions like; ‘What inspired you to become a doula?’ This particular question will bring about some appropriate expositions you need to know about their profession and help you in selecting the one who is indeed passionate with the profession.

2. How long have you been a practicing doula?

Questions to Ask a Doula

Understanding how long a doula has been practicing can provide peace of mind, knowing they’ve encountered and managed a variety of birth situations.

3. How many births have you attended as a doula?

Questions like this help you discover their experience and capabilities. Furthermore, the answers you should be looking forward to should be within the range of at least 50 and then more successful births in their journey as a Doula.

4. What kind of training and certifications do you have?

Another vital question you need to pose to a doula before employing her is ‘What kind of training and certifications do you have?’

This question will only bring the best Doulas to you, and by the best, I mean a doula that is  certified by a recognized organization, well-trained and knowledgeable.

5. Are you certified by any professional organizations?

To further determine the level of professionalism, ask them if they are certified by any recognizable professional organization. 

Mostly , you can prioritize finding a doula certified by DONA International, as it will reflect in  her commitment to professionalism and excellence in care.

6. Do you have experience with the type of birth I’m planning?

Choosing a doula requires you to make an inquiry concerning  the kind of birth they are experienced in,and further finding the ones that align with your birth plan.

To get an experienced doula in such a specialization, ‘Do you have experience with the type of birth I’m planning?’ is an important question to ask. This question will help you streamline your results.

7. Can you provide references from past clients?

Convincingly, hearing glowing testimonials from past clients can encourage you to further choose a particular doula for yourself.

‘Can you provide references from past clients?’ is another important question to ask a Doula because this question will give you an opportunity to look thoroughly into their portfolio.

8. What is your philosophy on childbirth?

Asking about the philosophy of a Doula’s  childbirth is pertinent. Choosing a Doula, requires you to choose one whose philosophy of childbirth is as natural, and at the same time an empowering experience.

Most importantly, choose a doula that resonates with your views and you only can get such answers if you ask the right question, like the one given to you above.

9. How do you support a woman in labor?

One witty way to inquire about a Doula’s technique and knowing if they align with your preferences is using this creative question to detect their professionalism. It is a great way to know if they are the best pick for you, without sounding rude.

A quick tip of selecting the best Doula is you looking out for the one who describes their hands-on approach and imploring techniques like massage and breathing exercises to support during labor.

10. Do you have experience with unmedicated births?

If a Doula is being recommended to you  and you wish to know about their previous works, there are creative questions to ask that will propel the appropriate answers for you.

‘Do you have experience with unmedicated births?’ is a creative question that will give you expositions about their past work experience. 

If they give you answers like they have extensive experience with unmedicated births, then you know they are professional even at risky births.

11. How do you support women who choose to have an epidural?

Questions to Ask a Doula

Sometimes it might be quite tasking and difficult to select a doula. Difficulties might arise in terms of the right medical focused questions to ask. Above question is an intelligent question to inquire about their expertise in specific childbirth styles.

12. Can you assist with home births?  

It is quite easy if you know what you want and what you are looking for in a Doula. If your preference is home birth, go ahead to ask them if they specialize with home births.

This will enable you to know if you have found the man for the job or you still need to keep your searches on.

13. Are you familiar with hospital protocols?

Don’t get stuck or confused about the next important question to ask a Doula. ‘Are you familiar with hospital protocols?’ is a vital question to ask a Doula before appointing them as yours.

A Doula’s familiarity with hospital protocols will give you the confidence that you are in safe hands because it will reflect in their professionalism.

14. How do you work with medical professionals?

It is also paramount to know a Doula’s work technique and most importantly if they have a great teamwork ability and are teachable.

If you want to get the right answer, “How do you work with medical professionals?” Is a smart question to ask that will communicate to you the kind of Doula you want to employ.

15.What  is your approach to pain management during labor?

Taking a professional glance into a Doula’s expertise is as important as making the decision that they are the best picks.

Questions like “What  is your approach to pain management during labor?” will open you to a discovery about their approaches.

It’s not over even after the question has been asked. You need to look out for direct answers.

If their answers are centered around this technique instance I gave then you are safe to select them as your Doula.

16. How do you support women in dealing with unexpected complications?

Regardless of what your Doula might have crafted in her portfolio, it is not convincing enough as you still need more expeditions about their professionalism.

Selecting a Doula requires putting the delicacy and risk involved in the profession into a line of questions.

Ask your Doula questions that will evaluate their level of successful risks taken before hiring them. “How do you support women in dealing with unexpected complications?” will open you to know about their level of expertise and experience in handling unexpected complications.

The good side of this is you will get to know if they can handle complicated births, also you would be rest assured and calm knowing fully from their answers you have selected the right one.

17. Can you help with creating a birth plan?

“Can you help with creating a birth plan?” is another creative question to ask a Doula. If a Doula knows and guides you through creating a comprehensive birth plan, it will  help you feel prepared and empowered for the big day.

18. How do you help couples prepare for birth?

Asking your Doula how they help couples prepare for birth is a personality and emotional check question.

Good Doulas should be able to offer invaluable support to your partner, showing him how to assist and comfort you during labor. That’s what you should be looking out for in a Doula.

19. Do you offer postpartum support?  

Again, ‘Do you offer postpartum support’ is a good question to determine the kind of services your Doula offers. 

Selecting a Doula who will give you unwavering support in the weeks following birth will make transition into motherhood smoother and less overwhelming.

20. How do you handle emergencies during labor? 

It’s important to know their level of ability to soak in tension during emergencies because emotional intelligence is as important as their level of professionalism.

Want to know about their problem-solving skills and the level they can work under pressure? Then the above question is a witty way to get your answers on their level of composure.

21. What role do you play in the postpartum period?

When looking out for a doula, you need one whose continued support in postpartum will not waver, especially in the early days of adjusting to life with a newborn.

If you want to know if your Doula falls in this category, then ask them what role they play in the postpartum period.

22. How do you assist with breastfeeding?

 A doula’s help with breastfeeding is invaluable and goes a long way for a newly born mother, especially in those first few days when the mother is struggling to get the hang of it. 

To get a supportive doula,ask how they intend to assist you with breastfeeding. Their response will let you know if they are the best one for the job.

23. Can you support families with multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)?

For some mothers-to-be, finding a doula experienced with multiples is one of the criteria they look out for in a Doula. 

knowing such a Doula can handle the complexities of their situation will give them peace of mind. However , they can only know by asking the right question like the sampled question above. 

24. How do you manage emotional support during labor?  

Your Doula’s calm demeanor is very important when selecting a Doula. A doula’s calming presence and emotional support help women in labor stay focused and positive throughout labor.

To know about your Doula’s emotional intelligence and their level of emotional support, ‘How do you manage emotional support during labor? Is a crafty question that will shed light on such aspects.

25. Are you available for phone or email consultations before labor begins? 

Understanding the means of communication of your doula when a crisis arises is pertinent.

You need clarification on how you can reach out to your doula with any concerns before labor and you can only know by asking the question above. This will give you an overview on how best to communicate with them.

26. Do you offer childbirth education classes?

Some doulas provide or recommend childbirth education classes that can prepare you for the labor process and what to expect.

Ask a doula before hiring them if they offer childbirth education classes as it is an important aspect of the selection process of a Doula.

It is important because having a doula who offers childbirth education classes will equip you with the basic knowledge you need to have about childbirth.

27. Can you provide guidance on choosing a birth environment?

Whether you’re considering a hospital, birth center, or home birth, a doula can offer insights and advice to help you choose the best environment for your needs.

Ask your doula if they provide guidance on choosing a birth environment as it will enlighten you about the best birth environment to choose.

28. What are your charges and what is included in them?  

Having a clear breakdown of your doula’s fees will help you budget appropriately and avoid any last-minute surprises.

Most people feel shy to ask about how much they want to charge but I say better be shy than be embarrassed. 

29. Do you have a backup doula in case you’re unavailable?

It’s crucial to know if there’s a plan in place should your doula be unable to attend your birth, ensuring you’re not left without support.

The above question will help you select the right doula and by the right doula, I mean the ones who always have a  backup plan  available in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

30. How do you handle multiple clients with similar due dates?

Time management is an important aspect to look out for when hiring a doula. If you want to know if a Doula has a solid plan in place for managing clients with close due dates, then the above question will make every exposition available for you in that line of discovery.

31. How often will we meet before the birth? 

Understanding your doula’s schedules will bring clarity on your own part. Before choosing a Doula, ask questions about your schedule and appointments with her. This will give you a planned system and organized way of operating with her.

32. How do you support partners during labor?

Knowing the level of support a doula will extend to not just only you but your partner is important. You need a doula who offers your partner the confidence to be an active participant in the birth.

You can get such a Doula when you ask the question above because through their answers,you will get the right one for you.

33. What tools or techniques do you use during labor (e.g., massage, breathing exercises)? 

A crafty way to inquire about the technique of your doula is asking them the above question. Consider the one who is particularly interested in the use of massage and breathing exercises to help manage labor pains.

34. How do you assist with pain relief naturally?

Getting abreast information of your doula’s knowledge of natural pain relief techniques is also important. You should look out for answers like hydrotherapy and acupressure as their technique, as these are the best and natural ways to relieve pains.

35. Are you experienced with VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)? 

Questions to Ask a Doula

Choosing a doula experienced in VBACs was important to me because you need someone familiar with the unique challenges and risks and you can only get to know the best man for the job by asking the right question like the sample question above.

36. Do you offer support for high-risk pregnancies?

Choosing the right Doulas is as important as knowing the ones experienced in offering maximum support during high-risk pregnancies.

To know the right one that offers support for high-risk pregnancies, ask them the above witty yet expository question. This question will guide you during your selection process and help you get the best doula for your childbirth.

37. How do you help women who experience anxiety about childbirth?

Don’t feel reluctant to ask many questions. Some pregnant women feel anxious about childbirth but can overcome anxiety if they have a doula who offers motivational support to ease their worries.

You need a doula whose techniques for managing anxiety centers on guided meditation and visualization, and the above question will guide you in the right path of landing one.

38. Can you assist with births involving surrogacy or adoption?

Some doula’s beliefs don’t correlate with surrogacy or adoption so the above question is an eye-opening question into a doula’s belief while guiding you further into choosing the one that suits your preferences.

39. How do you handle situations where medical interventions become necessary?

Getting a doula who provides balanced support, information and medical interventions when necessary is paramount.

You can only get to know amongst the arrays of recommendations if you ask the right questions. ‘How do you handle situations where medical interventions become necessary?’ is a great selection to guide you in making the best choice.

40. What is your approach to inductions?

Ask questions like what is your approach to inductions. Discussing your  doula’s approach to inductions will help you feel more prepared for the possibility of their intervention.

41. Do you offer virtual doula services? 

Also ask if a Doula offers virtual services. Don’t just assume that because the world  is evolving your doula should adopt digital means. Some Doula are traditionalist in their belief and you can only know if you are employing a modern doula by asking the question above. 

42. How do you support women with postpartum depression or anxiety? 

Discuss your doula’s awareness of postpartum mental health issues as this will provide you with the reassurance that you  wouldn’t be alone even if you  struggle after birth.

43. Can you recommend other professionals if needed (e.g., lactation consultants)?

An intelligent way to know if the doula you want to employ belongs to an active community in her field is asking the question; ‘ Can you recommend other professionals if needed (e.g., lactation consultants)?’

If she is able to give various recommendations for a lactation consultant and a pediatrician where exactly needed then she doesn’t only belong to a community, she is also an active member. Voila! You are good to go”

44. What is your availability around my due date?

Another vital question to ask is your doula’s availability around your due date. Clarifying your doula’s availability around your due date will help you feel secure that she would be there when you need her the most.

45. How do you communicate with clients during labor?

Understanding your doula’s mode of communication during labor is crucial. Knowing your doula would be just a text away during early labor can make you feel more connected and reassured.

46. Do you provide constant assistance or do you take pauses during labor?

‘Do you provide constant assistance or do you take pauses during labor?’ is another question that will help you determine what kind of doula and the assistance they offer. The best pick for you are the ones who will offer continuous support even after labor.

47. What happens if my labor is longer than expected?

It is also pertinent to know your Doula’s expertise around delayed labor and the level of her patience during delayed labor. If your doula says she is prepared to stay with you no matter how long the labor took then she is a good pick for you.

48. How do you support clients if a C-section becomes necessary? 

Discuss with a doula about the role they would play in the event of a C-section to determine if they are supportive ones or not. How do you support clients if a C-section becomes necessary? Is a good question to make the best pick.

49. What are your thoughts on birth photography or videography? 

Questions to Ask a Doula

Get to know a doula’s  attitude toward birth photography and videography. A positive attitude will allow you to capture beautiful moments without disrupting the birth process and I bet that is every fantasy of a mother.

50. How do you ensure your clients feel empowered and informed?  

‘How do you ensure your clients feel empowered and informed?’ is a great question to know about a doula’s dedication to keeping  their clients informed and empowered throughout the process.

If you want to feel confident during birth, you should ask this question during your selection process of a Douka as this will guide you in getting the best one.

End Note

Choosing a doula is a deeply personal decision that can have a significant impact on your birth experience.

Asking these 50 questions will help you gain valuable insight into a doula’s philosophy, experience, and approach, helping you find the best match for your needs. 

Whether you’re planning a natural home birth, a hospital birth, or something in between, the right doula can provide the support and reassurance you need to feel empowered and confident throughout your childbirth journey. 

Remember, the key is to find a doula whose values and methods resonate with you, and who makes you feel comfortable, supported, and informed every step of the way.

Questions to Ask a Doula

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