100 Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding


So your wedding is at hand, and you’re working tirelessly to ensure things go smoothly. Of course, it’s your big day, the day you celebrate love with your loved ones, so things need to be in order, including the bartending service.

Unfortunately, you’re at a crossroads in choosing the best one for you. Choosing the best bartender for your wedding can be quite difficult, especially if it’s your first time needing their service.

But, you don’t have to worry. Fortunately, this article will take care of your worry, as I’ll be discussing 100 questions to ask a bartender for your wedding.

These questions will help you make an informed decision concerning the drinks you’ll serve your guests and the kind of service you’ll be getting.

Table of Contents

100 Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding 

Below are 100 questions to ask a bartender for your wedding:

Will you be available on our scheduled date? 

The first thing you should find out from the bartender is if they’ll be available on your scheduled date or if they already have other engagements for that day.

Will you be available until the end of the reception?

You should also know if they’ll be available until the end of the reception. You should be able to give them a time frame.

Can you show me your liquor license?

Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

Some states require a liquor license before a bartender operates. So, you should ask this question, especially if that area requires a license. 

Do you have any certificates?

Another question you should ask is if they have any certificates. There are many certificates bartenders can obtain after undergoing a bartending course.

While it’s not compulsory, you can ask them this question if you want one with a certificate.

Do you provide all your equipment?

Some bartenders have all the necessary equipment, while some will need to rent or use  from the client. So, you shouldn’t fail to ask them this question. 

How much space will you need to set up all the necessary things?

Don’t fail to ask them how much space they’ll need for their things, so you can take note of that during the entire setup.

How long will you need to set up?

Also, ask them how long they’ll need to set up, so that you can agree on the time they arrive.

How do you plan for weather disruption?

You should ask this question if you’ll be having an outdoor celebration. A good bartender should have a plan for disruptive weather.

What’s your cancellation and refund policy?

Another important question you should ask is about their cancellation and refund policy. You need to be aware of their guidelines in case a situation like that arises.

How many minutes of break will you need, and how do you arrange for your absence?

Bartenders will need to take breaks if they’ll be serving for a long time. No one person can comfortably mix, prepare, and serve drinks to a large number of people for a long time. So, you should know how they arrange for breaks to avoid disruption of service.

How early will you arrive at the venue?

You should know how early they should get to the venue.

Will you be helping with the toast?

Find out if they’ll be handling the champagne toast or you’ll need to make provision for that.

How many events do you take a day, and will you be handling any other on my day?

You should find out if they’ll be handling other events on your day. You wouldn’t want someone who’ll be hurrying from one event to another, so ensure you talk about all of these.

How do you charge, per drink?

A very important discussion is their charging policy. Do they charge a flat rate, or do they charge per drink or service?

How much do I need to deposit?

After you find out about their price, ask how much you need to deposit to book their service for your day.

Do you handle weddings outside your service area?

If your wedding is going to be out of town, this is an important question to ask them.

What are the conditions for covering weddings outside your area?

Ask them about their conditions for serving outside their area to know if you can meet them.

What is the pricing like for weddings outside your service area?

Find out how much it’ll cost to cover your wedding when it’s outside their area. In situations like this, travel expenses are usually added. So, make sure you find out about their charges to know if you’re okay with it.

How do you provide invoices, do you itemize them?

You should be aware of how they provide their invoice for transparency.

Do you offer any discount?

You definitely would want to seize any discount offer. So, make sure you ask them if they have any discount offers.

Does rescheduling affect price and in what way?

Don’t forget to ask if rescheduling affects the price. Unforeseen circumstances can occur that can make you reschedule, so you should take care of these things beforehand.

Are there any other fees we have not covered?

Make sure you ask them if there are hidden fees you have not discussed.

Can you work with a budget?

You should ask them if they can work with the budget you’ll provide. You want to know if they can give you something good within your budget.

Do your charges take care of extra bar staff?

Also, find out if their charges take care of any extra staff they’d be needing to handle your guests.

What’s your payment plan?

You should know what their payment plan is like. If deposit is allowed and how much deposit needs to be made, including when final payment needs to be made.

Are there additional charges for customized cocktails?

Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

If you’ll need custom cocktails, ask them what extra charges you’ll be incurring.

How do you take care of damages or loss?

Damages and losses can happen at any time, so how do they plan for them? Find out from them.

What’s your usual outfit like and how will you dress on my day?

Ask them what their dress code is and how they’ll dress for your big day.

Will you need to rent anything?

Find out from them if they’ll need to rent any equipment.

How do you take care of leftovers?

Leftover drinks are not an uncommon thing. So, don’t fail to ask them how they take care of such things. Remember it’s your money, so you should know how they’ll handle it, so you don’t be at a loss.

Can you provide ice?

You should know if they can provide ice or if you’ll need to take care of that yourself.

Can we get our alcohol?

You can also ask them if you can get your alcohol, so that everything will be factored in when everyone makes preparations.

How long have you been in the bartending business?

Also, don’t fail to ask them how long they have been in the business of bartending. This question will help you judge if they’re the best person for you.

How long have you served at weddings?

Bartending for a long time doesn’t automatically translate into being a pro at serving at weddings. So, ask them if they have any experience serving at weddings.

How many weddings have you served since this year?

You might want to know how many weddings they have served recently to be sure they’re still familiar with wedding settings.

What’s your experience like working at weddings?

Ask them to share their experience serving at weddings.

Can we taste your cocktail first before the day?

A very important question is if they offer cocktail tastings before D-Day. It’ll be good if you have a taste of what they’ll be serving you and your guests.

Have you served at this place before?

A bartender who has served at the venue you’ll be using will be a plus on your side, as they’ll be familiar with the policies there.

Will you be needing guests’ IDs?

You should find out if they’ll be needing guests to provide their ID before serving them alcohol, so you can inform your guests beforehand.

Can you show us reviews and references from previous clients?

Reviews and references from past clients can influence your choice of bartender.

How many staff will be working with you?

Don’t forget to find out the number of staff they’ll be needing.

Will you be comfortable with more than one vendor?

Find out if they’ll be comfortable serving alongside other vendors. It’s an important question if you’ll be having large guests.

How do you handle drunk guests?

Find out how they take care of drunk guests. It’s a very important question.

What makes you unique?

Ask them what makes them different from other bartenders, and why you should work with them.

Can you tell us your bartending style?

Every bartender should have their style, that’s what makes them unique. So, ensure you ask them about this too.

What’s your provision for those who don’t want alcohol?

Not everyone takes alcohol, so they should be able to make provisions for nonalcoholic drinkers.

What’s your variety like?

How many varieties can they provide? Don’t forget to ask them about this.

Do you think your variety can handle a good percentage of the guests request?

Will the varieties they’re providing accommodate all the guests? Find out from them.

What drink do you enjoy making?

Ask them about the drink they enjoy making. They should be able to bring you into their passion.

Can we work through a menu together?

Your bartender should be able to help you plan a suitable menu for your guests.

Can you provide flair for bartending?

Flair bartending is one of the ways to entertain guests by performing tricks when serving them. So, ask them if they’ll be performing such tricks.

What’s the cost of overtime?

Overtime is very likely to occur, and most times people forget to cover that, only to deal with it later. So, don’t forget to ask them for charges of overtime. 

Does your price cover setup and breakdown services?

Also, find out if their charges cover setup and breakdown services.

Is there a tipping policy?

Knowing about their tipping policy is very important to avoid any form of misbehavior on that day.

Can you handle a large number of guests well?

Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

You should know if they can handle a large number of guests very well.

How do you handle emergencies?

Emergencies can occur at any time, and it’ll be bad if there’s no plan to handle such. Ensure, you find out how they handle such cases.

What do you enjoy most about bartending?

Ask them what they enjoy most about their job to learn more about them and if they’ll be suitable for what you want.

How do you follow up with the latest drinks in vogue?

A good bartender should keep up with the latest drink trends. So, don’t fail to ask them this question.

How do you handle a very busy and wild situation?

A good bartender should be able to handle heated situations. So, find out how they plan to keep things in check.

How do you take care of wine and cocktail pairing?

Wine and cocktail pairing is one of the things a good bartender should know. So, don’t fail to ask them about this.

What do you understand by responsible serving?

Learn from them what they know about responsible serving.

How do you take care of last-minute requests from guests?

Another very important question is how they intend to attend to last-minute requests from guests. Make sure you hear from them how they plan to take care of such requests.

Can you personalize your service to suit our theme?

Find out if they can provide a service that suits your wedding theme. This will add color to the celebration.

Can you set up your bar to suit our decor?

If they can set up their bar to suit your wedding color and decor, it’ll make things more interesting and colorful.

How do you take care of people with allergies?

You should find out if they have plans to handle people with allergies. They should be able to cater to the common allergies.

Do you reserve a special cocktail for the couple?

A special cocktail for the couple is enticing.

Are you willing to work late into the night?

Let them know if you’ll be doing a late-night party, and if they can work late.

Can you handle multiple bars for a large venue?

If you won’t be hiring more than one vendor for your large guests, you can ask them if they can set up multiple bars to handle that.

What are some wedding cocktails that you are very good at preparing?

You should find out the number of wedding cocktails they’re very good at preparing.

How extensive is your wedding wine menu?

You should find out how many varieties of wine they can provide.

How familiar are you with seasonal drinks?

A good bartender should know what drinks are good with the season.

Can you handle a large quantity of cocktails for a large number of people?

Serving a large number of people is not always easy. Find out if they can provide enough cocktails for them.

Do you have a provision for requests outside the menu?

After preparing a menu, it’s very possible to get requests outside the menu. So, you should ask a bartender if they make reservations for such requests.

Can you provide a rare drink for our day?

Find out if they can give you a rare drink to spice up the day.

Can you provide hot beverages?

Will they serve hot beverages like tea or coffee? You must have this discussion when talking with a bartender.

How unique are your garnishings?

Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

How creative are they when making their presentation.

Can you handle both indoor and outdoor operations?

If you’ll be having an indoor and outdoor reception, don’t forget to ask the bartender if they can handle both.

Do you bring your glassware?

Find out if they’ll bring their glassware or you’ll need to make provisions for that.

Can you serve at venues with restrictions?

What about if your venue has certain restrictions? Don’t fail to discuss these restrictions with a bartender.

How do you handle waste during and after the wedding?

Find out how they take care of waste  during and after the celebration. You wouldn’t want a messy reception.

How do you cooperate with food vendors for a smooth experience?

A bartender should be able to work well with the food vendor to make sure things go smoothly.

Do you handle your storage and refrigeration?

Don’t forget to find out how they intend to store their drinks and keep them cold.

Can you attend to guests quickly?

Can they quickly serve guests to keep things moving seamlessly?

How would you describe your services at weddings?

Can they say their service at weddings is top-notch? Clients’ reviews shouldn’t say otherwise

What happens when you run out of a type of drink?

Do they have plans for when they run out of drinks?

How do you make sure your setup and service are in line with venue policies?

They must keep their service and setup in line with the venue policies. So, find out how they intend to do that.

How do you ensure cleanliness throughout your service?

What about keeping the whole place neat and tidy while serving? Don’t forget to ask them how they intend to ensure cleanliness.

How do you relate with guests?

Relating with the guests is another important part of bartending. Find out how they do so.

How will you handle curious guests?

You certainly must have those inquisitive guests who want to find out about one thing or the other; from the ingredients, and how they’re too good at mixing, to several other questions that are most times unnecessary.

Find out how they intend to handle such people.

Have you faced any challenges with difficult guests, and how did you handle them?

How have they handled difficult guests in the past? This is an important question you shouldn’t fail to ask them.

How do you make sure the bar remains lively?

Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

A good bartender should know how to keep things interesting at the bar. Find out their plans for that.

How do you manage long queues?

If you’re going to have large people attending, this question should make it to the list of questions to ask a bartender.

Do you have plans for non-English speaking guests?

If you’ll be having non-English speaking guests in attendance, don’t forget to ask the bartender if they have ways to handle them.

Do you provide table services?

Find out if they do everything at the bar or if they offer table services for guests who don’t want to visit the bar.

Do you have plans for equipment failure?

Ask them if they make provisions for equipment failure. No one can tell when this failure can happen, so it’s good there’s a backup in place.

How do you handle complaints from guests?

There will surely be that one guest to make some complaints. So, find out how they take care of such things.

How organized is your service?

Find out how organized they are, especially with large guests.

Can you keep track of payments with very large guests?

This is a very important question to ask. In the end, you wouldn’t want to find out that there were losses.

How long will it take to clear your bar after the celebration?

You should also find out how long it’ll take for them to clean up after the reception.

Do you take care of the recycling of plastics and bottles?

Recycling of plastics and bottles is very important. Make sure to find out if they take responsibility for that.


Questions to Ask a Bartender for a Wedding

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