15 Other Ways to Say “Trick or Treat”


The Halloween season is just around the corner,  and you’re probably getting all set with your costumes and your tricks for the season.

It’s also that season when you go from door to door screaming “Trick or treat” to get some treat for the day.

While this phrase has become the usual for the season, how about you spice it up this time around?

First “Trick or treat” is the common phrase children say while moving from house to house to ask for candies. It means there would be some trick, that is a harmless prank if they don’t get sweets.

It’s a fun tradition during Halloween that even many households await the children on that day.

But, this Halloween season, we’re giving you some interesting phrases you can say instead of “Trick or treat.” These expressions are all for fun and don’t pose any potential threat.

Keep reading to discover 15 alternatives to this phrase.

15 Other Ways to Say “Trick or Treat”

There are countless different ways to say “Trick or treat.” The goal is to ask for some candies while playfully threatening them with some consequences if they don’t give you what you want.

Some examples include “Merry Halloween, do you want some tricks or am I getting some sweets?” “Sweet or I’ll tweet that there’s no treat,” and “Get me the delicious or face the malicious.”

Here are 15 other ways to say “Trick or treat.”

  1. Merry Halloween, Do you want some tricks or am I getting some sweets?
  2. Ghostly greetings if we don’t get any treats
  3. Knock, knock, the witch demands some candies
  4. Share or face the fear
  5. I want some magic or it’s going to be tragic
  6. Sweet or I’ll tweet that there’s no treat
  7. Fright or delight? There’s no light for some flight
  8. Happy spooky Halloween or happy candy Halloween?
  9. Are you calling in sick? I know that is some trick
  10. Don’t want any prank? Then give me some candy
  11. Are you charming me with some candies or should I charm you with some chaos?
  12. Best witches this Halloween if you don’t fulfill my wishes
  13. Get me some marshmallows or face the gallows
  14. Get me the delicious or face the malicious
  15. Delicious transaction or capricious direction?

Merry Halloween, Do You Want Some Tricks or Am I Getting Some Sweets?

One of the ways to say “Trick or treat” for the Halloween season is with this expression, “Merry Halloween, do you want some tricks or am I getting some sweets?”

This is a hilarious statement that first greets them with the traditional “Merry Halloween” before making your demand.

It’s just like “trick or treat,” threatening them with a trick if they don’t give you some sweets.

Also, asking them to choose between getting a trick or providing some sweets makes it more hilarious than threatening.

Here are some other ways to use this statement:

  • Merry Halloween, Do you want some tricks or am I getting some sweets? Just so you know, sweets are the better option
  • Merry Halloween, Do you want some tricks or am I getting some sweets? I’d choose sweets if I were you

Ghostly Greetings if We Don’t Get Any Treats

Ghostly greetings if we don’t get any treats” is another interesting way to say “Trick or treat.”

This one is direct, letting them know that they’ll be getting some ghostly greetings if they don’t offer some treats.

Moreover, with the spooky nature of Halloween, this expression is very suitable and makes it more humorous than demanding.

Here are other ways to use the expression:

  • Ghostly greetings if we don’t get any treats. I’m sure you hear the ghosts outside
  • Ghostly greetings if we don’t get any treats. I wouldn’t want some ghosts to greet me if I were you

Knock, Knock, the Witch Demands Some Candies

Another way to say “Trick and treat” is “Knock, knock, the witch demands some candies.” 

This is another direct request to make at someone’s door. It’ll work well if you’re dressed like a witch, then when you say the witch demands some candies, they should find it hilarious.

Here are some examples:

  • Knock, knock, the witch demands some candies or she lights her candles
  • Knock, knock, the witch demands some candies. Hurry or face her troubles

Share or Face the Fear

Share or Face the Fear” is another good alternative for “trick or treat.”

It’s a lighthearted way to demand that they share what they have with you.

Also, it promises an imminent danger if they don’t share. Opting for this phrase, skips the traditional demands of sweets or candies, giving your target the option of sharing what they have.

So, if they have some balloons or any other thing, they could share. 

Here are some examples:

  • Share or face the fear. Be careful, you might not like the scare 
  • Share or face the fear. Remember, it’s more fun to share

I Want Some Magic or It’s Going to Be Tragic

Another way to say “Trick or treat” is “I want some magic or it’s going to be tragic.” 

This is another threatening request to make to someone. It lets them know that something terrible will happen if they don’t give you what you want.

Also, besides threatening, this phrase can come out harsh and rude, so you should be mindful of whom you use it with.

Notwithstanding, the rhyme can make it more lighthearted and fun, especially when used with people you’re acquainted with.

Moreover, demanding some magic and not the usual sweets adds to the playfulness.

Here are some examples:

  • I want some magic or it’s going to be tragic. Please, just choose magic
  • I want some magic or it’s going to be tragic. And you might not be able to handle tragic

Sweet or I’ll Tweet That There’s no Treat

Other Ways to Say Trick or Treat

Sweet or I’ll tweet that there’s no treat” is another interesting alternative for “Trick or treat.”

This one is another rhyme your friend will find hilarious. Moreover, threatening with some tweets makes it more challenging that they might choose to give you no sweets and watch you tweet.

It’s just a funny way to engage with your friends during the Halloween season. 

Also, it bears no real threat of danger, and can also work on anyone’s door. Just be prepared to hear something like, “Oh you’re welcome to tweet.”

Here are some other ways to use this phrase:

  • Sweet or I’ll tweet that there’s no treat. Just joking! I just need some sweets
  • Sweet or I’ll tweet that there’s no treat. I’m ready for some sweets, but remember Twitter is no fun place to get some attention 

Fright or Delight? There’s no Light for Some Flights

Another good alternative to “Trick or treat” is “Fright or Delight? There’s no light for some flights.” 

This one is another interesting rhyme that adds some fun to the whole thing. First, it offers them the option of facing some fright or providing some delight.

Then, it warns them that there’s no light for some flights, prompting them to choose delight.

Also, it bears the theme of the Halloween season, reminding them that it’s all dark.

Here are some examples:

  • Fright or Delight? There’s no light for some flights, so choose your option carefully
  • Fright or Delight? There’s no light for some flights, just thought I should remind you

Happy Spooky Halloween or Happy Candy Halloween?

Other Ways to Say Trick or Treat

Happy spooky Halloween or happy candy Halloween?” is a simple way to greet people during the Halloween season.

This statement is suitable to replace “Trick or treat.” While it sounds like a greeting, it indirectly makes your demand.

Also, just like “Trick or treat,” it gives them the option of giving you some candies or getting a spooky Halloween.

Moreover, promising them a “spooky Halloween” only gives them an idea of what’s going to happen. Besides, “Spooky” is already a Halloween theme, so this expression sounds more fun than threatening.

Here are some examples:

  • Happy spooky Halloween or happy candy Halloween? Just bring some candy and avoid spooky
  • Happy spooky Halloween or happy candy Halloween? I’m sure you prefer the candy theme

Are You Calling in Sick? I Know That Is Some Trick 

Are you calling in sick? I know that is some trick” is another way to say “Trick or treat.”

The one doesn’t follow the traditional Halloween style of making some demands. However, it’s a playful way to tell them that you’re aware of their trick.

It’ll work for someone who refuses to show up when you knock at their door. So, you can just scream this statement before moving to the next door.

Moreover, the rhymes make it more interesting.

Here are some examples:

  • Are you calling in sick? I know that is some trick. So, you better get me some treats
  • Are you calling in sick? I know that is some trick, and I won’t fall for that

Don’t Want Any Pranks? Then Give Me Some Candy 

Other Ways to Say Trick or Treat

Don’t want any pranks? Then give me some candy” is another good replacement for “Trick or treat.”

This statement works like the usual “Trick or treat,” letting them know that if they don’t want to be pranked they should give you some candy.

Also, it is a demanding statement that’ll come off rude, so not everyone will appreciate it.

Works best with people you’re familiar with.

Here are some examples:

  • Don’t want any pranks? Then give me some candy, or we’ll haunt your doorstep
  • Don’t want any pranks? Then give me some candy, or get ready for some spooky pranks 

Are You Charming Me with Some Candies or Should I Charm You with Some Chaos?

Are you charming me with some candies or should I charm you with some chaos?” is another interesting alternative for “Treat or trick” during Halloween.

This one is another funny way to promise some troubles if they don’t give you what you want.

Moreover, threatening to charm them with some chaos if they don’t charm you with some candies sounds more hilarious than dangerous. It gives off the air of just being playful.

Here are some examples:

  • Are you charming me with some candies or should I charm you with some chaos? I’m sure you’d prefer to be chaos-free
  • Are you charming me with some candies or should I charm you with some chaos? I’d prefer some candies but I’m ready to be chaotic 

Best Witches This Halloween if You Don’t Fulfill My Wishes

Best witches this Halloween if you don’t fulfill my wishes” is another funny way to greet people during the Halloween season.

This one will work well as a replacement for “Trick or treat.” Although it doesn’t request candies, it still carries the air of a threat.

Moreover, it promises them that they’ll face the witches if they don’t fulfill your wishes, which is a hilarious way to make your request.

Additionally, it’ll work well with you dressed in a witch’s attire.

Here are some ways to use the phrase: 

  • Best witches this Halloween if you don’t fulfill my wishes. My fangs are ready to bite
  • Best witches this Halloween if you don’t fulfill my wishes. I promise it’s quite easy to grant them

Get Me Some Marshmallows or Face the Gallows

Get me some marshmallows or face the gallows” is another interesting greeting for the Halloween season.

It’s another suitable alternative to “Trick or treat.” 

This one threatens that they’ll be hung if they don’t fulfill your wish. While it might come off as a serious threat, the rhyme works to lessen the impact of the words, making it more lighthearted.

However, you shouldn’t use it with just anyone, unless they can take a joke.

Here are some examples:

  • Get me some marshmallows or face the gallows. I’m sure we don’t want some deaths
  • Get me some marshmallows or face the gallows. Marshmallows sound easier 

Get Me the Delicious or Face the Malicious

Get me the delicious or face the malicious” is another great alternative for “Trick or treat”

This one is another interesting way to make your request while promising some harmless trick if they don’t grant the request.

Also, asking for something delicious without specifying makes it easier for them to grant the request.

Here are some examples:

  • Get me the delicious or face the malicious. Delicious sounds more fun
  • Get me the delicious or face the malicious. I love delicious but I can be malicious too

Delicious Transaction or Capricious Direction?

Other Ways to Say Trick or Treat

Delicious transaction or capricious direction?” is another funny way to greet people on Halloween.

It’ll work well to replace “Trick or treat,” as it implies some threat if they don’t do as you want.

However, the rhyming all through makes it sound playful.

Final Words

With this article, you have seen that it’s more fun to go out of the usual “Trick or treat.”

So, ensure that in the next Halloween, you’re gracing doorsteps with these alternatives.

Moreover, you can also create yours with these examples as a guide.

Other Ways to Say Trick or Treat

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