15 Other Ways to Say “Thinking Of You” (With Usage Examples)


What comes to mind when a person, (it could be you saying it to someone else), says that they are “thinking of you” is that you are loved or that they miss the memories you share with them.

It is a clear indicator that you are being remembered by someone or someone is reminded of you at a particular moment.

The reason, on the other hand, could vary, it could be because of an emotional attachment or just for a basic undone task you have to complete for the person ( professional).

As someone interested in improving the quality of words you use every day, reading this article will be very helpful.

Now, you won’t have to be stuck on just one phrase, you will become more flexible and be able to alternate between different ways to say that you are thinking about that colleague of yours going through a difficult time, or perhaps your close friend that you miss so much.

There will also be examples to help you be aware of how and when to use these phrases individually. Some of these other phrases make use of words that have more effect and will assist you in passing the message across, better.

What You Can Say Instead of “Thinking Of You”

Here are 15 other ways to say that you are thinking about someone.

  1. I have you on my mind right now.
  2. What I have in my brain at the moment are pictures of you.
  3. It would be a miracle if I stopped thinking about you.
  4. My mind has been so busy thinking of you.
  5. Even when I am asleep, I still have you on my mind.
  6. My thoughts only have you in it.
  7. I can’t stop reminiscing about you.
  8. If you are looking for your pictures, I think they are in my mind.
  9. I haven’t been able to get myself to stop thinking of you.
  10. Every minute is filled with memories of you.
  11. My mind and you have been connecting lately.
  12. I keep getting reminded of you, I am even doing that right now.
  13. I am certain that my mind is always going to be a home for your beauty.
  14. I have you in my mind every passing day.
  15. I am sure that your memories are forever locked in my mind.

I have you on my mind right now

Other Ways to Say Thinking Of You

This is a versatile expression that is just as effective when you’re talking to a friend or a business partner. Apart from the fact that it is straightforward, it shows that you are thoughtful and you are someone who values the people in your life.

It also means that you are capable of being selfless and taking your mind off of yourself for a certain period. Let’s see through these examples how you could say it to people you have a formal and casual relationship with, respectively.

How To Use:

  • I have you on my mind right now, since we have to do the project together.
  • I have you on my mind right now, you know how much I love you.

What I have in my brain at the moment are pictures of you.

Having pictures of someone else in your mind is a creative way to say that you are thinking of someone. You have to be cautious of your tone so that you don’t sound provocative or inappropriate.

This phrase might not necessarily be the best to go for in a professional setting, but it does not mean you can not say it to workmates that you are familiar with and fond of.

How To Use:

  • What I have in my brain at the moment are pictures of you, you are so gorgeous.
  • What I have in my brain at the moment are the pictures of you acing that presentation.

It would be a miracle if I stopped thinking about you.

Let’s assume you are trying to make someone you care about laugh or to put them in a better mood, instead of you to say that you’re thinking of him or her, you can say,“ it would be a miracle if I stop thinking about you.”

This message wouldn’t just cause their heart to melt and remind them that someone cares, it also shows the intensity of how often you think of them by introducing “the divine” (miracles) in the expression.

How To Use:

  • It would be a miracle if I stopped thinking of you, the good news is I don’t need a miracle.
  • It would be a miracle to suppose I stop thinking about you being my business partner.

My mind has been so busy thinking of you.

Another way to say “thinking of you” is by saying that your mind is busy thinking about them.

You could include this in a heartfelt message or phone call to your family members that you’ve been away from for a while or your partner at work going through a difficult time to show that you care about them.

How To Use:

  • My mind has been so busy thinking of you, I know you’re struggling, but I am here for you.
  • My mind has been so busy thinking of you, I hope to see you all soon.

Even when I am asleep, I still have you on my mind.

Sometimes all we have to do to create another way to say any type of phrase is by exaggerating it. In this context, the phrase exaggerated is, “thinking of you” which synonym is intensified to “even when I am asleep, I still have you on my mind.”

It’s impossible to think about someone when asleep but it does justice to saying that you have someone in your mind a lot and that your love for them is genuine. Read through as I show you ways to use it in a formal or informal context.

How To Use: 

  •  Even when I am asleep, I still have you on my mind. I think you are the best person for the job.
  • Even when I am asleep, I still have you on my mind, my lovely Angel.

My thoughts only have you in it

Other Ways to Say Thinking Of You

“My thoughts only have you in it” is another way you can say that you are thinking of someone. Imagine you were told this phrase, I am certain that this will leave a stronger impression or have a greater effect on you than the normal “thinking of you” phrase.

This expression will be used in two different contexts. Study closely, how it does not sound inappropriate for either of the instances.

How To Use: 

  • My thoughts only have you in it. How you’re going to deliver a great speech.
  • My thoughts only have you in it, I don’t mind though.

I can’t stop reminiscing about you.

Reminiscing about someone means that you’re regurgitating the memories of a person and the inability to control them. To be better at speaking English, you should be able to know the synonyms of words that you constantly find yourself using.

In this case, instead of using the word, “thinking” you could say “reminiscing” which is a deeper state of thought process. 

How To Use:

  • I can’t stop reminiscing about you, it’s because of how strong and intelligent you are.
  • You’re a good business partner, I can’t stop reminiscing about you. 

If you are looking for your pictures, I think they are in my mind.

This expression has a funny tone to it but still serves as a good fit as a synonym for the phrase “thinking of you.” 

Your friends in school or your family members would find this quite cheesy but will also communicate the fact that you are thinking about them because you love and admire them or a quality about them. If your question is how we could put this to practice or in an instance, your answer is next.

How To Use: 

  • If you’re looking for your pictures, they are in my mind, that’s not a surprise.
  • With the way you approached those investors, I am certain that if you’re looking for your pictures, they are in my mind. 

I haven’t been able to get myself to stop thinking of you.

“I haven’t been able to get myself to stop thinking of you” is a phrase that would come in handy in a chit-chat or text message to your loved ones.

Not to say that it can not be used in a formal setting, you just have to be cautious with your tone so you don’t sound disrespectful.

How To Use:

  • Ever since we had to get a new Editor, I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you, you deserve the job. 
  • I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I got on the plane.

Every minute is filled with memories of you.

Instead of texting the same old regular phrase “thinking of you,” to your lover or close acquaintance you could say that “every minute is filled with memories of you.”

Words are powerful and that’s why you have to be oriented on the weight that your choice of words holds.

How To Use:

  • Every minute is filled with memories of you, I love you wholeheartedly.
  • Since you saved me from that public humiliation back at the office, every minute has been filled with memories of you and how to repay the favor.

My mind and you have been connecting lately.

We all have been told things that have a figurative meaning and this phrase, “my mind and you have been connecting lately,” is a good example of that.

If you’re familiar with idioms, and figures of speech, which you should, since you’re interested in improving how you express yourself, you would be able to understand that you’re saying that the person has been on your mind in recent times.

How To Use:

  • My mind and you have been connecting lately, we even come up with the same business ideas.
  • My mind and you have been connecting lately, and I find it suiting.

I keep getting reminded of you, I am even doing that right now.

If you’re the type who is more into details or you want the person to know the full details of how much you’ve been thinking about them, this phrase is right for you.

Also, by saying, “I keep getting reminded of you…” you mean that the things happening around you keep reminding you of them.

How To Use:

  • Anytime I see red roses, I keep getting reminded of you, I am even doing that right now.
  • Whenever I see a hardworking intern in the company, I keep getting reminded of you, I am even doing that right now.

I am certain that my mind is always going to be a home for your beauty.

“I am certain that my mind is always going to be a home for your beauty” is a smart and cute phrase that substitutes for “thinking about you.”

Whether you decide to add it in a text or E-mail to your friend or romantic partner, you still mean the same thing, which is that you are thinking of him or her.

How To Use: 

  • I am certain that my mind is always going to be a home for your beauty, darling, and everyone else is aware of it.
  • Little do you know that I am certain that my mind is always going to be a home for your beauty. 

I have you on my mind every passing day

Other Ways to Say Thinking Of You

For instance, your friend at work or a colleague at work lost someone close to them, this is a phrase that serves as comfort. It’s not even dependent on tone as the words used are comforting and positive.

Next time you find yourself in a situation like this, you can better comfort him or her with the phrase “I have you on my mind every passing day”

How To Use:

  • I have you on my mind every passing day, I will not forget about you.
  • I have you on my mind every passing day, I hope you believe me when I say that.

I am sure that your memories are forever locked in my mind.

In this phrase, take cognizance of the word “locked,” which means that it’s a forever concept. This would be best for family members that have been in your life for a long time and you plan to have them in your life longer.

Memories are a big part of human life as this is what truly lasts in a relationship, it outlives even the person, it is what we have and hold on to when the people we love aren’t around.

This is the reason why this is a good alternative for the expression, “thinking of you.”

How To Use:

  • I am sure that your memories are forever locked in my thoughts. I promise.
  • Even though you aren’t here with me,
  • No matter how busy I become, I am sure that your memories are forever locked in my thoughts.

Last Words…

All you have to do right now is carefully select which phrase you would go for and the right context to make use of it.

Effective communication about how you feel toward a person is very essential and will serve as a way to build authentic connections with people.

One thing is clear, even though you are thinking about someone, the truth is that you don’t have to use static words to communicate it, just as this article has shown you, there are other ways to say you are thinking of someone that will show a clearer way of how you truly feel.

Other Ways to Say Thinking Of You

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