15 Other Ways to Say “Sunrise” and “Sunset” on Obituary 


Crafting an obituary can be one of the difficult tasks when mourning a loved one. However, it’s something that must be done, except we want to skip the whole process entirely.

During the process, it can be difficult to come up with the right words to honor our loved ones and to convey our emotions at the same time.

Also, “Sunset and Sunrise” have become the go-to words for describing the beginning and end of their journey. But, do you know there are other words we can use to bring the message alive?

In this article, we’ll explore 15 alternatives to this cliche. Whether you want to write a loved one obituary, or you’re looking to know the synonyms of these words, these examples will serve you well.

15 Other Ways to Say “Sunrise” and “Sunset” on Obituary 

There are numerous other ways to say “Sunrise” and “Sunset” in obituaries. This phrase is used to describe the start and end of a loved one’s life.

While this phrase sounds poetic and passes the message clearly, other phrases make the emotions more alive.

These alternatives include “Break of dawn and fall of dusk,” “The start of dawn and the start of twilight,” “A burning light flickers to an end,” and several more.

Below are 15 synonyms for “Sunrise and Sunset”:

  1. Break of dawn and fall of dusk
  2. The awakening of the sun and the dimming of its light 
  3. Start of the day and end of the day
  4. Early brightness and final gleam
  5. The start of the glow and fading of the glow
  6. Morning’s light and evening’s fade
  7. First light and final light
  8. A bright light has faded into darkness 
  9. Birth of light and birth of dusk
  10. The start of dawn and the start of twilight 
  11. First star and last star
  12. A burning light flickers to an end 
  13. Sun’s emergence and sun’s departure 
  14. Aurora and vespera
  15. Daylight and night-time 

Break of Dawn and Fall of Dusk

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

Break of dawn and fall of dusk” is at the top of our lists of alternatives for “Sunrise and Sunset.”

First, “Dawn” is used to mean the first light of the day before the appearance of the sun. It’s also used to describe the start of a phase.

On the other hand, “Dusk” is used to describe the period when the day becomes dark.

So, this phrase is a good alternative that’ll work well, as it can also be used to describe the start and end of a phase or journey.

When you say “break of dawn,” it’s just like saying the beginning of the day or the beginning of something, and when you say “fall of dusk,” it means that which was started has met its end. 

Moreover, using this phrase in an obituary highlights the start of the dead’s life until they meet their end, which is the fall of dusk.

Here’s an example:

From June 8, 1980, the break of day, to August 24, 2002, the fall of the dusk, he lived a life filled with love and laughter.

The Awakening of the Sun and the Dimming of Its Light  

The awakening of the sun and the dimming of its light” is another expression that’ll work as an alternative to “Sunrise and Sunset.”

This expression is a beautiful phrase that emphasizes the start of something to the finish.

When you say “awakening,” it means to wake from sleep, which signifies the start of one’s day. Also, it means to come into existence, which in this case, signifies the start of one’s life or journey.

So, when you use “awakening of the sun,” it draws more emotion, describing the life of the departed, as something bright and beautiful that came into existence.

On the other hand, when you say “the dimming of the light,” it emphasizes that that which started has come to an end. Just like when you light a candle, it shines bright until it burns out and the light dims. 

So, this expression imprints on the hearts of mourners that the departed have reached their end because it’s their time. After all, truly the sun never shines for a whole day.

Here’s an example

On 5th September 1940, he was born, like the awakening of the sun. He has lived a purposeful life, and just like the dimming of the sun’s light at the end of the day, he has met his end.

Start of the Day and End of the Day

Start of the day and end of the day” is a simple phrase that’ll work well as a replacement for “Sunrise and sunset.”

This expression is straightforward and signifies the deceased’s birth and death. “Start of the day” describes their birth. On the day they were born, that was the start of their day, the start of life, the start of their journey which has an end.

And that journey came to an end with their death, which marked the end of the day.

So, this is a good alternative that reminds loved ones who came to mourn that something that has a beginning has an end. And that was the end for the departed whom they came to mourn his departure.

Here’s an example:

The start of the day for … began in 2000, and the end of the day was in 2022. He has finished his journey and has gone to rest.

Early Brightness and Final Gleam

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

Early brightness and final gleam” is another good alternative to “Sunrise and Sunset.”

This expression works well to describe the beginning of something to its end.

“Early brightness” describes the freshness and newness of something that is just starting. Just like lighting a lamp, it shines very brightly at the beginning until it begins to fade to its final gleam when what is sustaining it finishes.

This phrase suits the occasion of mourning adequately, as “early brightness” can be akin to the life of a newborn baby, where everything is new and beautiful until it grows older and starts to weaken till its final breath.

This final breath is akin to the “final gleam” when the brightness meets its end.

Moreover, this phrase can evoke thoughtful and beautiful emotions about the deceased in the minds of the mourners.

Here’s an example:

She witnessed her early brightness many years ago, and now it has faded to its final gleam. Today we celebrate a life well spent.

Start of the Glow and Fading of the Glow 

Start of the glow and fading of the glow” is another interesting way you can say “Sunrise and sunset” in an obituary.

This is another expression that signifies the start and finish of something.

“Glow” means to give out light or heat. So, when you say “Start of the glow,” it depicts the beginning of a bright light or heat, which indicates the beginning of the deceased life’s journey.

And when you say “Fading of the glow,” you indicate the end of the light, signifying the end of life of the deceased.

So, this is an expression that’ll work well in an obituary to paint the superficiality of life and at the same time, life’s complexity. It brings to mind that something which has a beginning must surely have an end.

Here’s an example:

Today marks the day when we reminisce on … life. Some of us witnessed the start of the glow, enjoying the laughter and tears along the line, and today we’re all here to celebrate the fading of this glow to eternal glory.

Morning’s Light and Evening’s Fade

Morning’s light and evening’s fade” is another expression you can use to replace “Sunrise and sunset” in an obituary.

“Morning’s light” symbolizes the freshness of a new day. It illustrates the feeling that comes with the start of something new. Just like the first light you see in the day, it’s refreshing and leaves promises for a better day.

On the other hand, “Evening’s fade” indicates the fading of the light of the morning.” It signifies that that day is coming to an end, and whatever was started with the morning light will have to come to a halt with the fade.

This is one of the perfect illustrations for the start and end of life’s journey and will work well in an obituary to depict the birth and death of a loved one.

Here’s an example:

On the 5th of January, 1920, we witnessed the morning light of our dearly beloved sister, and two nights ago, the day brought the evening fade of that light.

First Light and Final Light

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

First light and last light” is a simple expression that illustrates the beginning and end of something. 

“First light” brings to mind the imagery of the start of a new day or the beginning of something. Just like waking in the morning to witness the first light. A child’s birth can be likened to their first light.

On the other hand, “Final light” indicates the concluding or final part of what was started, signifying the final part of someone’s life. 

So, it’ll work well in an obituary to capture the journey spent in this world.

Here’s an example:

From the first light and final light of …, we watched her build the life she wanted. And today, we celebrate a fulfilled journey.

A Bright Light Has Faded into Darkness 

A bright light has faded into darkness” is another cool expression that’ll work well in an obituary to honor a loved one.

This expression can replace the usual “Sunrise and sunset” to depict the start and end of one’s life.

It started with a “bright light” to indicate that the departed was once alive and full of vigor. 

Then, saying it has faded into darkness indicates that the bright light has met its end, signifying that the once lively person is no more.

Here’s an example:

A bright light has faded into darkness, but we’re hopeful that we’ll meet again because we believe he’s resting in the Lord 

Birth of Light and Birth of Dusk 

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

Birth of light and birth of dusk” is another good replacement for “Sunrise and Sunset” in an obituary.

This statement excellently captures nature’s depiction of morning and night. In the morning, we witness the birth of light and at night we witness the birth of dusk.

So, these phrases both work to express the full meaning of life, which has a beginning and an end.

Here’s an example

On 4th December 1980, we saw the birth of light, and on 5th February 2024, it pleased the Lord to take her to meet him, and we witnessed the birth of dusk.

The Start of Dawn and Start of Twilight 

Another expression that’ll work well as an alternative to “Sunrise and Sunset” is “The start of dawn and the start of twilight.”

As I’ve already established, “dawn” indicates the first light of the day. “Twilight” is the period after sunset. So, here this expression can work in an obituary to capture the beginning and end of life’s journey.

Here’s an example

We’ve seen the start of dawn in her life and now we celebrate the start of twilight. May she rest in peace.

First Star and Last Star 

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

First star and last star” is another simple expression you can use to replace “Sunrise and Sunset” in an obituary.

This expression captures the heavenly beauty of life’s journey, with the “first star” indicating the start and the “last start” signifying the end.

Here’s an example:

We’ve seen the first and last star of … life, and now we bid goodbye to him 

A Burning Light Flickers to an End 

A burning light flickers to an end” is an evocative expression you can use to honor your loved ones who have departed this world.

This statement is a cool alternative to “Sunrise and Sunset,” as it expresses the start and finishing of something.

“A burning light” symbolizes life, just like fire burns because it has air and fuel sustaining it, keeping it alive.

So, when this burning light flickers to an end, it indicates death, the end of life.

Here’s an example

On this day, the 8th of June 2007, we witnessed a burning light flicker to an end. However, we are grateful because he lived a happy life.

Sun’s Emergence and Sun’s Departure 

Sun’s emergence and sun’s departure” is another perfect replacement for “Sunrise and Sunset.”

This is a straightforward expression that indicates the rising of the sun and its disappearance from the sky, which can be likened to life and the ceasing of breath to mark the end of life.

Also, this one can be used the way “Sunset and Sunrise” is used in obituaries to indicate the date of birth and date of death respectively.

Aurora and Vespera

Aurora” is Latin for “dawn”. It’s also used to describe a display of light in the sky. While “Vespera” is Latin for “evening.”

This expression is just the Latin way of saying the beginning and end of life in an obituary. So, it’ll work well as an alternative to “Sunrise and Sunset,” and can be used to indicate date of birth and date of death.

Daylight and Night-time

Daylight and night-time” is another simple expression you can use to replace “Sunrise and Sunset” in an obituary.

This term indicates the start of the day to the end.

“Daylight” brings to mind the start of a new day, with refreshing hope and new opportunities, just like the birth of a child brings hope.

While night-time emphasizes that it’s time to bring the day to a close. So, death is the night-time of a person’s life.

Here’s an example:

We have all shared in the daylight of … life, and now it’s night-time for him, time for us to bid him goodnight until we meet again.

Final Words

Words” in an obituary can be provocative, evoking emotions of our loved ones in beautiful ways. That’s why it’s important to use the right words to fully capture the beauty of the life they spent while alive.

These alternatives to “Sunrise and sunset” don’t just work for the sake of exploring other phrases, they’re powerful words that can fully keep memories of our loved ones alive in our hearts.

Other Ways to Say Sunrise and Sunset on Obituary 

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