20 Other Ways To Say “Proud Of You” 


People love being recognised for their achievements, and saying “I’m proud of you” can mean a lot.

However, saying the phrase too often can lose its impact and sound less sincere. 

To make it more meaningful, try adding specific reasons you’re proud of, like their hard work, talent, dedication, or creativity.

This begs the question of how to say “proud of you” in different ways. In this article, we’ll show you 20 alternatives so it doesn’t sound like you’re just parroting an empty compliment.

Key Takeaways

  • If the person doubts the impressive work they’ve done or what they’ve achieved, replace “proud of you” with something more encouraging, like “You should be really pleased with yourself.”
  • Make the compliment more heartfelt by telling the person, “I’m in awe of your accomplishments.”
  • To make the person feel more special, tell them, “I knew you had it in you all along” instead.

My past studies in Child and Developmental Psychology taught me that it’s more effective to “praise the process, not the person.” 

So, it doesn’t always have to be about “pride,” whether yours or theirs. Instead, try using similar words, like pleased, happy, or delighted. 

That’s where our list comes in. Here are 20 alternative ways to express pride without saying “proud of you.”

List of the Best Synonyms for “Proud of You”

  1. I knew you’d be able to do it.
  2. If anyone could do it, it would be you
  3. Your achievements blow me away.
  4. You make me so proud.
  5. You inspire me.
  6. You’ve done a remarkable job.
  7. You’ve really outdone yourself.
  8. I couldn’t be prouder.
  9. Your hard work and dedication are inspiring.
  10. I’m so impressed by you.
  11. You are amazing.
  12. Kudos. You are a star.
  13. You are a rockstar.
  14. You’ve done an amazing job.
  15. I admire your hard work.
  16. You’ve come so far!
  17. You’re truly inspiring.
  18. You nailed it!
  19. You’ve accomplished so much.
  20. Your success speaks volumes.

These days, if we don’t express our pride in others in a big way, the other person may not believe we really mean it.

 But it’s not our job to make them believe us; it is just to tell them. Whether they believe it or not is something they need to figure out for themselves.

Now, let’s examine each of the alternative ways to say, “I’m proud of you.”

1. I knew you’d be able to do it

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

When you’re proud of someone, you can say it in a way that adds more meaning. For example, saying “I knew you could do it” shows them you’ve always believed in their abilities.

If the person has been working on something for a long time and you’ve supported them, this phrase works perfectly when they finally succeed—like when they get a scholarship or win a competition. 

This will feel more heartfelt in these moments than saying, “I’m proud of you.”

2. If anyone could do it, it would be you

Another creative way to phrase the “proud of you” compliment is to tell them, “If anyone could do it, it would be you.”

The sound of this alternative statement makes them sound more unique. It sounds more heartfelt. 

You can use this option when the person has done something exceptionally well, such that others have tried and could not get the same result. 

3. Your achievements blow me away

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

In your attempt to express how proud you are about the waves the person is making, there’s no crime in using figurative expressions or exaggerating a little. 

This even adds a more interesting mental picture to your feelings about the person’s success. There’s a way to tell the person you’re blown away that will make it sound more genuine than “proud of you.” 

Use this phrase to show more excitement for the person’s feat. 

4. You make me so proud

When praising someone’s efforts, focusing the compliment on them rather than on yourself is better. 

Saying “proud of you” can sometimes make it seem like they achieved something just to earn other people’s approval, even if that’s not what you mean.

You can start your compliment with “you,” which puts the focus on their hard work. For example, telling them, “Your effort really makes me proud,” shifts the attention to what they did. 

This is different from “I’m proud of you,” which can sound more like you’re judging their efforts and then deciding they did well.

5. You inspire me

It makes a big difference when you replace words like “proud” with more meaningful ones like “inspire.” 

This is why saying “you inspire me” can feel more powerful than “I’m proud of you.”

However, if you’re talking to a student or someone you supervise, it could feel strange to say they inspire you just for doing a good job. 

But when talking to a friend, sibling, or someone you look up to who has done something impressive, “you inspire me” works perfectly.

It boosts their self-worth and encourages them to keep up their excellent work.

6. You’ve done a remarkable job

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

Another way to tell someone you’re proud of them is to comment on how remarkable their job is. 

This works well for a formal setting where you want to sound professional and straightforward when commending someone’s hard work. 

For example, with interns, you may want to avoid saying “proud of you” too often so they don’t feel like that’s the highest they can achieve. 

At the same time, you still want them to know their efforts are appreciated. 

That’s where saying “you’ve done a remarkable job” works perfectly—it acknowledges their work without overdoing it.

7. You’ve really outdone yourself

When you say, “You’ve really outdone yourself,” it might seem like you’re implying they shouldn’t have gone so far, but actually, it means the opposite.

You use this phrase to subtly praise someone for going above and beyond what was expected of them. 

It’s a great option if the person you’re complimenting has exceeded your expectations.

8. I couldn’t be prouder

If you’re looking for a more casual way to celebrate someone for their achievement, you can say, “I couldn’t be prouder” instead of “proud of you.”

It brings a flair to the compliment and makes it perfect for informal contexts such as praising your friend or classmates. 

The statement is even more deeply emotional because it is not just only about you being proud of them. It helps you express that deep happiness and satisfaction you now have because of the person’s achievements or qualities.

9. Your hard work and dedication are inspiring

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

Instead of just saying you’re proud of someone, try letting them know they deserve it and you’re learning from their giant stride. 

With this in mind, it makes more sense to tell the person, “Your hard work and dedication are inspiring,” instead of just saying you’re proud of them. 

Another interesting thing about this alternative phrase is that it sounds more sophisticated and in-depth. This compliment would make more sense in a context such as congratulating someone on their achievement after hard work and sleepless nights. 

10. I’m so impressed by you

When you’re complimenting someone about their extraordinary feats, there’s something unique about speaking in the passive voice. 

Passive voice is when the verb acts on the subject of the sentence. 

In this case, you make yourself the subject and reveal that you’re impressed by their work.

This makes them feel special and you connect with them more emotionally because you’re revealing the impact of their achievement on you. 

It always feels good to know that you’re inspiring others. 

11. You are amazing

Sometimes, saying less is more when verbally applauding someone for an excellent job. 

Instead of focusing on their actual work, laud their personality because it all comes down to character. 

Call them amazing. You’re proud of them because they are simply amazing. 

12. Kudos. You are a star

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

Who wouldn’t be proud of a star? Using this phrase is a clever way to show how proud you are of someone. This expression relies on your tone and facial expressions to feel genuine. 

Kudos” is a casual yet effective way to recognise and praise someone’s exceptional efforts. 

You can use “kudos” in many situations. Still, it’s especially fitting when someone is doing something unique and nailing it, especially compared to others who are just following the crowd as mediocre.

13. You’ve done an amazing job

Another way to show someone you’re proud of them is to tell them they’ve done an amazing job. 

When someone amazes you, it causes you to wonder, be surprised or find it astonishing.

So when you feel this way towards the effort of someone, it would only mean you’re proud of what they did. 

But phrasing it as “you’ve done…” boosts their confidence and stylishly propels them to keep up the good work. 

14. I admire your hard work

You wouldn’t admire someone’s hard work if you weren’t proud of them, right? That’s the point here.

You don’t have to use the word “proud” to show how impressed you are with someone’s efforts and achievements. 

When you say, “I admire your hard work,” it subtly conveys that you couldn’t be prouder of their dedication. 

This is a great way to acknowledge their efforts, even if they haven’t achieved something big yet. It lets them know you’re proud of their spirit of resilience. 

15. You’ve come so far!

Sometimes, people realise how proud you are of their achievements when you remind them of how far they’ve come and how you’ve been there for them.

You don’t need to say a lot. Just say, “you’ve come so far,” and add a few sentences about some key moments in their journey.

This way of showing pride is very effective and can be pretty emotional. It feels more genuine than just saying, “Proud of you.”

16. You’re truly inspiring

Sometimes, saying “you’re truly inspiring” works better than “proud of you.”

If you want to praise your boss, teacher, or mentor after they’ve achieved something significant, like winning an award or finishing a degree, it can feel awkward to say, ” I’m proud of you.” 

In these cases, calling them “inspiring” is a good alternative.

It makes them feel honoured that their efforts have inspired you. It’s another way to show how proud you are of them.

17. You are a rockstar

The general interpretation of a rockstar is someone with the profile and fame of a celebrity. But it can be loosely used to mean someone you’re proud of. 

But depending on context, such as this one, it would mean that the person is someone you regard as inspiring fanatical admiration.

And you would only do this to someone you’re proud of, yeah? Exactly. 

18. You nailed it!

When you want to tell someone, “I’m proud of you,” after they have just finished a performance or received the result of an examination, it’s better to focus on how well they did than use pride. 

So, “you nailed it” adds flair and excitement to your expression. It sounds more genuine and natural. It shows you’re excited about their win. 

19. You’ve accomplished so much

You’ve accomplished so much” can serve as a superb replacement for “proud of you”, but it can also be vague until you add supporting sentences. 

Once you say this to the person, go on to explain how proud you are of their accomplishments. It would help to be more specific. 

20. Your success speaks volumes

Speaks volumes” is a figurative expression that means something comes across as a big deal. 

So it makes sense to qualify the hard work of someone you’re proud of with this expression. 

It helps you add a layer of depth as you express your genuine excitement for the person’s win. 

Final Thoughts

Showing pride in someone’s achievements or hard work makes them feel valued and special. But saying “I’m proud of you” can sometimes feel overused.

In the above article, we gathered a list of alternative phrases to “proud of you” to help you make your compliments more sincere and meaningful.

Remember that some phrases work better in certain situations than others. So, read the explanations to choose the right one for your situation.

Other Ways To Say Proud Of You

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