15 Other Ways to Say “Pleased as Punch”


Punch; the hook-nosed puppet character used in the Italian Commedia dell’arte in the 16th century is the originator of this term, and it signifies humor. It can also mean ‘joyful.’

What then does it when someone says “Pleased as punch?”

When a person says that they are as “pleased as punch” it means that they are satisfied or joyful with how a project, a result, or an endeavor turned out. It is the highest form of showing contentment and it is vastly used by a lot of people when they feel happy.

This leads us to the question of whether or not you want to be part of the people who can’t seem to use other phrases to express happiness. Out of the tons of words in the English language to express joy, you want to limit yourself to a single phrase like “pleased as a punch?”

If your answer is no, like I expect it to be, then I am pleased to inform you that this article seeks to open your mind to similar phrases that can help you tell your acquaintance or your loved ones that you’re happy with your situation, a journey you’re about to embark on and so much more.

It is certain that out of these fifteen substitute ways to say “pleased as punch,” you’ll be able to find one that you can add to your everyday utterance.

In addition, I will be giving examples of how to use these phrases in a context or situation to help you figure out how to incorporate them into your personal use of words.

Is the Phrase ‘Pleased As Punch’ Fit For A Formal Setting?

“Pleased as punch” is a phrase used mostly in informal settings which means that it wouldn’t be a wise move to say it in a corporate setting. On the flip side, some of the alternative phrases that I have outlined previously can be used for both.

I’ll be highlighting those that can be used in a professional setting and also provide instances of how they can be used. Without any more delay, let’s get into the explanation.

What to Say Instead of “Pleased as Punch”?

Here is a list of alternative ways to say “pleased as punch” that will do just the trick.

  1. Absolutely elated.
  2. Overjoyed that.
  3. More than excited.
  4. Thrilled.
  5. Elated.
  6. Content with…
  7. Euphoric.
  8. Ecstatic.
  9. Enchanted.
  10. Overexcited.
  11. Over the moon.
  12. Pleased.
  13. Satisfied.
  14.  Appeased.
  15. On cloud nine.

I am absolutely elated

Other Ways to Say Pleased as Punch

Since “pleased as a punch” connotes happiness and joy, it makes more sense to say the alternative phrase can be “absolutely elated.” It means that a person is completely pleased with a project or perhaps a service you rendered to them.

This is one of the synonyms of “pleased as punch” that can be used both in an informal setting ( a conversation with your buddies) or in a formal site ( when speaking to your colleagues). The example below shows how to use this phrase in both contexts.

Usage Examples:

  • Girlfriend, I am absolutely elated about the fact that the man I love is coming over to my place this weekend. 
  • You did an excellent job on the road construction, I am absolutely elated. 

Overjoyed that

If you are “pleased as punch” about something, then you shouldn’t find it hard to replace that phrase with a single word like “overjoyed.”  It’s simple, passes the same message well, and is straightforward, so what’s not to like?

Maybe you liked how your dress turned out or you liked your performance, you could tap yourself on the shoulder and express how “overjoyed” you are by it happening.

Usage Examples:

  • This is the best birthday I have ever celebrated, I am overjoyed that all of you came to join me in celebrating. 
  • At first, I doubted if this dress would look good on me but now I feel so overjoyed that I went ahead to purchase it. 

More than excited

“More than excited” is a similar phrase that depicts that you’re so happy about a particular thing or someone. The use of the word “more” shows that there’s a degree to the level of excitement you feel which makes it a perfect alternative for the phrase “pleased as punch.”

Even in a speech at a grand opening event of your own business or while gisting your friends at home, this phrase can be used respectively.

Usage Examples:

  • I am more than excited to finally be opening my own clothing store, this has been a lifelong dream…
  • Guess what guys, I am more than excited that the new Gucci bag I ordered is going to be delivered tomorrow. 


Another phrasal word  that can be used in substitution for “pleased as punch” is the word “thrilled.”

Instead of saying, “this art is so beautiful, I am pleased as punch” or “I am pleased as punch to proceed to the next step in the game,” you can decide to make use of the other phrase in the way it is illustrated below.

Usage Examples:

  • I am thrilled to proceed to the next step in the game and I hope that you are too.
  • This art is so beautiful, I am thrilled about it. I think I might buy it some other time. 


Elated is a synonymous word for happy or ecstatic just like “pleased as a punch” is. There is no point in struggling with how you would remember or use it properly in a sentence when you already know what it means.

Just because there’s the presence of ‘ed’ should not make you think that it’s a form of past tense, that’s the root word and not the past tense. Now, we proceed to show you how to use it in a sentence in the right way.

Usage Examples:

  • You won’t believe that I got the job! I am so elated because of the upcoming event. 
  • Mr. and Mrs. Walker love what you have done with the place, it is easy to tell that they are elated. 

Content with…

As previously explained, “pleased as punch” is a phrase that is used to express contentment and satisfaction, that’s why the phrase “content with” is a good substitute for it.

When someone goes out of their way to make you happy or to produce good results for you, commend their efforts by telling them how happy they have made you feel and that you are content with them or whatever it is that they did for you.

Let’s create a scenario that makes this word come alive.

Usage Examples:

  • I know how much time and energy you put into this project, and I just want you to know that I am content with the results. 
  • You have always been a hardworking person and that’s why I gave you this opportunity. I am not surprised that I am content with what you’ve been able to accomplish. 


“Euphoric” is a word that means a high state of emotional gratification and pleasure. It can also serve as a means of saying that you derive positive emotions from a person or a thing.

The word sometimes is used as a noun while other times it can be used as an adjective. I will demonstrate through the examples how and when the word “euphoric” can be any part of speech and also be an alternative for the phrase “pleased as punch.”

Usage Examples: 

  • I am happy with that statement that you made earlier, It’s euphoric (n). 
  • This is definitely an euphoric statement that is worth thinking about (adj). 


When you tell people that you’re ecstatic it also means that you’re happy and overwhelmed with joy. Perhaps it’s because of a new promotion at work, your favorite actor received an award in a category, to mention a few other reasons.

Formal settings and informal settings are welcoming of this alternative word for “pleased as punch” and you don’t have to worry about your tone ruining the message except if you are trying to sound sarcastic. Next are the instances that show how to use it for both settings.

Usage Examples: 

  • It was easy to see that the clients that we pitched the idea to were ecstatic about it. 
  • I am ecstatic that you and I are finally hanging out again. Let’s put the past behind us.


“Enchanted” is another way to say the phrase “pleased as punch.”  It emphasizes the aspect of limitless joy and satisfaction that you derive or feel concerning a place, a person, or thing.

There are various ways that you can include this in an informal setting that would fit well. If you put in more practice into not always giving in to the temptation of sticking to the “standard” phrase, you’ll find yourself improving your lexicons.

Usage Examples:

  • I am enchanted with the structure of the building we saw on our way home. 
  • Without you being involved in this meeting, I wouldn’t have been enchanted. 


Other Ways to Say Pleased as Punch

Moving on, there is a phrase as well “over-excited” that connotes that you are more than happy with someone ( it could be yourself). It is also a word that you can make use of in a professional setting as well.

Saying that you’re over-excited about someone being in your life is just the same as saying that you are pleased as punch with someone who walked in your life.

All you have to know is when and how to include it in a sentence, in a way that it won’t be grammatically or linguistically wrong.

Usage Examples:

  • I am not mistaking how amazing you have been, I am over-excited because of you. 
  • The company has reached new heights all because of the hard work of all the staff. I am over-excited about that.

Over the moon

Even though this is a phrase that’s limited to an informal setting, it doesn’t stop you from choosing to say it rather than opting for the phrase “pleased as punch.”

If you’re wondering how the phrase which is an idiomatic expression can be used in a sentence, the illustrations below can help you out.

Usage Examples:

  • The shoes look so beautiful and comfortable I am over the moon right now. 
  • She’s flying over the moon over this new gig she got.


As simple as it sounds, many people don’t know  that using the word “pleased” is just as effective as saying the phrase “pleased as a punch.”

You could even say that it is a better option considering the fact that it can be used in a dual kind of setting (informal and formal) unlike the phrase “pleased as punch” that leans more on the informal kind.

Usage Examples: 

  • Wow! I must say, I am pleased with how eloquently you presented your report. 
  • This is a nice job, I am very pleased.


“Satisfied” just like every other phrase that I have mentioned before conveys the point that an individual is proud and content with what they’ve been able to achieve.

Whether you’re giving your positive feedback on an employee’s presentation or you’re confessing your feelings to someone who has been a source of joy to you, this word sends the same message that “pleased as punch” sends.

Usage Examples:

  • I am satisfied with how much attention you paid to adding details to the project presentation. 
  • She is a great woman and having you in my life has made me satisfied.


Note that there are some ways that you would put these words in a sentence that will mean that you’re begging a person especially when the word is written in its root form “appease.”

But in other instances, which I will give you an example of, it means that you are saying to someone that you are pleased with the person.

Usage Examples:

  • Everyone loved how you made the place look so beautiful, I am appeased. 
  • To be sincere, I am aware that she is appeased with the man’s work and so am I.

On cloud nine

Other Ways to Say Pleased as Punch

This is one of the alternative phrases for “pleased as punch” that are more for informal settings. This means that you can’t say to your superior at work that you’re “on cloud nine” about a certain thing. It wouldn’t be the best for that kind of environment or context.

In informal, where it can be used, you must know that using that phrase serves the same purpose as the standard phrase.

Now, you can have much richer (variety of lexis) conversations with your friends.

Usage Examples: 

  • I am sure that when Ronaldo received the award for Best Footballer of the Year, he must have been on cloud nine. 
  • The girl is on cloud nine after hearing that she got accepted into her dream school.

Last Words

After being enlightened that the phrase ‘pleased as a punch’ means that a person is happy or satisfied with a certain thing or person, it is a no-brainer that synonymous words/phrases that can be used in their place are the ones that are contained in this writeup.

Think about it this way, if you are delighted or pleased about something, wouldn’t you want your words to properly communicate it in the best way possible?

That’s why I believe that this article would help you break the repetitive cycle of sticking to the same phrase, especially now that you are no longer going to find it difficult to come up with other ways to say ‘pleased as punch.

Other Ways to Say Pleased as Punch

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