15 Other Ways to Say “No Further Comments”


We’ve all heard the phrase “No further comments” and probably used it during conversations with people. 

This phrase is used to let someone know that you no longer have anything to say about a subject of discussion.

It’s a common phrase used in official meetings when you no longer want to make contributions or when you want the deliberations to come to an end.

While this phrase is good enough to make your intention known, there are many other alternatives you can explore.

The deal with alternatives is that they can help you convey your intention more clearly. 

In this article, I’ll be taking you through 15 other ways to say “No further comments.” Whether you’re writing an email, having an official meeting, or casual interactions with friends, you’ll find synonyms that better suit you.

15 Other Ways to Say “No Further Comments”

There are numerous ways to say “No further comments.”

If you want to sound more professional, some examples you can use include: “I believe this is the end of this debate” and “I don’t have any other contribution to make.” 

If you want to sound laid-back, “End of the story for me” and “That’s it for me” are some examples that’ll work.

Below are 15 other ways to say “No further comments”:

  1. No additional comments
  2. I don’t want to continue with this conversation
  3. I have nothing more to say
  4. I believe this is the end of this debate 
  5. Let’s call it a day on this matter
  6. All that there’s to say has been said
  7. I don’t have any other contribution to make
  8. That’s it for me
  9. No further feedback
  10. End of the story for me
  11. At this juncture, I rest my case
  12. I can’t think of anything else
  13. I concur, no more suggestions from me
  14. I have said all you need to know about this
  15. I have shared my thoughts on this matter and there’s nothing more to add 

No Additional Comments 

No additional comments” is the same as “No further comments” with just the replacement of “Further” with “Additional.”

It clearly states that you’ve nothing more to say.

Moreover, it’s a versatile phrase you can use to end a meeting, official and unofficial, and you can also use it to end casual conversations with friends. 

  • There are no additional comments to make since you can’t provide us with the reports we asked for
  • I have no additional comments to make. Let’s leave it till we all meet next week 

I Don’t Want to Continue with This Conversation 

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

“I don’t want to continue with this conversation” is another way to say you’ve nothing more to say about a conversation.

This expression is firm and resolute, emphasizing your desire to quit talking about a subject matter.

Also, it’s especially useful when the conversation is becoming disrespectful. Stating that you no longer want to continue with the conversation in a meeting tells the other party you want deliberations to come to an end.

  • I don’t want to continue with this conversation. Can we move on to other things or bring this meeting to a close?
  • I don’t want to continue with this conversation, so let’s end things now 

I Have Nothing More to Say 

I have nothing more to say” is another exciting synonym for the original phrase.

This statement offers a more direct approach that stresses your desire not to speak anymore.

It tells the listener that you’ve said all that you need to say about what is being discussed.

Also, it’s a great way to end a conversation you’ve become weary of. Additionally, you can use it in casual conversations with friends where they still request your contribution, but you’ve got nothing more to say.

  • I have racked my brain for more suggestions, but there’s nothing more to say
  • I have nothing more to say. If you’re ready let’s bring this meeting to a close

I Believe This is the End of This Debate 

I believe this is the end of this debate” is another perfect alternative to “No further comments.”

This statement shows your disinterest in continuing with the subject of discussion. 

Also, it’s a firm way to bring a discussion to an end, especially if you’re the convener or moderator. 

Additionally, it’s a perfect way to end a conversation that has become disrespectful, letting the listener know that you’ll be saying nothing more or walking away.

  • I believe this is the end of this debate and I’ll be taking my leave now. Thank you for your time
  • I believe this is the end of this debate. So, let’s adjourn and meet sometime next month 

Let’s Call It a Day on This Matter 

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

Let’s call it a day on this matter” is another perfect synonym for “No further comments.”

This expression is a polite way to end deliberations. Whether you’ve exhausted all that there’s to say or you no longer find the conversation interesting, you can politely bring it to a close with this statement.

In addition, it’ll work in a professional setting to bring meetings to a close. 

  • Let’s call it a day on this matter. We’ve spoken for so long and have yet to make any headway. We can continue tomorrow
  • Let’s call it a day on this matter. It’s already exhausting speaking and speaking 

All That There’s to Say Has Been Said 

All that there’s to say has been said” is a simple way to let someone know you have nothing more to say.

It’s a great alternative to “No further comments” and will work on any occasion.

Additionally, this statement can work when people have raised all kinds of suggestions and you feel there’s no more need for you to speak.

You can also use this expression to show your disinterest in joining a conversation.

  • All that there’s to say has been said, so there’s no need to ask for my opinion
  • Since all that there’s to say has been said, let’s bring this meeting to a close 

I Don’t Have Any Other Contribution to Make 

I don’t have any other contribution to make” clearly shows your wish to remain quiet in a conversation.

This statement is a great alternative to “No further comments” and is particularly useful when you’ve exhausted all your opinions.

Also, it’s perfect for a formal gathering, politely expressing your need to be silent.

  • I don’t have any other contribution to make, I’ve said all that there’s to say. I want to listen from now on
  • I don’t have any other contribution to make, but you can go ahead if you have more to say 

That’s It for Me 

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

That’s it for me” is a somewhat casual and semi-formal way to let someone know that you’ve no further comments to make about a topic of discussion.

This expression indicates that you’ve done all that you need to do and will no longer do more. It’s a great way to end a conversation that you’re no longer interested in, whether in your workplace or with friends.

  • That’s it for me. I have nothing more to say
  • That’s it for me. You can ask others, but I’ll no longer be speaking 

No Further Feedback 

No further feedback” is another perfect replacement for “No further comments.”

It’s the exact synonym for the original phrase, with “Feedback” replacing “Comment.”

This statement is a direct way to state that you’ve nothing more to say after you have made some comments.

In addition, it’s suitable in situations when you’ve been requested to review a document or a matter, and give feedback. 

Saying that you’ve no further feedback indicates that you no longer want to dwell on the matter.

  • I’ve done my due diligence on this matter and I find no need for further feedback from me
  • I have reviewed the matter thoroughly after hearing from both sides and I have made my point clear. At this point, I have no further feedback to give 

End of Story for Me 

End of story for me” is an informal and funny way to say you’ve nothing more to say.

It’s a good replacement for “No further comments” in an informal environment when you’re with friends or colleagues.

This statement means that you’ve come to the end of a narration, indicating that you won’t be saying anything more.

Also, it’ll work on occasions when you’ve been doing the talking and no longer want to continue. 

For instance, if you are narrating an incident and you notice no one is listening, you can choose to stop speaking with this statement.

  • End of the story for me, you guys can continue talking
  • That is the end of the story for me. Ask Larry to continue, he was there with me

At This Juncture, I Rest My Case 

At this juncture, I rest my case” can work as another interesting replacement for the original phrase.

This one is a direct way to make your point clear that you’re no longer interested in a conversation.

It’ll work in situations where there’s an argument, indicating your disinterest in arguing the case.

Moreover, saying at this juncture indicates that you’ve come to your endpoint or limit. So, when you become weary of a discussion, this is the perfect expression to end it.

  • At this juncture, I rest my case. It’s obvious that it’s futile to continue with you on this matter
  • At this juncture, I rest my case. Since you’re not buying my idea, it’s okay. I can’t force you 

I Can’t Think of Anything Else 

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

I can’t think of anything else” is another perfect way to come out of a discussion you’re no longer interested in.

It’s one of the best alternatives to “No further comments,” emphasizing that you’ve made all the points that you need to make.

Also, this statement is more appropriate in an informal or semi-formal gathering to let your audience know that you’ll make no further comments.

  • I can’t think of anything else to add. I have said everything that’s on my mind, so there’ll be nothing more from me
  • I can’t think of anything else to say, so don’t bother with me. I’ll sit quietly and listen 

I Concur, No More Suggestions from Me

I concur, no more suggestions from me” is a great way to let someone know that you don’t have anything to say.

First, “I concur” shows your agreement with the subject matter being discussed and also stresses the need for you not to add more.

Then, adding that you no longer have any suggestions asserts your decision to remain quiet.

Moreover, you can use this statement sarcastically when you no longer have an interest in a discussion or argument.

  • I concur, no more suggestions from me. You can talk to others
  • I concur, no more suggestions from me. So, can we move to other things?

I Have Said All You Need to Know About This 

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

I have said all you need to know about this” is another way to let someone know that you’re no longer interested in a conversation.

This statement lets them know that you’ve done all that is required of you. 

It’s especially useful in a situation when someone keeps pestering you about a situation, letting them know that you’re no longer saying more.

  • I have said all you need to know about this, so I won’t be saying more
  • I have said all you need to know about this, so please don’t disturb me again 

I Have Shared My Thoughts on This Matter and There’s Nothing More to Add 

I have shared my thoughts on this matter and there’s nothing more to add” is another way to let someone know that you no longer have anything to say about something.

This statement emphasizes that you’ve said all that you need to say and won’t be saying anything more.

It’ll work well in a professional setting or in any interaction that you’ve lost interest in.

  • I have shared my thoughts on this matter and there’s nothing more to add, so, don’t bother asking me about it
  • I have shared my thoughts on this matter and there’s nothing more to add, so let’s end this talk

End Note

When you want to end a discussion with someone or no longer want to make contributions to a conversation, emphasizing your desire with strong terms is appropriate.

This article has provided you with different ways to say “No further comments.” So, when next you find yourself in situations where you no longer want to speak, ensure you use these other options that i have shared in this article to make your point clear.

Other Ways to Say No Further Comments

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