15 Other Ways to Say “Mark Your Calendar”


In today’s fast-paced world, remembering important dates and events is essential. Whether you’re organizing a meeting, planning a social event, or reminding someone of an upcoming deadline, the phrase “Mark Your Calendar” is a common go-to.

However, using the same phrase repeatedly can become boring to the listener, and sometimes it might not fully capture the urgency or importance of the occasion.

To add variety and creativity to your reminders, I have compiled 15 alternative ways to say “Mark Your Calendar” in this article.

These phrases will help you convey the significance of the date in a fresh and engaging way, whether you’re sending an email, creating an invitation, or posting on social media.

Each alternative is designed to grab attention and ensure that the important date doesn’t go unnoticed.

What to Say Instead of “Mark Your Calendar”

Here are fifteen different ways to express “Mark Your Calendar,” each offering a unique way to remind others of an important upcoming event:

  1. Save the Date
  2. Don’t Forget the Date
  3. Circle the Date
  4. Put It on Your Calendar
  5. Keep the Date in Mind
  6. Set a Reminder
  7. Lock in the Date
  8. Pencil It In
  9. Make a Note of It
  10. Flag the Date
  11. Schedule It
  12. Remember the Date
  13. Book the Date
  14. Jot It Down
  15. Highlight the Date

1. Save the Date

Other ways to say mark Your Calendar

Save the Date is a classic and widely recognized alternative to Mark Your Calendar. This phrase is particularly effective for formal events such as weddings, corporate gatherings, or any occasion that requires advance notice.

It carries a sense of importance and ensures that the recipient understands the need to reserve the date well in advance.


In an invitation for a wedding, you might write, “We are getting married! Save the Date for June 15th—we can’t wait to celebrate with you.”

2. Don’t Forget the Date

Don’t Forget the Date is a straightforward and slightly more casual way to ensure that the recipient remembers an important event.

This phrase is ideal for situations where you want to emphasize the importance of not overlooking the date, such as meetings, deadlines, or appointments.


In a reminder email about an upcoming team meeting, you could say, “Don’t Forget the Date—our next strategy meeting is on July 10th at 10 AM.”

3. Circle the Date

Circle the Date is a playful and visual phrase that encourages the recipient to literally mark their calendar. It’s a fun way to draw attention to an important day, making it perfect for both formal and informal events.

This phrase is particularly effective when you want to emphasize the significance of the date in a memorable way.


In a promotional email for an event, you might write, “Circle the Date! Our annual summer sale starts on August 1st—you won’t want to miss it.”

4. Put It on Your Calendar

Put It on Your Calendar is a direct and practical way to remind someone to schedule an event.

This phrase is ideal for work-related communications, where you need to ensure that the recipient adds the date to their calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts.


In an office memo, you could state, “Please Put It on Your Calendar: The next all-hands meeting will be on September 5th at 2 PM.”

5. Keep the Date in Mind

Keep the Date in Mind is a gentle and polite reminder to make them aware of an upcoming event.

This phrase is perfect for situations where you want to remind someone of an important date without being too forceful. It’s a subtle way to ensure that the date doesn’t slip through the cracks.


In an invitation to a community event, you might say, “We hope to see you there! Please Keep the Date in Mind—October 12th from 3 to 6 PM.”

6. Set a Reminder

Set a Reminder is a practical and modern alternative to “Mark Your Calendar,” especially in the digital age where people often use apps and devices to manage their schedules (google calendar for example).

This phrase is ideal for ensuring that the recipient won’t forget the date, as it encourages them to use technology to help them remember.


In an email reminder about a registration deadline, you could write, “Set a Reminder—registration closes on November 15th. Don’t miss your chance to sign up!”

7. Lock in the Date

Lock in the Date is a phrase that conveys urgency and importance, suggesting that the date should be firmly committed to the recipient’s schedule.

This expression is perfect for high-priority events where attendance is essential, such as important meetings, conferences, or key social events.


In a corporate invitation, you might state, “Lock in the Date: Our annual leadership summit is happening on December 2nd. Your presence is crucial.”

8. Pencil It In

Other ways to say mark Your Calendar

Pencil It In is a phrase that suggests adding a date to one’s schedule with the understanding that it may be tentative or subject to change.

This phrase is ideal for informal invitations or situations where the date is important, but not yet confirmed.


In a casual conversation with your buddy, you could say, “We’re planning a get-together next month—Pencil It In for January 20th, and I’ll confirm the details soon.”

9. Make a Note of It

Make a Note of It is a flexible phrase that can be used in various contexts to ensure that the recipient remembers an important date.

It’s a great alternative to “Mark Your Calendar” when you want to convey the importance of the date in a slightly more personal or informal way.


In a friendly reminder email, you might write, “Just a quick reminder—Make a Note of It: Our book club meets on February 5th at 7 PM.”

10. Flag the Date

Flag the Date is also another type of modern and visual way to emphasize the importance of an upcoming event.

This phrase is perfect for digital communication, as it suggests using tools like calendar apps or email flags to ensure that the date stands out. It’s particularly effective when you want to make sure the date is remembered in a busy schedule.


In a digital invitation, you could say, “Flag the Date for our virtual conference on March 22nd. More details to follow soon!”

11. Schedule It

Schedule It is a direct and formal phrase that ensures the recipient adds the event to their calendar.

This phrase is ideal for work settings or formal invitations where it’s important that the date is officially noted and not overlooked.


In a business meeting invitation, you might write, “Please Schedule It: Our quarterly review will take place on April 10th at 9 AM.”

12. Remember the Date

Remember the Date is a straightforward and classic reminder to keep an important event in mind. This phrase is versatile and can be used in both formal and informal settings to ensure that the recipient doesn’t forget the date. 


In an event invitation, you could write, “Remember the Date! Join us for our charity gala on May 18th at 7 PM.”

13. Book the Date

Book the Date is a phrase that suggests reserving the date in one’s schedule, often implying that the event is important and may require some advance planning.

This phrase is particularly effective for events where attendance is limited or where a strong commitment is needed.


In an exclusive event invitation, you might say, “Book the Date: Our VIP dinner is on June 21st at 6 PM. Space is limited, so please confirm your attendance.”

14. Jot It Down

Jot It Down is a casual and friendly way to remind someone to note an important date.

This phrase is ideal for informal settings or personal reminders where you want to ensure the date is remembered without being too formal or forceful.


In a quick text message, you could write, “Hey, Jot It Down—we’re having a barbecue on July 4th at noon. Hope you can make it!”

15. Highlight the Date

Highlight the Date is a visual and engaging way to ensure that the recipient pays special attention to an important event.

This phrase is perfect for situations where you want the date to stand out, whether it’s in a calendar, an email, or a physical invitation. It adds a sense of urgency and importance to the reminder.


In a colorful event flier, you can print, “Highlight the Date: August 15th—Join us for a day of fun and festivities!”


In conclusion, whether you’re planning a major event or simply reminding someone of a casual get-together, these 15 alternatives to “Mark Your Calendar” offer a range of options to suit any occasion.

Through selecting the right phrase, you can ensure that your reminder is not only noticed but also remembered and acted upon.

So next time you need to remind someone of an important date, consider using one of these creative alternatives to make sure your message stands out.

With these phrases in your communication vocabulary toolkit, you’ll be well-equipped to ensure that important dates are marked, remembered, and prioritized, helping to keep everyone on the same page and making your events and meetings a success.

Other ways to say mark Your Calendar

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