15 Other Ways to Say “In the Text, It States”


In the text, it states” is an expression that’s used when referring to information in a text. 

It’s a common phrase used in an academic environment, particularly in academic writing and analytical writing to cite authors of a text, quotation, or information. 

However, continuous use of this phrase in a paper can tone down the richness and quality of your work, making it boring to read. 

Therefore, using synonyms is crucial. Not only does it improve the quality of your work, it also makes it interesting to the reader. Moreover, exploring alternatives helps enrich your vocabulary.

In this article, I’ll be discussing other ways to say, “In the text, it states.” Whether you want to cite authors in your paper, or you want to give a presentation, you’ll find this article helpful.

15 Other Ways to Say “In the Text, It States” 

There are various ways to introduce the information of an author during citation in academic writing apart from using “In the text, it states.”

Some of them include: “As detailed in the note,” “The message conveys that,’’ and “The study focuses on.”

Here are 15 synonyms for “In the text, it states”:

  1. According to the text
  2. The excerpt emphasizes that 
  3. The section points out
  4. The material reveals that 
  5. As detailed in the note 
  6. Just as the content specifies
  7. The subject matter discloses that 
  8. The author communicates that
  9. The message conveys that 
  10. The writer mentioned 
  11. As exposed by the source
  12. On the authority of the passage 
  13. The article reports that
  14. The study focuses on
  15. The document reads 

According to the Text

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

According to the text” is top on our list of synonyms for “In the text, it states.”

This statement highlights that what you’re about to say or write is lifted directly from the reference text or article. 

Also, even if you’re paraphrasing, this phrase indicates that the message you’re passing or the idea you’re suggesting is gotten from the reference text.

For example, when you say “according to this man,” it means you’re about to report what the man had said, either word for word or with your own words.

So, “according to the text” means the point you’re about to make is not your original idea but someone else’s.

  • According to the text, the driver left the boy stranded by the river
  • According to the text, three women used the approved drugs and the findings showed two women recuperated 

The Excerpt Emphasizes That 

The excerpt emphasizes that” is another interesting way to say “In the text, it states.”

This statement is used to stress a point or message that the reference text made. 

First, an excerpt is a part of a larger work. In this case, it refers to a part of an author’s work that’s been referenced. It’s ideal in writing when you want to highlight something important.

You can also use this phrase when speaking to draw attention to a quote you think is important. 

  • The excerpt emphasizes that taking the recommended drug two hours before bed is ideal
  • The excerpt emphasizes that eating twice a day is healthier than thrice a day

The Section Points Out

The section points out” is another ideal alternative to “In the text, it states.”

This statement is just like the above, ideal to stress important information from the text you’re referring to.

A section, just like an excerpt, is a part of a whole. So, you can use this when you want to emphasize a particular part of the whole text.

It can also work when speaking to emphasize a piece of information.

  • The section points out that daily meditation helps to lessen your stress levels
  • The section points out that exercising daily reduces the risk of heart disease

The Material Reveals That 

Another suitable synonym for “In the text, it states” is “The material reveals that.”

It’s an interesting alternative, as “Material” replaces “text,” giving your work a more captivating introduction.

Additionally, by using reveals, it means what you’re about to say or write is new information.

So, this statement is used to disclose new information contained in the text. 

  • The material reveals that the percentage of women with emotional intelligence is more than men
  • The material reveals that sleeping 8 hours daily is important but not achievable in many struggling families

As Detailed in the Note 

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

As detailed in the note” is another great alternative to “In the text, it states “

“Note” here replaces “text” to mean a written document.

So, this expression is used to draw attention to the exact message contained in the note.

In addition, “detailed” means that the message you’re about to pass has been richly stated or explained by the original author.

  • As detailed in the note, it’s ideal to attend therapy with your partner when dealing with a marriage crisis
  • As detailed in the note, the government will be visiting each locality over the spread of six months 

Just as the Content Specifies

Another way to say “In the text, it states” is with this statement  “Just as the content specifies.”

This expression is another ideal replacement for “In the state, it states” in your academic or analytical writing.

It is used to draw attention to a particular message the reference text emphasizes.

Also, you can use this expression when you want to highlight a piece of important information when speaking.

  • Just as the content specifies, you have to take your first meal before 10:00 am every day. It’s very important
  • Just as the content specifies, men who avoid multiple intimate partners are likely to live longer 

The Subject Matter Discloses That 

The subject matter discloses that” is another great expression that’ll work well as a synonym for “In the text, it states.”

First, “Subject matter” means that the reference text is an important part. It also means the idea or message that is under consideration or studied.

So, this statement is used to point out the message from the matter under discussion or study.

It’ll not only work during academic writing, but also when discussing something important with colleagues at work, with friends, and when making a presentation.

  • The subject matter discloses that this argument dates back to medieval times
  • The subject matter discloses that it’s ideal to review the hypothesis a good number of times before conclusions are made 

The Author Communicates That 

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

The author communicates that” is another interesting alternative to “In the text, it states.”

First, this statement names the author, giving your work a more appealing introduction and human perspective.

Stating that the author communicates, will enable the reader to get into the mind of the author easily.

It’ll work well when citing an author’s work in literature or when reporting another person’s statement.

Also, this statement is ideal to stress the message the writer intends to convey.

  • The author communicates that reading of books is one of the best ways to acquire knowledge
  • The author communicates that attending a higher institution doesn’t always guarantee financial success 

The Message Conveys That 

The message conveys that” is another interesting way to say “In the text, it states.”

This expression is another perfect way to emphasize a point that is being referenced. 

It’s appropriate when reporting the summary or interpretation of someone’s text and not necessarily the exact words. 

For instance, when someone makes a statement, using “the message conveys” when you want to report it means you’re reporting your understanding of the statement.

It means you’ve dissected the statement and gotten the idea the speaker is trying to pass.

  • The message conveys that it’s important to attend relevant seminars and conferences to connect with people in your field
  • The message conveys that it requires a special kind of power to access people’s mind 

The Writer Mentioned 

The writer mentioned” is another ideal replacement for the original phrase.

This statement is suitable when you want to state the exact words of the referenced text. It means you’re referring to the words and not the interpretation.

Moreover, using the “writer” will give your work a more concrete look.  

  • The writer mentioned that it’s a waste of time to pay huge amounts of money for formal education when there are a lot of cheap ways to attain informal education
  • The writer mentioned that the secret to a long life is to smile often, eat moderately, rest often, and be happy 

As Exposed by the Source 

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

As exposed by the source” is another perfect replacement for the original phrase.

This statement suggests that you’re revealing what is contained in a text. By using “exposed” it means the reference text made a discovery, and then you’re referencing the discovery to make your point.

It’s ideal in academic writing, particularly in review of relevant Literature, to stress the findings of an author.

You can also use this statement in your conversation when referring to someone else’s discovery.

  • As exposed by the source, the water continuously pumped to our taps is not safe and something needs to be done about it
  • As exposed by the source, there are lot of Literatures that are not reviewed because of the several biases that occurred in previous times 

On the Authority of the Passage 

On the authority of the passage” highlights the reliability of the designated text.

It’s a suitable synonym for “In the text, it states” to give credibility to your work during writing.

This statement asserts that the passage or that part you’re quoting holds relevance.

Also, it’s particularly useful when stating what you deduced or interpreted from the original author.

  • Based on the authority of the passage, I can state that it’s important to hear both sides of a story before making a judgment no matter the relationship you share with one party
  • Based on the authority of the passage, it isn’t out of place to conclude that females are more vulnerable than men

The Article Reports That 

The article reports that” is another way to quote or state the exact message contained in a text.

It’s appropriate to replace “In the text, it states” in writing when citing an author.

In addition, you can use this statement when making a report, meaning you’re stating the exact idea, whether it’s in your own words or not.

  • The article reports that more than 50 lives were lost at the last insurgency
  • The article reports that more than 12 men visit the hospital daily for prostate cancer diagnosis 

The Study Focuses on

The study focuses on” is another great replacement for “In the text, it states.”

This statement highlights the central idea of the referenced text.

For instance, if the idea is about the importance of apples, it means that’s the focus of the study.

So, this phrase is suitable when you want to draw attention to the idea or crux of the particular subject.

  • The study focuses on the importance of owning a vehicle in a highly developed country and living in an area where the cost of living is high to manage cost
  • The study focuses on the advantages of taking fruits daily. It lists easy digestion of food as one of the advantages 

The Document Reads 

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

The document reads” is another interesting way to cite an author in writing.

This one draws attention to what the document contains.

It’s suitable when you want to state the exact words contained in the text rather than the interpretation.

  • The document reads that children should take milk daily and not adults
  • The document reads that the best way to avoid miscommunication is to communicate with clear terms

Final Words

When writing, the use of synonyms is important if you’re going to be using a particular expression frequently.

So, rather than use “In the text, it states” everywhere in your writing project, spread synonyms across the work to give it a more professional look and make it interesting to read.

This article has provided you with enough alternatives to help your next writing project.

Other Ways to Say In the Text It States

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