15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to Help”


Happy to help” is a versatile phrase that has been used in many contexts. It can be used to respond to someone who thanks you for helping them to let them know you enjoyed helping them.

This phrase has also been used to let someone know that you’re ready to help when they ask for your assistance.

However, this phrase has become so common that it can come off as repetitive, whether in the workplace or a casual setting.

That’s why exploring alternatives offers a better way to converse with people.

In this blog post, I’ll be taking you through different ways to say “Happy to help.” Whether you’re responding to a customer or a friend, you’ll find these alternatives useful and more appealing.

15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to Help”

There are numerous ways you can show someone you’re happy to help them.

“It’s nothing,” “I’m eager to be of assistance,” and “Don’t worry, we’ll work through it together” are some examples.

Below are 15 ways to say “Happy to help”:

  1. It’s nothing
  2. I’m glad I could offer some assistance
  3. I’m happy I could be there for you
  4. Don’t worry about it
  5. It’s alright, I’m happy I could do something
  6. It’s Okay. I’m here if you ever need me
  7. That’s fine, you can count on me anytime to be there for you
  8. I’ve always got your back
  9. I’m eager  to be of assistance 
  10. Certainly, I can take care of that
  11. It’s nothing much. I’ll settle it 
  12. Sure, I’m not ready to leave you all by yourself 
  13. Don’t worry, we’ll work through it together 
  14. Thank you for thanking me, we’ll love to do more
  15. I’ll always be at your service 

It’s Nothing

It’s nothing” is one of the ways to say “Happy to help.” This is a simple reply to give when someone appreciates you for doing something for them or for promising to take care of things.

Saying it’s nothing means it’s not a big deal to you and it’s something you enjoy doing.

In addition, this response is a modest way to wave off their appreciation, especially when you’ve done something simple.

For instance, if you helped someone with paying for a bus fare, you could reply that it’s nothing when they appreciate you to let them know it’s just an act of kindness and nothing serious.

  • It’s nothing. It’s something we do every day here. You’re welcome to visit and learn more
  • It’s nothing. My door is always open if you need more help 

I’m Glad I Could Offer Some Assistance

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

Another way you can say “Happy to help” is, “I’m glad I could offer some assistance.” 

This response is appropriate after you’ve helped someone sort out an issue or issues they were facing.

Saying you’re glad means you’re happy that you could be of help when they needed it. 

In addition, this statement emphasizes that you’re more happy that you could do something when they needed you, meaning that you’re happy you were useful.

While they appreciate you for coming to their aid, you let them know that you find happiness in helping people.

Furthermore, it’s a statement that’ll work better in a formal environment or with someone you are not very familiar with.

  • I’m glad I could offer some assistance. It makes me happy when I see random strangers happy
  • I’m glad I could offer some assistance. My job is to satisfy my customers 

I’m Happy I Could Be There for You 

I’m happy I could be there for you” is another beautiful way to say “Happy to help.”

This statement is another sweet way to let someone know you enjoyed doing something for them, pointing out that you find joy in assisting people.

In this case, this statement is more emotional and will work well with your loved ones to reassure them that their happiness makes you happy.

However, you can also use it with a stranger to let them know your act of kindness is for everyone.

  • I’m happy I could be there for you. I’m always happy when you’re happy
  • I’m happy I could be there for you. I want you to know that you mean a lot to me and I’ll do everything to make you happy

Don’t Worry About It 

Don’t worry about it” is another simple way to let someone know that the help you offer is not a big deal. 

Additionally, the sentence is another humble way to wave off someone’s “Thank you,” especially when they become too serious with it or if they go the extra mile to show their appreciation.

For instance, after helping someone, and they brought a gift to thank you.

This statement is appropriate to let them know they don’t need to bring you gifts and to also emphasize that it’s something simple for you.  

  • Don’t worry about it, it’s one of the things we do here
  • Don’t worry about it. It’s our mission to touch lives and we will continue to

It’s Alright, I’m Happy I Could Do Something 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

It’s alright, I’m happy I could do something” offers another exciting alternative to the original phrase.

This statement also emphasizes the happiness you feel in helping people. First, “It’s alright” acknowledges their appreciation. Then “I’m happy I could do something” further reassures them that you enjoy helping them.

It’s a great statement that’ll work in any environment as a response to someone’s appreciation.

  • It’s alright, I’m happy I could do something. It’s good to know you’re okay now
  • It’s alright, I’m happy I could do something. Feel free to always lay your complaint 

It’s Okay. I’m Here if You Ever Need Me 

It’s okay. I’m here if you ever need me” is another perfect alternative for “I’m happy to help.”

This statement is another lovely way to reassure a loved one of your commitment to them.

First, the statement receives their gratitude with “It’s okay.” Then, mentioning that you’ll be there for them whenever they need you is something a loved one would love to hear.

  • It’s okay. I’m here if you ever need me. Remember, I got your back
  • It’s okay. I’m here if you ever need me because I love you and will always do

That’s Fine, You Can Count on Me Anytime to Be There for You 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

That’s fine, you can count on me anytime to be there for you” is another statement that can replace the original phrase.

Here’s another emotional statement that guarantees someone of your unwavering support for them.

First, it accepts their appreciation with “That’s fine.” Then, letting them know that they can count on you anytime assures them that you enjoy helping them.

Moreover, it’s an invitation to them to always seek your help when they need it. So, it’s an appropriate response for a loved one to remind them of your pledge to always support them.

  • That’s fine, you can count on me anytime to be there for you. Remember we need to have each other’s back
  • That’s fine, you can count on me anytime to be there for you because you mean a lot to me 

I’ve Always Got Your Back 

I’ve always got your back” is another cool way to say “Happy to help.” This statement is another beautiful way to reassure your loved ones when they appreciate you for the good things you did for them.

Also, it’s a casual statement that’ll work on any occasion to receive someone’s appreciation.

For instance, if a friend thanks you for doing something for them, this is one of the casual responses to say that’ll mean a lot to them.

  • I’ve always got your back you know that
  • I’ve always got your back. No one got it better than I 

I’m Eager to Be of Assistance 

I’m eager to be of assistance” is another thing you can say when someone thanks you for helping them with something.

This response acknowledges their appreciation and extends further help to them. Letting them know you’ll always be ready to help them shows your care for them.

Furthermore, this expression is also appropriate to use when someone asks for your help to let them know you’ll grant them the assistance they need.

It’ll also work in a professional setting to deal with customers and clients, assuring them to always be of service.

  • I’m eager to be of assistance, just drop by at office hours to lodge your complaints
  • I’m eager to be of assistance. Just ensure you follow the instructions in the manual

Certainly, I Can Take Care of That 

Certainly, I can take care of that” is a statement you make when you wish to assure someone that you’ll take care of something.

This statement is also an appropriate alternative to “Happy to help.” In this case, you’re responding to a plea for help and not to an appreciation. 

So, when someone asks for your assistance, “Certainly” is like a yes, while “I can take care of that” further guarantees them of your capability. 

It’s suitable for a formal environment.

  • Certainly, I can take care of that. That’s my area of expertise
  • Certainly, I can take care of that. I’ll do it first thing tomorrow morning 

It’s Nothing Much. I’ll Settle It 

Another way to respond to someone who asks you to help them is by saying “It’s nothing much. I’ll settle it.” 

First, letting them know that it’s nothing much assures them that it’s not taking much from you.

Then, adding that you can handle it assures them that you’ll take care of it and that you’re capable. 

  • It’s nothing much. I’ll settle it. So, don’t worry yourself, I’ll attend to you soon 
  • It’s nothing much. I’ll settle it. I’ll get it done tomorrow 

Sure, I’m Not Ready to Leave You All by Yourself 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

Sure, I’m not ready to leave you all by yourself” is another cool way to say “Happy to help.”

This statement is another lovely way to assure someone of your help. Mentioning that you’re not ready to leave them all by themselves communicates love and support.

It’s something you can say to a junior colleague in a professional setting or to a loved one when they need your help.

  • Sure, I’m not ready to leave you all by yourself. I’ll take you through how it’s done soon
  • Sure, I’m not ready to leave you all by yourself. I’ll call you immediately after I’m done with this

Don’t Worry, We’ll Work Through It Together 

Don’t worry, we’ll work through it together” is another way to say “Happy to help.”

First, “Don’t worry” serves as a way to comfort them. It’ll work well with someone who is troubled about something.

Then, letting them know you’ll work through it with them further serves to assure them that you’ll be there for them. 

It’s a beautiful statement to make to someone who’s facing some difficulties that seem to trouble them.

  • Don’t worry, we’ll work through it together. I know some codes that can help you
  • Don’t worry, we’ll work through it together, that’s why I’m here 

Thank You for Thanking Me, We’ll Love to Do More 

Thank you for thanking me, we’ll love to do more” is another interesting way to say “Happy to help.”

This statement is a sweet way to respond to someone who appreciates you for your help. First, it accepts their gratitude. Then, saying that you’d love to do more shows that you enjoy helping them. 

  • Thank you for thanking me, we’d love to do more. Ensure you fill out that form before you leave
  • Thank you for thanking me, we’ll love to do more collaborations together. My manager will talk to you later 

I’ll Always Be at Your Service 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

Another fantastic alternative that can replace the original phrase is, “I’ll always be at your service.” 

This expression is another effective way to assure someone that you’ll offer them the assistance they need. 

It’s appropriate for a formal setting, but you can also use it playfully with friends.

  • I’ll always be at your service. So, don’t worry I’ll sort you out soon
  • I’ll always be at your service. That’s why I’m your friend


When someone appreciates you for helping them, or when someone asks for your help, “Happy to help” is a phrase that’s often used to assure them of your help or let them know you enjoy helping them.

But with this article, you’ve seen there are alternatives you can explore to drive home the same message. So, feel free to use them appropriately.

Other Ways to Say Happy to Help

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