15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to Hear That”


One of the beautiful ways to express our friendship with people is to share in their joy. When someone shares good news with you, showing your excitement is important to keep them in a joyful mood.

Happy to hear that” has become the usual response we chorus to such news to convey our happiness.

However, this expression is overused and can sound stale rather than exciting. Sometimes, people use it just to give a reply without being genuinely happy.

So, using alternative phrases can help convey your enthusiasm better and let your loved ones see your excitement for them.

In this guide post, I’ll be providing you with 15 other ways to say “Happy to hear that.” Whether you’re looking to convey genuine happiness or explore more vocabularies, this article has got all you need.

15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to Hear That”

As I’ve already established, there are numerous ways to convey your excitement when someone shares good news apart from “Happy to hear that.”

Some of them include “That’s good news,” “Hearing this brought a great relief to me,” and “I’m overjoyed by your progress.” 

Below are 15 different ways to say “Happy to hear that”:

  1. I’m so pleased to hear that
  2. That’s good news
  3. That’s pleasing to the ears
  4. I’m wowed by this news
  5. It brings me immense joy to witness this 
  6. I’m excited it turned out this way 
  7. I’m thrilled we arrived at this
  8. This message gladdens my heart 
  9. Hearing this brought a great relief to me
  10. Wow! This news just made my day
  11. I’m glad that’s the case
  12. What beautiful news
  13. I’m overjoyed by your progress
  14. We need to celebrate this news
  15. This is heartwarming 

I’m So Pleased to Hear That 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Hear That

I’m so pleased to hear that” is one of the best expressions that can replace “Happy to hear that.”

“Pleased” is an adjective that indicates pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfillment. So, using this statement when a friend shares good news doesn’t just express some superficial excitement; it shows satisfaction in their achievement.

Moreover, using “so” emphasizes a deep sense of gratification. Also, it’ll work well for a friend if you know their story and have been part of their journey.

Therefore, this statement lets them know that you find fulfillment in being part of their journey and seeing them succeed. It’s a great way to convey your deep thoughts.

  • I’m so pleased to hear that. I know how long you’ve waited for this
  • I’m so pleased to hear that and so happy your hard work is paying off. This is just the start of many to come 

That’s Good News 

Another cool alternative to “Happy to hear that” is “That’s good news.” 

This expression is a simple way to express your happiness when someone shares good news, yet it’s powerful enough to share your deep thoughts.

Also, this phrase indicates that you loved what you heard from them, and you share in their excitement.

For instance, if someone shares with you that they got a promotion at work, “That’s good news” shows you find the message worth happy for.

However, it’s more of a formal expression and will work well in a formal setting with colleagues, bosses, coursemates, or acquaintances.

Notwithstanding, you can personalize the statement, coupled with your body language, to express your excitement about a loved one’s news.

  • That’s good news. I have always known you’re the best person for this role
  • Wow! That’s good news, more like the best news I’ve heard today. We need to party!!

That’s Pleasing to the Ears

That’s pleasing to the ears” is another good alternative to “Happy to hear that.”

The word “Pleasing” means satisfactory or pleasurable. When you find something pleasing, it means you’re okay with it.

So, when someone shares some exciting news, and you use this response, it means you’re okay with the news. It’s just like a figure of speech, which means the ears did not find the words offensive, which means it’s a good message.

Also, it’s a formal expression and will work better in a professional environment. 

Moreover, when you want to acknowledge a colleague who shares their success with you or your boss who shares some good news about the company with you, this expression is very suitable.

But, with a friend or loved one, showing more enthusiasm with your body language and words will work better.

  • That’s pleasing to the ears. I’m happy we’re doing great at the national and international level
  • That’s pleasing to the ears. I’m so proud to call you my friend 

I’m Wowed by This News 

Another beautiful way to say “Happy to hear that” is “I’m Wowed by this news” 

This statement is another expression of happiness at someone’s statement. First, “Wow” is an exclamation that can be used in different contexts.

It can be used to express surprise, disappointment, confusion, and happiness.

In this case, this expression indicates wonderment at what you heard. It shows that you’re happy and, at the same time, surprised at the news.

For instance, if a friend suddenly tells you they got some money out of nowhere, or they got recommended for a job.

This response expresses your amazement at the sudden news; it means that you were not expecting such good news, not because you think they’re not good enough for it but because it wasn’t planned.

Moreover, it can also express your genuine happiness at their good news.

  • I’m wowed by this news. It shows that your good works have never gone unnoticed
  • I’m wowed by this news. It’s the best news to start the day. Who would’ve seen this coming?

It Brings Me Immense Joy to Witness This 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Hear That

It brings me immense joy to witness this” is another good replacement for “Happy to hear that.”

This statement is deep and emotional, conveying a personalized feeling about the whole situation. 

Also, it’s a statement that expresses how strongly you’re affected by the outcome of something. It’ll work well with someone you share something with.

For instance, if you’ve been part of your sister’s pregnancy journey and you were opportune to watch her give birth. 

This statement will work well to convey your emotions about the situation and also indicate you’re part of the incident. 

Nevertheless, you can always use the expression with anyone.

  • It brings me immense joy to witness this. This day is one of the best of my life
  • It brings me immense joy to witness this day. I’m so happy you called me here

I’m Excited It Turned Out This Way 

I’m excited it turned out this way” is another way you can express your good mood about something shared with you.

This statement is versatile and appropriate for a wide range of circumstances and settings, from good news shared in the workplace to some food fortune your friend is excited about.

Also, using this response shows that you’re familiar with the situation that turned out that way.

For instance, if your company has been trying to secure a partnership with a top company and it has been proving difficult. When it eventually happens, this statement is an adequate response to convey your happiness.

Another instance is a friend or a family trying for a scholarship; if they finally get it, this expression will work adequately to express your good thoughts about it.

  • I’m excited it turned out this way. I know how you have worked so hard and prayed about this. It’s great news
  • I’m excited it turned out this way. At least you don’t have to worry about your fees anymore, it’s such a relief 

I’m Thrilled We Arrived at This 

I’m thrilled we arrived at this” is another exciting way to say “Happy to hear that.”

This statement is another appropriate expression when you’ve been part of the process that led to the present situation.

First, “Thrilled” indicates excitement, joy, and any positive emotion. When you’re thrilled about something, it brings an electrifying feeling.

So, using this statement when a friend shares some news shows it’s something you’ve been anticipating. Moreover, “we” shows that you’re a part of the journey.

For instance, if you worked together on a project with a colleague. If they’re the ones to first get the news that the project won a grant and share it with you, this response is appropriate to convey your happiness.

Moreover, it shows your gratitude for the process and how far you’ve come with them.

  • It wasn’t easy- the sleepless nights, the headaches, and everything. I’m thrilled we arrived at this
  • I’m thrilled we arrived at this. The chase was worth it after all. Glad we never gave up

This Message Gladdens My Heart 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Hear That

This message gladdens my heart” is another interesting way to say “Happy to hear that.”

It’s another expression of happiness at hearing some beautiful news.  

When someone shares their good fortune or achievements with you, this statement shows how deeply happy their message has made you.

Moreover, it’s a strong statement that’ll work on any occasion and in any setting to share in someone’s joy.

Although it’s more of an informal statement, it can also work as a formal statement when you keep it at that.

  • This message gladdens my heart. It shows that there’s reward for hard work
  • This message gladdens my heart. It’s the best news I’ve heard today. We must celebrate 

Hearing This Brought a Great Relief to Me

Hearing this brought a great relief to me” expresses comfort at hearing some news.

It can work well as a replacement for “I’m happy to hear that” when someone shares something good with you.

In this case, it expresses more of calmness at hearing something than happiness. Although it doesn’t exclude happiness, it indicates that the first feeling is comfort.

Also, it’ll work well when a bad or complicated situation turns good. For example, if a friend, family, or colleague survives an illness or accident. Or if your company was saved from going bankrupt.

This statement shows that the news brought you comfort and peace, just like removing a heavy load from the chest.

  • Hearing this brought a great relief to me. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about the project anymore.
  • Hearing this brought a great relief to me. I was so scared we might lose him 

Wow! This News Just Made My Day 

Another good replacement for “Happy to hear that” is “Wow! This news just made my day.”

This statement expresses pleasant surprise at hearing their good news. Also, saying that it made your day shows you’re happy and fulfilled by their story.

  • Wow! This news just made my day. Let’s pop some champagne 
  • Wow! This news just made my day. It’s just what I need to go through this day

I’m Glad That’s the Case 

Other Ways to Say Happy to Hear That

I’m glad that’s the case” is another beautiful way to say “Happy to hear that.”

This statement shows you’re happy that something turned out the way it is. Also, it admits satisfaction at getting the result you’ve always wanted. It’s a great alternative that’ll work well in a formal setting.

  • I’m glad that’s the case. You worked so hard for it. Congratulations
  • I’m glad that’s the case. You’ve done well

What Beautiful News 

What beautiful news” is another beautiful way to say “Happy to hear that.”

This statement shows you love the news you heard. Also, it’s a versatile statement you can use on any occasion.

  • What beautiful news. This is just what we need
  • What beautiful news this morning. I’m happy for you

I’m Overjoyed by Your Progress

I’m overjoyed by your progress” admits immense joy at someone’s achievement.

It’s a beautiful statement that can replace “Happy to hear that” when someone shares their accomplishments with you, letting them know you’re happy they’re doing well.

  • I’m overjoyed by your progress. Keep it up
  • I’m overjoyed by your progress. Congratulations 

We Need to Celebrate This News 

We need to celebrate this news” calls for the celebration of something good.

When someone shares good news with you, saying that you both need to celebrate shows you’re happy about the situation.

  • We need to celebrate this news. You’ve just made me very happy
  • We need to celebrate this news. It’s worth celebrating 

This Is Heartwarming

This is heartwarming” signifies that the news you heard overwhelms you with warmth.

It’s something you can say instead of “Happy to hear that” when someone shares something good with you, indicating that you feel good at hearing their message.

  • This is heartwarming. It’s just what I need to hear
  • This is heartwarming. I’m so happy you made it


Sharing in people’s happiness fosters healthy relationships. So, when you next want to express your good thoughts about something someone shares with you, the above examples are statements you can use.

They’re good alternatives to “Happy to hear that.”

Other Ways to Say Happy to Hear That

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