15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to be Here”


Expressing yourself in different ways rather than sticking to a particular phrase offers variety and can add weight to your words.

Happy to be here” is an expression people often use to communicate their feelings to their audience when they’re happy to be at an event or being a part of a group.  

However, there are other expressions that convey the same message. Besides helping you express yourself better, these phrases bear depth and richness.

Join me in this article, as I discuss 15 alternatives to “Happy to be here.”

15 Other Ways to Say “Happy to be Here”

There are numerous ways to let someone know you’re happy to be with them.

Some of the expressions to use include “It feels wonderful being a part of this,” “I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet you,” and  “It’s a privilege to be among you all.”

Here are 15 other ways to say “Happy to be here”:

  1. I’m thrilled to meet you
  2. It feels wonderful being a part of this
  3. I’m happy I made it
  4. I’m so excited I took this bold step to join you
  5. I feel immense joy witnessing this
  6. Being a part of this group is a dream turned into reality for me
  7. Words alone are not enough to communicate how blessed I feel to be here
  8. It feels so good to be here 
  9. I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet you
  10. It’s a privilege to be among you all
  11. I feel blessed to be in your midst
  12. I’m honored to stand before you all
  13. Seeing you all fills me with electrifying joy
  14. I count my blessing on being here with you all
  15. I’m so glad I honored this invitation 

I’m Thrilled to Meet you

I’m thrilled to meet you” is one of the ways to say “I’m happy to be here.”

Thrill is an expression that means sudden excitement. It’s often used to indicate sensations that come with sudden events or excitement. 

For instance, when someone says “I felt a thrill when I saw her,” it could mean an electrifying feeling, trembling, or any sudden sensation.

So, in this case, this statement emphasizes a deep feeling of emotion upon meeting someone and, by extension, by being where you are. It’ll work well in a formal setting when you meet someone you’ve always wanted to meet for the first time.

Also, you can use this expression on any occasion to express your joy at meeting someone.

  • I’m Thrilled to Meet you. I can’t wait to share with you all the exciting projects we’re embarking on
  • I’m Thrilled to Meet you here, it’s such a privilege to get to talk with you about our company 

It Feels Wonderful Being a Part of This

It feels wonderful being a part of this” is another way to say “Happy to be here.”

This statement expresses happiness in being a part of a group or a project. For instance, if you were invited to join a charity course.

Using this expression shows you’re happy to join the group and also happy to participate in the course.

In addition, this expression conveys a great sense of satisfaction at getting something. It shows that you’ve always wanted something like that and getting it makes you very happy.

  • It feels wonderful being a part of this. I’ve always wanted to participate in this program and I’m glad you made it happen
  • It feels wonderful being a part of this. It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to reach out to people this way 

I’m Happy I Made It

I’m happy I made it” is another way to say “Happy to be here.

This expression communicates a deep sense of gratitude and happiness at being present at a particular place or event.

It’ll work for an occasion you were invited to or an occasion you attended and enjoyed. 

Also, you can use this statement in any setting to express your happiness for being there.

  • I’m happy I made it. I would’ve been so sad if I got to hear about this event from someone else
  • I’m happy I made it. I’ve learned a lot since the start of this program and I’m sure there’s more to learn

I’m So Excited I Took This Bold Step to Join You 

I’m so excited I took this bold step to join you” is another interesting way to say “Happy to be here.”

This one is another beautiful way to express your happiness at being a part of a team or a part of something.

By saying you took a bold step, it emphasizes that you made a major decision. It indicates that you might’ve spent some time thinking about it, being hesitant and all.

So, this statement expresses your gratitude and happiness at taking the decision. It shows that you love what you’ve seen with them.

  • I’m so excited I took this bold step to join you and your team. I must say it has been an exciting journey with you all
  • I’m so excited I took this bold step to join you. There’s no better partner I’ll ask for. Working with you has been a blessing 

I Feel Immense Joy Witnessing This 

Other Ways to Say Happy to be Here

I feel immense joy witnessing this” is another interesting way to say “Happy to be here.”

This statement is another way to communicate your deep feeling of gratification towards something.

“Immense” emphasizes the weight and depth of your happiness. It’ll work on any occasion you’re invited to, expressing gratitude for being invited.

  • I feel immense joy witnessing this. I’m so happy you thought of inviting me, it means a lot
  • I feel immense joy witnessing this. It has been a lot of fun here 

Being a Part of This Group Is a Dream Turned into Reality for Me 

Being a part of this team is a dream turned into reality for me” is another way to say “Happy to be here.”

This statement emphasizes a deep sense of appreciation for getting something. Saying it’s a dream come through for you means it’s something you’ve always wanted and worked for.

For instance, if you’ve always wanted to be part of a band and have been auditioning for a spot.

When you eventually get taken in, this statement shows how happy, fulfilled, and grateful you are for achieving your dream.

  • Being a part of this group is a dream turned into reality for me. I know how long I’ve auditioned, waited, and hoped, and it’s here finally
  • Being a part of this group is a dream turned into reality for me. I look forward to being a part of the greatness here

Words Alone Are Not Enough to Communicate How Blessed I Feel to Be Here 

Other Ways to Say Happy to be Here

Another good alternative to “I’m happy to be here” is “Words alone are not enough to communicate how blessed I feel to be here.” 

This expression is a powerful way to show your gratitude and happiness at being at a particular place.

First, the words “Words are not enough to express…” is an expression that shows how overwhelmed you are by emotions, emphasizing the depth of your feelings. 

Moreover, adding that you feel blessed shows that you’re not only happy but fulfilled. It’s an expression you use when you’re sure to gain a lot by being at a particular event.

  • Words are not enough to express how blessed I feel to be here. I’m happy you invited me
  • Words are not enough to express how blessed I feel to be here. I look forward to connecting with beautiful minds here

It Feels So Good to Be Here 

It feels so good to be here” is another expression that can replace “I’m happy to be here.”

This statement indicates a strong feeling of contentment. By saying it feels good, it shows you’re pleased to be where you are.

Also, it’s a great statement that can work on any occasion to express your satisfaction at being among some people or at being at an event.

  • It feels so good to be here. I can’t imagine myself at any other place today
  • It feels so good to be here. Thank you for asking me over 

I’m Grateful for the Opportunity to Meet You

I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet you” is another way to say “I’m happy to be here.”

This statement indicates happiness at meeting someone you’ve always wanted to meet.

For instance, if you attended an event and run into a famous person you’ve longed to meet, this statement expresses your happiness at meeting them and gratitude for being there.

Also, if they invited you to meet with them, this statement thanks them for granting you the opportunity.

  • I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet you. It means a lot to me
  • I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet you. I never thought I’d meet you here. I’m so happy I came 

It’s a Privilege to Be Among You All 

It’s a privilege to be among you all” is another powerful expression you can use instead of “Happy to be here.”

This statement will work well in a professional or formal environment to express your delight at being with some people.

Saying it’s a privilege shows you’re grateful for being in their midst. It’ll work when you’re officially invited to a program. You can use this statement as an opening remark to greet your audience.

  • It’s a privilege to be among you all. I’m happy to see your beautiful faces
  • It’s a privilege to be among you all. It feels good talking to young people like myself 

I Feel Blessed to be in Your Midst

Other Ways to Say Happy to be Here

“I feel blessed being in your midst” is another beautiful way to say you’re happy to be with people.

This expression shows that you like it with them. Moreover, saying that you feel blessed indicates a deep feeling of satisfaction. 

It’s a formal expression that’ll work in a professional environment, expressing gratitude for an invitation.

  • I feel blessed to be in your midst. It’s wonderful seeing creatives eager to learn 
  • I feel blessed to be in your midst to interact with you all

I’m Honored to Stand Before You All

I’m honored to stand before you all” is another cool way to say “Happy to be here.”

This statement is another expression of gratitude for being where you are and with the people you’re with.

Like the above, it’s a formal expression you can use when you’re invited to speak to a group of people. It shows your appreciation for getting the opportunity.

  • I’m honored to stand before you all. I’m happy I get to meet you all
  • I’m honored to stand before you all. I’m grateful for the opportunity to discuss my project with you all

Seeing You All Fills Me with Electrifying Joy 

Seeing you all fills me with electrifying joy” is another interesting way to say “Happy to be here.”

This statement expresses a deep feeling of happiness at being where you are. It’ll work well on any occasion to express your feelings at meeting someone or a group of people.

  • Seeing you all fills me with electrifying joy. I’m so happy I get to work with such beautiful people
  • Seeing you all fills me with electrifying joy. I can’t wait to explore all we have together 

I Count My Blessing on Being Here with You All 

I count my blessing on being here with you all” is another interesting way to let someone know you’re happy to be with them.

This expression indicates a profound feeling of gratitude for being where you are.

  • I count my blessing on being here with you all. I can’t wait to connect with you all
  • I count my blessing on being here with you all. I can’t wait to bring our dreams into reality 

I’m So Glad I Honored This Invitation 

Other Ways to Say Happy to be Here

A simple way to say “Happy to be here” is with this sentence, “I’m so glad I honored this invitation.” 

This expression shows great excitement for being where you are.

  • I’m so glad I honored this invitation. I can’t wait to meet you all and learn some things
  • I’m so glad I honored this invitation. I’m sure we’ll have a lot to discuss 

Final Words 

“Happy to be here” expresses delight at being at a particular place. However, there are plenty of alternative phrases that can help you convey your deep thoughts and emotions.

This article has provided you with these alternatives. Feel free to choose the appropriate one for you.

Other Ways to Say Happy to be Here

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