15 Best Replies to “You’re Dead To Me” 


When someone says, “you’re dead to me,” it means they’ve been hurt deeply and feel they can’t forgive you. 

They’re ready to cut you out of their life completely, stopping all communication and not wanting to hear anything about you. 

How you respond depends on what you want from the conversation, as it might be your last one with them. 

At Phraseably, we think the best reply to such a statement should come naturally and spontaneously to reflect how you truly feel. 

To assist you, we’ve compiled a list of 15 good responses for when someone says this, whether you’re speaking face-to-face or texting.

How To Respond To “You’re Dead To Me”: First Look

Here is our list of the best replies to give when someone tells you, “You’re dead to me”:  

  1. I’m sorry to hear that.
  2. At least give me a chance to fix the damage I’ve caused.
  3. Goodbye.
  4. So you’ll pick a grudge over forgiveness.
  5. Can you seriously live with that?
  6. It hasn’t come to that. 
  7. And so are you.
  8. Took you so long to say it.
  9. Give me a second chance. 
  10. Well, I can respect that.
  11. Just because I did the right thing?
  12. If that’s what it takes to be a good person, then so be it. 
  13. I’m not dead to you; you’re just pissed at me. 
  14. I know you don’t mean that, but I’ll step away for some time.
  15. What can I do to change your mind?

Hearing “You’re dead to me” is hard, whether it’s said to you or if you’re the one saying it. 

It’s a very final statement, and you may think that the best thing to do is accept it, move on, and stop trying to change their mind.

Of course, the comment suggests that the relationship can’t be repaired. 

But knowing what it really means can help you choose the best way to respond.

What Does “You’re Dead To Me” Mean? 

The phrase “you’re dead to me” basically means the person who said that never want to hear from you again. 

In the English language, it’s a hyperbolic expression. The “dead” isn’t taken for its actual meaning. 

By being dead to them, they’re done with you and no longer interested in your life. This is the end of your relationship.

In other words, they feel you’ve been unreasonable and haven’t listened to their concerns. Continuing to argue won’t help.

Some people may even rephrase it as “you’re as good as dead to me,” or “you no longer exist as far as I’m concerned.”

15 Best Replies to “You’re Dead To Me”

In the following sections, you’ll find out which of our 15 suggested replies to “you’re dead to me” is best for your situation and how to use it.

1. I’m sorry to hear that

How to Respond to You’re Dead To Me

One simple response when someone says, “you’re dead to me,” is to apologize for putting them in that position. 

Their statement clearly shows you’ve upset them deeply, and they’re not ready to overlook it.

By saying, “I’m sorry to hear that,” you show remorse and hope they didn’t really mean what they said. 

Even if this ends the relationship, you want them to know you’re sorry for what you’ve done or how you’ve made them feel.

2. At least give me a chance to fix the damage I’ve caused.

Another great reply to “you’re dead to me” is, “At least give me a chance to fix the damage I’ve caused.” 

This works well if you know you made a mistake but want to make things right instead of just accepting that they’re leaving your life. 

It shows you understand they speak out of strong emotions and are willing to correct your errors.

3. Goodbye

You could simply say “goodbye” when someone says, “you’re dead to me.” It’s a straightforward response that shows you won’t try to convince them otherwise.

It acknowledges that their statement means there’s no turning back, and you accept that. If they’re deeply hurt, they could express their disappointment in many ways, but saying “you’re dead to me” suggests it’s truly over. A simple “goodbye” fits this situation.

Who knows? The person can later come back and say they didn’t mean it.

4. So you’ll pick a grudge over forgiveness

How to Respond to You’re Dead To Me

When someone says, “You’re dead to me,” it means you’ve done something they’re really upset about and unwilling to forgive. 

They want to hold onto their grudge and cut you out of their life.

You can respond by asking if that’s genuinely what they want—carrying a grudge and missing out on forgiveness and peace of mind. 

After all, even the holy book says that while making mistakes is human, forgiving is divine.

5. Can you seriously live with that?

Living with the knowledge that you’ve ended a relationship on a sour note can be a heavy burden, especially if it’s with someone you’ve been close to, like a friend, partner, or colleague.

You can bring this up to encourage them to reconsider their statement. 

Asking if they’re really willing to live with that decision for the rest of their life can make them think twice about what they’ve said.

6. It hasn’t come to that

How to Respond to You’re Dead To Me

It hasn’t come to that” is a common response to an outburst or anger. It often comes out naturally. 

It works well when someone says “You’re dead to me,” in the heat of the moment.

While this reply might not change their mind immediately, it sets the stage for you to start apologizing (if you’ve done something wrong).

Quick Tip: 

  • When you use this phrase, follow it up immediately with an explanation or apology.

7. And so are you 

Sometimes, people use this phrase not just because you’ve wronged them but because you don’t agree with them or support their choices. 

When someone says, “You’re dead to me,” it means they’re deeply disappointed, especially if you were once a family member or friend who meant a lot to them.

If you believe you’re in the right and they say, “you’re dead to me,” you can respond with “and so are you” to show that you’re also ready to move on from someone who acts this way.

8. Took you so long to say it 

If you’re looking for a rejoinder when someone says, “You’re dead to me,” consider telling them, “It took you so long to say it.” 

Be careful, though. This type of quip works best when:

  • You’ve been considering cutting them off, too.
  • Your relationship has been falling apart recently.
  • You’ve been expecting this outcome.
  • You’re indifferent to their decision to move on.

If these conditions apply, “Took you so long to say it” can be a fitting reply to make a final impression as you part ways.

9. Give me a second chance

Another way to respond when someone says, “You’re dead to me,” is to ask for a second chance.

This reply shows that you understand you’ve wronged them, feel genuinely sorry, and want to make things right if they’re willing to give you another chance instead of cutting you off. 

Use this response if you truly value the relationship and don’t want it to end over your mistake.

10. Well, I can respect that 

Well, I can respect that” is a perfect reply to “you’re dead to me” if you’re also ready to let them go.

If you’ve assessed the situation and believe there’s no way to move forward, and you don’t want to be reminded of what happened, it’s best for both of you to part ways. 

Instead of just saying “okay,” which can make it look like the relationship didn’t matter to you, saying “I can respect that” acknowledges their decision politely. 

11. Just because I did the right thing?

Sometimes, people say, “you’re dead to me,” not because you’ve done something wrong, but out of pettiness. 

It could mean they’re selfish and uncomfortable with the truth, so they cut you out of their life.

For example, if you share an unpopular opinion, like “everyone deserves respect,” and a racist friend responds with “What? You think they deserve respect? You’re dead to me,” you can reply with, “Just because I’m doing the right thing? Dead on!”

In these cases, being “dead to them” might just mean you don’t share their harmful views or agree with their perspective.

12. If that’s what it takes to be a good person, then so be it. 

How to Respond to You’re Dead To Me

If someone says “you’re dead to me” out of pettiness rather than genuine wrongdoing, you can surely reply, “If that’s what it takes to be a good person, then so be it.

This response shows you’re sticking to your principles and accepting the situation. 

It also depends on the incident that triggered their response and how deeply they’re hurt. But you should recognize that it can be difficult to repair the relationship after they’ve said the statement. 

13. I’m not dead to you; you’re just pissed at me. 

Sometimes, when someone says, “you’re dead to me,” they don’t really mean it. It’s an emotional outburst intended to hurt your feelings and make you feel their pain. 

They use harsh words and actions to express their anger and hurt without physical harm.

If you’ve done something that deeply upset them, their drastic words are their way of showing how hurt they are. 

Pointing this aspect out in your response can help defuse the situation. 

That’s why the reply, “I’m not dead to you, you’re just pissed at,” is a good option. 

14. I know you don’t mean that, but I’ll step away for some time.

Another way to respond is by saying, “I know you don’t mean that, but I’ll step away for a while.” 

This reply helps them understand that, if meant seriously, saying “you’re dead to me” is a very extreme statement.

If they do mean it seriously, this response shows that you reason with them but do not choose to give them space to cool down.

In some time, they will act calmer and realize that they don’t want you out of their lives. They just want you to see how pissed they are.

15. What can I do to change your mind?

Since they clearly want you out of their life, you could ask, “What can I do to change your mind?”

Even though they’ve said they never want to see or speak to you again, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. 

You can express that you believe no mistake is unforgivable. 

If you use this reply, be prepared to offer your best apology and address their reasons if you hope to salvage the relationship.

Final Thoughts 

“You’re dead to me” is as final as it gets. They are furious and think you’ve made a colossal mistake, possibly an unforgivable one.

If this is said over text message, they might have already blocked you, so they won’t see any response you try to make. 

But if you want to fix the relationship, we hope our list helps you find the right words. 

Even If you’re ready to part ways with grace, we hope our suggestions are helpful for that, too.

How to Respond to You’re Dead To Me

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