15 Best Responses to “I’m Seeing Someone”


Rejection isn’t fun, but if a girl says she’s seeing someone, you don’t have to just say a dull “okay, no worries” and give up.

Instead, you can use clever, flirty, or cheeky replies to keep things on a light note, sound like a cool guy, or show you’re still interested.

Just remember to be respectful. Don’t push too hard if she’s happy with her current partner. But a little playful flirting can be fun to keep the conversation going.

Replying to “I’m Seeing Someone”: Top Favourites

This article shows 15 amazing responses when a girl tells you she’s seeing someone. But in case you’re in a hurry, here are our top favorites: 

Best Response Purpose
The good ones usually do. To compliment while honestly showing disappointment. 
Your man’s a headache; I’ll be your aspirin. To confidently flirt anyway.
I should’ve guessed- he’s a lucky man. To compliment her.
I’ll save the good date for someone else For clever humor.


I’ve been in this situation myself and understand how tough it can be to think of the right thing to say on the spot without coming off as creepy or too pushy.

So, I’ve put together a list of comebacks/responses you can use for various situations.

15 Best Replies to “I’m Seeing Someone”

  1. What girl isn’t?
  2. Damn, and I was already getting excited to meet your parents.
  3. I’ll save the good date for someone else.
  4. I respect your boundaries but this was fun. At least I can get your contact so we talk from time to time. 
  5. Don’t worry, my imaginary girlfriend won’t be offended.
  6. I should’ve guessed- he’s a lucky man.
  7. Of course—I should have known.
  8. Well, no harm in trying.
  9. I’d be stupid not to ask.
  10. Well, it was worth a shot!
  11. The good ones usually do.
  12. Ah, no worries. I’m still glad we met. 
  13. Well, that’s not surprising! You have a wonderful day!
  14. Dang, looks like someone beat me to it.
  15. Your man’s a headache; I’ll be your aspirin.

My top choice for responding is to call her bluff directly, like suggesting she might be inventing a boyfriend to avoid you. But this approach doesn’t work for every situation.

A more universally effective way is to express your disappointment while honestly framing it as a compliment. It can even be a bit flirty, depending on how you phrase it.

Here’s how you can use each of these suggested replies:

1. What girl isn’t?

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

When a lady says she’s seeing someone else, you could make a light-hearted comment like, “What girl isn’t?” 

This approach subtly suggests she might use it as an excuse while adding humor to the situation. 

It can help keep the conversation going. However, if she seems serious about it, it’s best to move on gracefully.

2. Damn, and I was already getting excited to meet your parents

Another fun response when a woman says she’s seeing someone is to jokingly mention that you were already planning to meet her parents and get serious. 

This is an exciting way to express your disappointment without being pushy. It can make her laugh and show you’re ready to respect her boundaries and move on. 

If things go well, you might even end up getting her number.

3. I’ll save the good date for someone else.

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

When she says she’s seeing someone, it might be a way to push you away. 

If you suspect that’s the case, you could respond coolly by mentioning you had plans if the conversation went well. 

See if she may suggest, “Well, we could definitely hang out sometime.”

4. I respect your boundaries but this was fun. At least I can get your contact, so we talk from time to time. 

One of the best ways to handle rejection when a woman says she’s seeing someone is to ask if you can be friends.

 You can do this with the hope that you will get along better in the future or genuinely want to be friends. 

Either way, ask for her contact and see where it goes.

Quick Tip: 

  • Asking for her Instagram handle rather than a personal phone number has a higher success rate because she may feel more comfortable sharing social media than a private number, especially if you’re just meeting. 

5. Don’t worry my imaginary girlfriend won’t be offended

You can indirectly hint that she could be making up the situation by saying you also have an imaginary girlfriend. 

This can potentially prompt her to clarify if she’s truly seeing someone. If she’s lying just to brush you off, she might laugh at your comment. 

It helps you figure out if she’s genuinely seeing someone and keeps the conversation going.

6. I should’ve guessed- he’s a lucky man

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

It may surprise you that many women find it cute when guys say something like “He’s a lucky man” in response to them mentioning they’re married or seeing someone else.

Using this reply can help you stay charming and potentially leave a positive impression even though things didn’t end the way you expected. 

7. Of course—I should have known

Of course—I should have known” is a classic compliment that can be used as a reply whenever a girl tells you she’s seeing someone already. 

You’d have to say it with a pleasant tone and a kind smile. This is the kind of response you give and then immediately back off. 

Nine times out of ten, ladies will see this as a nice little ego boost for them that you’ve beautifully handled. 

8. Well, no harm in trying

Another way you can reply when a lady says she’s seeing someone is to accept with style gracefully. Thus, “Well, no harm in trying” works well. 

It is a nice one to use so that you stay confident and friendly and leave things on a positive note. It also allows you to avoid sounding awkward. 

9. I’d be stupid not to ask

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

The phrase “I’d be stupid not to ask” is a popular response to this situation, and you may have even seen it in movies. Trust me, it always works. 

It’s a subtle compliment to the woman, showing that you’re confident and self-aware. It doesn’t appear creepy or pushy, indicating that you’re ready to move on. 

10. Well, it was worth a shot

You can make the woman laugh by telling her, “Well, it was worth a shot.” 

Even though she firmly tells you she’s seeing someone and you’re about to leave, simply use this flattering response to leave a lasting impression. 

11. The good ones usually do

The phrase “The good ones usually do” is a solid reply to “I’m seeing someone” because it helps you continue the conversation on a platonic level. 

Most importantly, the tone of this reply is respectful and charismatic. 

12. Ah, no worries, I’m still glad we met

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

Alternatively, you can handle the rejection by showing appreciation for the situation so she knows you’re not upset about it.

That is why the response, “Ah, no worries, I’m still glad we met.” is a solid reply. 

If it feels right, you can politely end the conversation and leave.

13. Well, that’s not surprising! You have a wonderful day!

Telling her that it isn’t surprising she’s seeing someone is a compliment that can put a smile on her face. 

Also, If said authentically, it will show you support her contentment in a relationship. 

If you and the lady are getting along despite her comment, you can ask that you be friends. But if you enjoy the conversation but don’t plan to continue it later, you can keep talking for now. 

14. Dang, it looks like someone beat me to it

You could also say, “Dang, looks like someone beat me to it” to add a touch of humor. 

It lightens the mood and makes her less uncomfortable about rejecting you, especially regarding ending up as friends.

15. Your man’s a headache; I’ll be your aspirin

How to Respond to I’m Seeing Someone

A confident response can be powerful if you sense she’s interested in you on some level. However, be careful not to disregard her relationship; tread lightly.

This approach works best when you feel there’s mutual interest. Let her decide if she wants to stay in touch as friends. 

You can’t suggest this directly without raising concerns, so it’s best to leave the decision to her.

Editor’s Note on What to do When Told “I’m Seeing Someone”

When someone says, “I’m seeing someone,” how you respond might depend on whether you want to stay friends without romantic hopes. 

If you’re not interested in a friendship and only want a romantic relationship, you could say, “Got it. I really enjoyed our conversation, and I hope your trip goes well (or whatever the conversation was about).”

If you want to stay friends, you need to genuinely be interested in that friendship and pay attention to her body language and responses. 

Sometimes, saying “I have a boyfriend” is a polite way of saying they’re not interested in continuing any interaction. 

If she doesn’t seem enthusiastic about being friends, it’s best to accept it gracefully and move on. 

Avoid making comments like “I hope he appreciates you,” as they can seem objectifying. Stay positive and neutral. 

There’s also the theory that women appreciate when you handle rejection well and respect their comfort. 

Keeping a neutral and respectful attitude is usually the best approach.

Final Thoughts

Remember, “Kinda seeing someone” isn’t the same as “seeing someone,” and that’s different from “I have a boyfriend.” 

Many women who aren’t interested can say they’re “kinda seeing someone.” At least she’s being honest about it.

Even when you want to make a quip about this comment, just be respectful while being clever or witty.


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