15 Best Replies to “I’ll Think About It”


Hearing “I’ll think about it” isn’t always encouraging for feedback, especially after you’ve closed a sales call, asked someone on a date, or asked someone to be your girlfriend. 

This phrase usually means they need time to consider their options. However, it can also be a polite way of saying no. How you respond can turn the situation around.

In this article, we’ve compiled 15 effective replies for when someone says, “I’ll think about it,” whether you’re on a sales call, suggesting an idea to a friend, or asking someone out. 

Each reply includes tips on how to use it to your advantage.

List of the Best Replies to “I’ll Think About It”

How you reply depends on what you think is making them hesitant. 

You can either covertly ask why they’re unsure, offer more options in case they don’t like the idea, or emphasize the urgency so they can give an instant response. 

Also, there’s no harm in giving a sarcastic reply. Here are the best responses you can use:

  1. What part are you thinking about the most?
  2. Take your time. When next should I reach out?
  3. I’m guessing that will take 3-5 working days.
  4. What contact details should I use for follow-up?
  5. That works. 
  6. What’s the biggest factor in your decision right now?
  7. Do you have any questions that might help you decide?
  8. Understood. I appreciate you considering it.
  9. What’s the best way for me to follow up with you?
  10. The chance to act on this may end soon. 
  11. What’s there to think about?
  12. Okay, get back to me on that.
  13. Nevermind. I’ll invite someone.
  14. Ah, you’re no fun!
  15. So you do think from time to time?

There are various replies you can use, and as you go through our list, you must have noticed that some fit better in certain situations. 

The “I’ll think about it” response can come up in different contexts, not just during sales calls but often when someone is asked out on a date. 

That’s why we’ve included a wide range of responses to cover different scenarios. Let’s now look at them and see which ones work best for each situation.

1. What part are you thinking about the most?

How to respond to i'll think about it

One effective response to “I’ll think about it” is to ask, “What part are you thinking about the most?” 

This question encourages them to share their specific concerns or hesitations. The person is likely asking for more time because they’re not fully convinced yet. 

But when you now ask this question, you can gain insight into their doubts and address them directly. 

Quick Tip: 

  • For this reply, it’s best to use a tone that shows genuine concern, rather than frustration or annoyance at their indecision. 

2. Take your time. When next should I reach out?

To make sure someone doesn’t just say “I’ll think about it” and then avoid your offer or request, ask them when you’ll hear back from them. 

For example, if they need time to consider your proposal, you could say, “Take your time. When should I follow up with you?” 

Usually, they’ll give you a specific time frame. 

So, if you invite someone out and they say they need to think about it, ask them to tell you when they’ll get back to you—ideally before the time you suggested. 

This way, you’re more likely to get a response, and hopefully a positive one. 

3. I’m guessing that will take 3-5 working days.

How to respond to i'll think about it

Another rather interesting way you can reply to the “I’ll think about it” phrase is to make sarcasm to suggest that thinking it over might not be necessary.

For example, you could say “I’m guessing that will take 3-5 working days?” Of course, you don’t mean it literally. And your tone or demeanor should show sarcasm when using this reply. 

This approach works well with friends when you’ve asked them to do something or help you out and they want to think it over.

Meanwhile, quips such as this one can be a bit risky because it’s not a phenomenally humorous rejoinder. 

If the person has asked to think about it for a matter that is rather serious or has to do with business decisions, you should play it safe with a simpler reply.

4. What contact details should I use for follow-up?

When someone says they need time to think about your request but doesn’t give a specific time frame, just saying “sure, no problem” might not work. 

Instead, ask them how you should follow up with them. 

This is especially useful when you’re asking someone you’ve just met and want to make sure they don’t just use “I’ll think about it” as an excuse to avoid answering.

By asking for their contact details, you make sure they know you’ll follow up, which encourages them to consider your request.

5. That works. 

The reply “That works” is a good choice when someone says “I’ll think about it.” 

It shows you’re okay with giving them time to decide and that you’re open to discussing it further if they need it. 

Use this response when the decision is up to them and it doesn’t affect you much, whether they agree or not. 

For example, if you’re the baker for a wedding and the couple needs to choose between a white and blue cake, and they say they’ll think about it, you can reply with “That works.” 

This way, you show you’re fine with them taking their time.

6. What’s the biggest factor in your decision right now?

How to respond to i'll think about it

Asking someone about the main factor influencing their decision, right after they say they need time to think, is a clever strategy. 

It helps you understand what’s causing their hesitation. 

Once you get them to talk about the main concern, you can address it directly and maybe get a decision right away.

7. Do you have any questions that might help you decide?

Sometimes, people don’t just need time to think—they need answers to their questions about your request or offer.

To address this, a good response is to ask if they have any questions that might help them decide.

This shows you care about helping them and aren’t desperate. More importantly, it helps you find out what’s making them unsure.

Quick Tip: 

  • Once they begin to ask the questions, you answer in the honest and best possible way to see if they can change their mind and give you a positive answer right there and then. 

8. Understood. I appreciate you considering it.

Understood. I appreciate you considering it” is a simple and easy-to-remember reply you can use.

This response acknowledges that you’re aware they might be using “I’ll think about it” as a way to avoid your request, but you’re okay with that.

It shows you understand they need time to think and appreciate their consideration. 

This is the kind of response where you have already concluded that heaven won’t fall if they return and give you a No. It’s a subtle way of saying “Whatever, then”

9. What’s the best way for me to follow up with you?

Asking for the best way to follow up when someone says “I’ll think about it” is a smart approach.

This way, they’ll give you a contact method or a specific date for when you can expect to hear back from them. 

It’s a kind of reverse psychology that encourages them to commit to thinking about your request because they know you’ll be in touch soon.

It also helps ensure they consider your request, knowing you’ll follow up with them.

10. The chance to act on this may end soon

Another way to respond when someone asks for time to think about your offer is to create a sense of urgency.

By suggesting that the offer might not be available for long, you motivate them to decide quickly. This helps you know where you stand a lot sooner.

Studies have even shown that people are more likely to act quickly when they sense urgency or scarcity, so using this tactic can help you get the feedback you need faster.

11. What’s there to think about?

For example, when you ask a girl out on a date, she will either be interested or not. Let her know that it’s okay if she doesn’t want to go out with you.

If she says no, you should stay calm and not get upset. She might say no because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. 

 If she was interested, she would have said yes quickly. So, asking “What’s there to think about?” makes sense.

She might be busy, but pressing her won’t help your chances. It’s better to ask her right away the moment she tells you she needs more time to think.

12. Okay, get back to me on that

Some people think the best response to “I’ll think about it” is just to say “Okay, let me know later” and leave it at that.

Depending on the situation, it might not be a good idea to keep talking and hope they will eventually tell you their decision.

Saying “I’ll think about it” is a way of showing you’re not interested, but without directly saying it. 

It’s a way to say, “Do what you want, I will look for someone else” without sounding pushy or needy.

13. Nevermind. I’ll invite someone

This works well if you ask someone out and they say they’ll think about it.

You can respond with “Never mind, I’ll ask someone else.” Sometimes, when guys use this line, the girl might later say she’s available.

If that doesn’t work, just invite someone else. You don’t have to wait around and deal with uncertainty.

14. Ugh, you’re no fun!

If you want to show that you’re not taking their hesitation too seriously, try the humorous response of “Ah, you’re no fun!”

It adds a bit of humor and helps reduce any awkwardness, showing you’re not upset by their hesitation.

This reply makes them feel more comfortable and could make it easier for them to give a clearer answer later. 

15. So you do think from time to time?

If you want to give a cheeky response, you can say something like, “I didn’t know you could think” or “So you do think sometimes?”

These lines aren’t for serious situations, but if it’s a friend and you want to seize the opportunity to roast them, this comment can work well.

Closing Remarks 

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t always take “I’ll think about it” at face value. 

When someone says this, they might be hiding a concern they haven’t shared. Sometimes, though, they genuinely need more time to decide. 

If you feel they’re not fully open to your offer, it might be worth using some of the responses we’ve suggested to push them further. 

So, which of the 15 replies works best for you? Feel free to share below.

How to respond to i'll think about it

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