20 Best Responses To “God is Good” 


People say “God is good” to express gratitude, hope, or faith, especially in tough times or when good things happen. 

How you respond to this statement depends on how you wish to connect with the person’s feelings. 

For example, you may want to agree or share in the words of encouragement. In other cases, you want to sound more thought-provoking or say something that suggests you couldn’t care less. 

In this guide, we’ve gathered some of the best replies you can give when someone says “God is good.” 

Key Takeaways 

  • Think about why someone says “God is good” before you decide how to respond. 
  • Usually, people reply with “all the time,” and that’s fine, but you don’t always have to say that. A simple “Amen” or “indeed” works well too. 
  • You could joke by saying, “He better be with all that power.” 
  • If you don’t share the belief, you could say something like, “So is spaghetti and meatballs” to lighten the mood.

Figuring out how to respond to religious statements like “God is good” isn’t always simple. 

You need to consider the reason the person said it. It’s similar to when someone says “Praise the Lord,” a phrase often found in the Bible.

People might say “God is good” in both happy and difficult situations, either out of excitement or to offer comfort. 

The list in the next section will show you different ways to respond depending on the situation.

But first, let’s understand better why people use this statement. 

Why Do People Say “God is Good”?

People, especially Christians, often say “God is good” because they believe they experience His love, grace, mercy, generosity, and favour, even when they don’t think they deserve it.

So it’s a nice statement to utter in any circumstance. 

This phrase is commonly used in many evangelical churches, including “born-again” congregations and Afro-American or Black churches.

List of the Best Replies to “God is Good”

  1. All the time.
  2. Amen.
  3. Too good to not believe!
  4. He keeps proving it everyday.
  5. Indeed!
  6. He better be with all that power.
  7. Always, in every situation. 
  8. What does “good” mean to you?
  9. Beyond good—He’s great.
  10. Good thing He’s not taking any days off!
  11. God is good, are you? 
  12. So is spaghetti and meatballs.
  13. Or it’s your world and its rules that have been good to you.
  14. May we continue to enjoy his goodness.
  15. Isn’t He on a roll!
  16. Well, tell Him we need some of that goodness
  17. His blessings never cease.
  18. We serve an awesome God.
  19. Good is an understatement.
  20. Good to see you find comfort in your beliefs.

The above list of responses can seem a bit confusing at first because some are more fitting for certain situations than others.

So, in the  following sections, we will break down each response, explain how to use it, and the best situations where they apply.

1. All the time

Best Responses To God is Good

The response “All the time” is a common way to reply when someone says “God is good.” It comes from the popular call-and-response song that goes, “God is good, All the time; All the time, God is good.”

This reply is a good way to show agreement and is similar to saying “Hallelujah.” It’s easy to remember and works well in any situation.

2. Amen

Another simple way to respond when someone says “God is good” is to say a short “Amen.” What you say after that can be important too.

“Amen” sounds very versatile because you can use it whether the person is sharing good news or talking about something bad. 

It shows that you agree with the statement and want to offer encouragement or comfort.

3. Too good to not believe

Best Responses To God is Good

You can respond to “God is good” with “Too good to not believe” to sound lively and excited. 

This phrase is a twist on that popular “too good to be true” line that people use when they are in doubt. 

On the contrary, saying “too good to not believe,” shows that you also believe in God’s goodness and love. It’s a great way to join in the celebration when someone shares good news and says “God is good.”

4. He keeps proving it everyday

Sometimes, it’s more fun to respond with excitement when your Christian friends say “God is good.”

To show that you agree and share in their joy, you can say, “He keeps proving it every day.” 

This works well when they mention “God is good” in response to good news or when they’re grateful for things going well in their lives.

5. Indeed

If you want a short, one-word response to “God is good,” you can say “indeed.”

The English dictionary defines the word “indeed” as an adverb that you use when emphasising a statement or confirming something already suggested.

Even if you’re not very religious, you can use this word to respond respectfully without being disrespectful. 

It’s a brief and neutral reply that doesn’t require you to show excitement unless you want to.

6. He better be with all that power

He better be with all that power” is a funny response you can use when someone says “God is good.”

The interesting part is that using this reply means you acknowledge God’s power and the role He plays in our lives. This means you share the same faith. 

At the same time, it adds a touch of humour because you are trying to imagine how bad things would be if God weren’t good, especially since Christians believe God is the creator and guide of our lives. 

7. Always, in every situation

You can show that you firmly believe God is good all the time, regardless of whether things are going well or not, and even in life or death. 

It’s a strong way to express your faith and can be especially thoughtful if you’re trying to understand things from a non-believer’s perspective.

8. What does “good” mean to you?

To some people, we don’t get to define what “good” means or how it should look in our lives. 

So it makes sense to ask them to clarify what they mean by “god is good” . Is it just because they are being favoured?

Some people expect God’s goodness to match their own understanding of goodness, which can lead to confusion or frustration if things don’t turn out as expected.

9. Beyond good—He’s great

Best Responses To God is Good

Another interesting way to reply to “God is good” is to say that “good” is an understatement.

You  can express your excitement by saying, “Beyond good—He’s great.” This shows that you share the person’s enthusiasm and believe that God’s goodness goes beyond just being “good.”

10. Good thing He’s not taking any days off

If you want to add a touch of humour to your reply, you could say, “It’s a good thing He’s not taking any days off.”

This response is likely to get a laugh because you allow the person to playfully imagine the idea of God taking a day off and being the opposite of good. 

11. God is good, are you? 

Sometimes, people say “God is good” in situations where it is not a helpful thing to say. 

Let’s say you go visit someone who is going through a hard time, and someone there says “God is good” to express empathy. You can always reply to the person with “God is good, are you?”

If they are, they ought to know that, often, it’s more important to weep with those who weep instead of throwing scripture at them as a reaction. 

12. So is spaghetti and meatballs

Best Responses To God is Good

Another funny way to reply to “God is good” is by saying, “So is spaghetti and meatballs.”

The humour comes from comparing something important, like God’s goodness, to something as simple as a meal.

 Just make sure to consider the situation before using this, as it’s best for light-hearted conversations where everyone’s just having fun.

13. Or it’s your world and its rules that have been good to you

I’ve heard this response from an atheist when replying to “God is good.” You can say, “Or maybe it’s your world and its rules that have been good to you” if you want to provoke some thought.

You’d be surprised how this can stir up a conversation with a strong believer, as they’ll likely feel the need to explain the goodness of the God they believe in.

14. May we continue to enjoy his goodness

God is good, and we can never say it enough. It’s understandable to feel upset when we don’t acknowledge it as much during tough times. 

But we shouldn’t stop someone from praising and honouring God, even if it happens more in good times. 

So, a good way to respond is by saying, “May we continue to enjoy His goodness.”

15. Isn’t He on a roll!

Best Responses To God is Good

When someone is “on a roll,” it means they’re having a streak of success or good luck. 

In this context, “isn’t He on a roll?” is a rhetorical question which means God has been showing His goodness repeatedly. 

This reply is great when you also want to share that you’ve been experiencing continuous blessings. 

You can use this response when someone says “God is good” after hearing good news or a series of positive events.

16. Well, tell Him we need some of that goodness

If someone says “God is good” in a smug or self-satisfied way, like some evangelicals who feel the need to declare it at every chance, you can reply with, “Well, tell Him we need some of that goodness.”

This helps them see that while their statement may be true, it’s not always helpful to keep saying it during tough times without offering real comfort or support.

17. His blessings never cease

A good response to testify to God’s never-ending blessings is, “His blessings never cease.”

In some faiths, it’s believed that God can both give and take away blessings, while in others, His actions may be viewed differently.

However, scripture teaches that God wants to bless you every day, and only you can block those blessings—often by being your own biggest critic. 

18. We serve an awesome God

You can further celebrate God’s goodness by calling Him “awesome.” That’s why saying “God is awesome” is a great response when someone says, “God is good.”

God is omniscient (knows everything), omnipresent (present everywhere), and omnipotent (all-powerful). 

He is our faithful God, always trustworthy in His promises and faithful in all that He does.

19. Good is an understatement

Another brilliant way to respond when someone says “God is good” is by reminding them that calling God “good” might make Him seem smaller or less significant than He truly is.

That’s why saying, “Good is an understatement” works well as a response. 

It shows you agree with them while also taking your praise of God’s incredible goodness to another level. 

20. Good to see you find comfort in your beliefs

Even when you don’t believe in the God that the person serves, you can simply respond by saying “God is Good” by respecting their beliefs. 

Saying “Good to see you find comfort in your beliefs” helps you do that perfectly. 

Final Remark

As a Christian, I find it frustrating when people share good news and the usual response is “God is good!” 

To me, it seems like you’re suggesting God is only good when things go the way you want. Would the same people say “God is bad!” if things didn’t go well or something negative happened?

That’s why responding to this statement can be tricky. It really comes down to understanding why they said it and choosing a response from the above list that fits the situation.

I hope you found a response in this article that works for you. Feel free to share it with anyone who might find it useful too. 

Best Responses To God is Good

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