20 Best Ways to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text


Responding to an invitation through text is one of the easiest ways. However, there are certain things that you should consider when replying to an invite via text.

If someone sends you an invitation through text for their baby shower, giving your response through text is appropriate. However, text shouldn’t be your first option when the invitation isn’t sent through a text message.

Sending a response to a baby shower through text is straightforward. However, we understand that it’s not everyone that understands the etiquette behind it, which is why you’re probably here.

Well, you don’t have to worry. In this guide post, I’ll be taking you through 20 ways you can respond to a baby shower invitation through text.

Whether it’s a formal or informal invitation, you’ll know the right ways to phrase your reply and the things to have in mind.

There are many ways to send your response to a baby shower invite through text.

Whether you’re responding to a casual or formal invite, you need to take note of certain things.

First, appreciating them for the invitation, politely declining, asking for clarifications, and providing necessary additional information, are things to take note of.

Below are 20 ways to respond to a baby shower invitation through texts:

Table of Contents

Acknowledging and Accepting Invitation

I Appreciate Your Invitation and I’ll Be Attending

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

“I appreciate your invitation and I’ll be attending” is one of the best ways to accept an invitation to a baby shower.

First, it acknowledges and appreciates them for inviting you to their occasion. Then, it lets them know that you’ll be honoring their invitation. Moreover, it’s one of the simplest ways to accept an invitation.

If you want to keep things formal and straightforward, here’s the response for you.

I’m Thrilled to Hear About the Upcoming Arrival of Your Baby and More Thrilled to Celebrate It with You

“I’m thrilled to hear about the upcoming arrival of your baby and more thrilled to celebrate it with you” is another appropriate way to accept an invitation via text.

When someone invites you to their baby shower, this response doesn’t only acknowledge and accept their invite, it shows your excitement about attending.

It’s a great response to use with friends to let them know how happy you are about their good news, and even more happy to be a part of it.

I’m Super-Pumped, I Wouldn’t Miss Celebrating with You at Your Baby Shower for Anything

Another way you can phrase your response to a baby shower invite you’ll be attending is with this sentence, “I’m super-pumped, I wouldn’t miss celebrating with you at your baby shower for anything.”

This reply is another cool way to show your enthusiasm about attending their occasion. It’ll work well with someone that you care about to show them how much they mean to you.

I’m Very Grateful for Your Invite. It Means a Lot to Me. I’ll Grace the Occasion, So Count Me in

“I’m very grateful for your invite. It means a lot to me. I’ll grace the occasion, so count me in” is another perfect way to reply to someone you’ll be attending their event.

It’ll work for someone who invites you to their baby shower. It’s a positive reply that expresses your gratitude to them for honoring you with an invite.

Also, it assures them that you’ll be attending.

Acknowledging and Declining Invitation

I Greatly Appreciate Your Invitation. However, I’d Like to Decline

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

One of the best ways to acknowledge and decline an invitation is with this statement, “I greatly appreciate your invitation. However, I’d like to decline.”

When someone invites you to their baby shower, this reply acknowledges their invitation and politely declines to attend.

Also, it’s a simple way to let them know that you won’t be attending.

If you don’t want to give a reason why you won’t be attending, this is the appropriate response. It’s polite and straightforward.

It’s So Nice of You to Invite Me to Celebrate Your Baby Shower. Unfortunately, I Won’t be Able to Attend Due to Engagements I Have That Same Day

This sentence is another suitable way to reply to someone who invites you to their baby shower.

First, it shows that you’re grateful for their invitation before politely letting them know you won’t be able to attend.

It’s a perfect way to reply to them if you want them to have an idea of why you won’t be attending without revealing the actual reason.

I Wish I Can Be There to Celebrate with You, but I’m Sorry I Won’t Be Able to Make It

“I wish I could be there to celebrate with you, but I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it” is another way to decline an invitation.

It’s a polite reply you can send via text when someone invites you for their baby shower.

It lets them know you wish to be there with them but you can’t help it.

Thank You for Thinking About Me. But, I’ll Be Traveling Out of Town a Day Before the Scheduled Day

“Thank you for thinking about me. But, I’ll be traveling out of town a day before the scheduled day” is another suitable way to reply to an invitation via text.

This response will work well for someone who requests that you attend their baby’s shower. It lets them know that you won’t be able to attend while appreciating them for having you in their thoughts.

Also, it’ll work well when you want to give a reason for your absence.

I Regret That I Can’t Make It. However, You’ll Receive My Gifts

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

“I regret that I can’t make it. However, you’ll receive my gifts” is another way you can decline an invitation to an event.

This sentence is appropriate when someone invites you to their baby shower, as it shows that you wish you could attend.

Also, offering to send your gifts is a thoughtful gesture they’ll appreciate.

Asking Questions When Not Clear

Thank You for Inviting Me. However, I’d Like You to Provide More Details About the Venue

“Thank you for inviting me. However, I’d like you to provide more details about the venue” is one of the best ways to ask questions when you’re not clear about an invitation.

When someone invites you to their baby shower, this response appreciate them before asking for clarification.

So, if you’re not clear about the venue, you can give this response to their invite.

I’m Interested in Celebrating with You, but I’d Need You to Be More Clear on the Gifts

“I’m interested in celebrating with you, but I’d need you to be more clear on the gifts” is another good response for a baby shower invitation.

First, this response shows your interest in attending, and then it asks for further clarification. So, if you’ll be bringing a gift but you’re not sure, this is a reply you can give.

I’d Like to Come, but I’d Like to Know if I Can Come with My Partner

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

“I’d like to come, but I’d like to know if I can come with my partner” is another way to respond to someone who invites you to an occasion.

This response will work well for someone who requests that you grace the occasion of their baby shower. It’s the proper way to reply when the invitation is extended only to you.

Usually when someone sends an invitation to you for an occasion, showing up with an extra person or more is unethical.

So, if you intend to come with someone, asking to know if it’s allowed is the ideal thing to do.

Before I Let You Know if I’ll Be Attending, Can You Provide More Details About How the Event Will Be

“Before I let you know if I’ll be attending, can you provide more details about how the event will be” is another way to phrase your response when you need more clarification about an invite.

When someone asks that you attend their baby shower, this reply lets them know that you aren’t sure if you’ll be attending.

Also, it shows that you’re not clear about how the occasion will be.

Providing Necessary Details

I’ll Be Attending, But I Have Nut Allergies, Can That Be Taken Care of?

When someone extends an invitation to you that you’re sure there’d be a menu, it’s important to add additional details you know are very important.

For instance, if you have allergies, you’re a vegetarian, or you follow a strict diet, you must state that, even if it’s not mentioned in the invitation.

So, “I’ll be attending, but I have nut allergies, can that be taken care of?” is one of the ways you can phrase your response.

This statement first acknowledges their invitation and lets them know that you’ll be attending before providing the additional information.

Providing this information will help the host to plan well for you. Ensure you mention the type of allergy you have.

It’s Nice of You to Invite Me. I’ll Be Attending with My Partner

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

“It’s nice of you to invite me. I’ll be attending with my partner” is another way to provide important information when responding to an invite.

When someone asks that you attend their baby shower and they request that you state the number of people you’ll be coming with, this is one of the proper ways to send in your response.

So, if you’ll be coming with your partner, a sibling, or a friend, you must mention it to help the host prepare adequately.

Thank You for Inviting Me. I’ll Be Attending, However, I’ll Show Up Late

“Thank you for inviting me. I’ll be attending, however, I’ll show up late” is another proper way to phrase your reply to an invitation to an occasion.

When someone extends an invitation to you for their baby shower, this response appreciates them and also lets them know you’ll be there.

Also, mentioning that you’ll show up late shows your respect for them. It’s appropriate, especially if you’ll be showing up very late.

When Unsure of Attendance at the Moment

Thank You for the Invite. I’ll Send My RSVP Before the Deadline

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

“Thank you for the invite. I’ll send my RSVP before the deadline” is one of the ways to reply to an invitation when you’re not sure of honoring it.

This response will work well for a baby shower invitation. First, it appreciates the host for inviting you before letting them know when you’ll give them the response they want.

Usually, people send invitations with a deadline for responses to help them plan well.

So, if you’re not sure at the moment, you can send in your response to acknowledge their invitation, including when you’ll be sending in your reply to their invitation.

It’s So Thoughtful of You to Invite Me, I’ll Let You Know if I’ll Be Attending Before the Said Date

“It’s so thoughtful of you to invite me, I’ll let you know if I’ll be attending before the said date” is another way to reply to an invite you’re not sure of attending.

This statement is adequate for a baby shower invite, as it shows your gratitude for the host’s thoughtfulness.

In addition, it politely lets them know you’ll provide the information they need in time.

Oops! I’m Not Sure I’ll Be Attending. But, I’ll Make Sure to Send My Gifts

“Oops! I’m not sure I’ll be attending. But, I’ll make sure to send my gifts” is one way to respond to an invitation you’re not sure of honoring.

This response will work well for a baby shower invite, letting the host know that you’re unsure. It’s appropriate if they send a casual invitation with no deadline to send in your response.

Moreover, it lets them know that you’ll send in your gift even if you won’t be there. It’s a great way to let them know that you care.

I’d Love to Celebrate This Baby Shower with You, but I’m Out of Town. I’ll Let You Know If It’s Possible

“I’d love to celebrate this baby shower with you, but I’m out of town. I’ll let you know if it’s possible” is another appropriate way to send a response to a baby shower via text.

This reply will work well when you have an interest in attending the occasion, however, you’re not sure if you can at the moment.

Also, it provides the reason why you can’t give them the response they want at that time.

Final Words

When responding to an invitation, it’s important you acknowledge and appreciate the invitation, and state politely if you’ll be accepting or declining the invitation.

You can also provide reasons why you won’t be attending and share your excitement if you’ll be attending.

Also, ensure you provide any necessary information the host will need for proper planning.

This article has provided you with enough examples of responses you can send via text for a baby shower invite. Don’t forget to use them as a guide when crafting your responses to an invitation.

How to Respond to a Baby Shower Invitation via Text

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