20 Best Replies to “Are You Pregnant?”


When someone asks, “Are you pregnant?” it usually happens for a few reasons. 

It’s either you’re acting a bit slower, and they’re teasing you. Or they notice something, like belly bump or a behavior, and they’re just curious. 

Your response will depend on whether you actually are pregnant and how you feel about the question. 

Some people don’t mind the curiosity, while others find it annoying. 

If you’re tired of being asked this and need some clever replies, you’re in the right place. Here, you’ll find 20 witty responses and tips on how to use them in different situations.

Key Takeaways

When you’re trying to answer this type of question, a lot of thoughts can come to mind. Usually, your first response will honestly show how you feel about it. 

But if you’re short on time, here are our favorite replies and when it’s best to use them:

Situation Best Response
If you are not ready to tell and want to play it off.  I’ll let you know when there’s news to share.
To sound funny Not yet, but the night is young.
To sound sarcastic I swallowed a watermelon.
A direct reply  I’m not pregnant, just well-fed.
To give a comeback  I don’t normally publicly discuss the status of my uterus, do you?
To know why they asked What makes you think that?


The response you pick really depends on how open and honest you want to be with the person asking.

If you want to give a straightforward answer, it’s easy—a simple “yes” or “no” will do.

However, that can be dull and may not work well if you keep getting asked the same thing by different people and want to send a “none of your business” message.

In the following sections, you’ll discover a variety of interesting repartee to use instead.

List of the Best Replies to “Are You Pregnant?”

  1. Why? Are you saying I am fat?
  2. From your mouth to God’s ears!
  3. We’re working on it.
  4. I don’t normally publicly discuss the status of my uterus, do you?
  5. I’m surprised you said that out loud without a cringe
  6. I’ll let you know when there’s news to share.
  7. Is that how you make small talk?
  8. What makes you think that?
  9. I’m not pregnant, just well-fed.
  10. Not yet, but the night is young
  11. A bit forward, don’t you think?
  12. I swallowed a watermelon.
  13. Really?
  14. Is this your way of telling me I need to lay off the cookies?
  15. No. Are you?
  16. That’s a pretty personal question for a casual chat.
  17. You caught me—I’m preparing for a new arrival
  18. What prompted you to ask that?
  19. Thanks for the reminder that I’m not getting any younger. 
  20. Well, aren’t you just full of personal questions?

Asking a woman if she’s pregnant can be a delicate issue, considering factors like body image or the desire to keep a pregnancy private.

If you’re not that thrilled woman eager to share the news, it might feel awkward or uncomfortable when someone comments on your body.

Whether you’re the one asking or being asked, here is how you can use any of our 20 replies when answering the question “Are you pregnant?” 

1. Why? Are you saying I’m fat?

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

By making them feel a bit guilty about body shaming, they usually stop asking. This approach is effective if you need more time to be ready to share your news.

Even if you are pregnant and it’s noticeable, you can still use this response to keep the conversation light and smoothly avoid the question.

2. From your mouth to God’s ears

If you want to dodge the question, you can just say, “From your mouth to God’s ears.”

This response will probably make people think you’re not pregnant yet but might be open to the idea in the future. It’s a stylish way to avoid directly saying, “No, I’m not.”

Using “From your mouth to God’s ears” is a playful way to handle the question.

3. We’re working on it

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

I know a couple who always replied, “We’re working on it,” when asked about having kids or getting pregnant. 

It’s a very effective response because it politely stops the conversation without really answering. This short, direct phrase usually ends the discussion on that topic.

However, you might not want to use this reply if the person is asking just because of belly fat and knows you’re not actually pregnant.

4. I don’t normally publicly discuss the status of my uterus, do you?

If you want to give the person a sharp comeback, this one always works.

It’s similar to the popular response, “My body is my business.”

This kind of reply is like a verbal slap, making it clear that you’re not ready to talk about your reproductive status. 

It is useful, especially if the person asking isn’t a close friend or someone who would genuinely be excited about you having a baby.

5. I’m surprised you said that out loud without a cringe

Another response that fits the bill is to let the person know that it’s not a suitable question. You can say something like, “I’m surprised you said that out loud without a cringe.”

This reply implies they feel entitled to information they shouldn’t be. It’s a polite but firm way of telling them not to ask that kind of question again.

6. I’ll let you know when there’s news to share

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

If you want to tell someone to back off politely, you can say, “I’ll let you know when there’s news to share.”

Most people will take this as a hint that there’s something to share, so it’s not the best choice if you want to throw them off. 

However, if you are pregnant but don’t want to reveal it yet, this reply will help you keep them at bay.

7. Is that how you make small talk?

Sometimes, instead of answering an uncomfortable question, you can use a boomerang response.

A boomerang response means turning the question back on the asker to show how uncomfortable you find it. For example, if someone asks, “Are you pregnant?” you could reply, “Is that how you make small talk?

The great thing about this reply is that you can use it for almost any question you find intrusive.

8. What makes you think that?

Another way to respond when someone asks if you’re pregnant is to ask why they’re asking.

People can ask for different reasons, like something they’ve heard, noticed in your behavior, or seen in your appearance. 

By asking them why, you make it clear that their question is inappropriate. It also gives you a chance to avoid giving a direct answer.

9. I’m not pregnant, just well-fed

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

There’s no harm in adding a bit of humor when giving a direct answer. So you could say, “I’m not pregnant, I’m just well-fed.”

This response will make the conversation lighter and help steer it away from the topic of whether you’re pregnant.

If you are pregnant and want to be sarcastic, there are other responses you might use. But this one is great if you’re not pregnant and want to reply with a touch of humor.

10. Not yet, but the night is young. 

The amazing Marilyn Wann first shared this response in the book *FAT!SO* by Betsy “Boo” Mitchell Henning. It’s also a favorite of figures like Hanne and Jasmine.

Whether you’re pregnant or not, this response is versatile. Saying, “Not yet, but the night is young,” when asked if you’re pregnant will definitely make people laugh.

11. A bit forward, don’t you think?

If you feel the question about your pregnancy is too intrusive, you can let them know they’re being a bit forward.

The truth is, unless someone shares their pregnancy status willingly, it’s not anyone’s business—even if they seem like they are about to pop.

Even if the person means well and is genuinely curious, it’s rude to pry into something personal. 

12. I swallowed a watermelon

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

Although it’s not a common response, saying “I swallowed a watermelon” can be a funny way to answer, especially if a child is asking.

Just make sure to use a playful tone so it’s clear you’re joking. This approach helps use humor to deflect the question.

13. Really?

This one is easy.

If someone asks if you’re pregnant, just reply with “Really?”

Add a raised eyebrow and say it with a tone like Seth Meyers for an extra touch of humor. That’s golden. 

14. Is this your nice way of telling me I need to lay off the cookies? 

Deflecting is a great way to handle tricky questions like “Are you pregnant?”

One way to do this is to respond with, “Haha, very funny,” and then follow up with, “Is this your way of telling me I should cut back on cookies?”

This approach works well, especially if you are pregnant but not ready to share that information.

15. No. Are you?

If you want a direct response, just say “no” to the person. Adding “Are you?” gives a fun tone.

If you’re pregnant and want to confirm, don’t overthink it. Just say “yes” and then ask “Are you?” to keep the conversation lively.

16. That’s a pretty personal question for a casual chat

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

Not everyone is okay with being asked about their pregnancy plans or relationship status, and that’s perfectly fine.

In this case, let them know their question is too personal for a casual conversation. As a follow-up to this reply, you can say, “I’ll forgive you for asking if you forgive me for not answering.”  

17. You caught me—I’m preparing for a new arrival

On the contrary, if you’re thrilled to announce to the person that you’re pregnant and you want to do so in a cool way, this response will come in handy. 

It’s a perfect thing to say when someone asks if you’re pregnant, and you are genuinely happy to tell them the truth. 

18. What prompted you to ask that?

We can only sometimes times know what people are thinking.

If you were pregnant and wanted to share, you would. If you’re not pregnant or are but don’t want to tell them, their question is inappropriate. 

It puts you in a position where you either have to lie or reveal something before you’re ready.

So, the best approach is to ask them why they’re asking such a personal question.

19. Thanks for the reminder that I’m not getting any younger

If someone thinks you might be pregnant, it’s probably because you’re at an age where people feel comfortable making that assumption.

If you’re not pregnant, you can use this reply to deny it casually.

20. Well, aren’t you just full of personal questions?

From my experience, people often ask about pregnancy to see if it’s something exciting and planned or if it’s stressful and unplanned.

Instead of giving them any clues, you can respond with, “Aren’t you just full of personal questions?” 

This sassy reply helps change the subject without directly answering their question.

Wrapping Up

If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know that people love sharing everything they’ve ever learned about pregnancy and babies on the Internet.

You’ll hear all sorts of “advice” and “opinions,” but nothing tops someone directly asking if you’re pregnant. That’s why you need some creative ways to respond to the question, “Are you pregnant?”

We put together this article to help you find the best response for this situation.

If you have any other clever comebacks, by all means, feel free to share in the comments!

How to Respond to Are You Pregnant

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