4 Best Ways to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation (With Samples)


Not everyone enjoys writing texts, and that’s perfectly fine. 

As parents, we already have plenty on our plates to start worrying over the right verbs and adjectives. Ugh!

But if you need to reply to a birthday invitation for your child, it can be a bit stressful if you’re unsure how to phrase your response.

In this article, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to reply to a child’s birthday invitation via text. 

Plus, we’ve included plenty of sample responses that you can easily copy and paste to fit your needs.

Responding to a Child Birthday Invitation: Key Takeaways

Many kids’ birthday parties are held at places where the host pays for each child to join in the theme activities, or there could be a limit on how many kids can participate. 

So, it’s a good idea to respond to the invitation as soon as possible.

Contexts Best Responses
If you want to decline  Thank you for inviting Emmanuel to Rachel’s birthday party. Sadly, we won’t be able to come. We hope you all have a wonderful celebration and we look forward to catching up soon!
If you want to accept  Thank you for the invite. Emmanuel will be glad to be at the party. See you there. 
If you want to ask for more details Thank you for the invitation! We’d love to attend Rachel’s birthday party. Please let us know if there’s anything we should bring or any special instructions. 
If you are uncertain about your child’s availability Thank you for the invite! I’m not certain if my son, Emmanuel, can attend at the moment. Please proceed with your plans without expecting our participation. I’ll update you soon. 
If you insist on coming along with someone else Thank you for the invite! Emmanuel would love to attend. We’ll also be bringing his cousin. Please let us know if that’s okay. Looking forward to it. 


Responding to a child’s birthday invite is the same thing as RSVPing, which is short for the French phrase “répondez s’il vous plaît.”

It means “please respond.” 

This is a polite way to remind guests to let the host know if they plan to come to the event. 

Now that you’ve seen a snippet, there’s no one true way to write your reply. It depends on the message you want to pass across. 

But every ideal response to a child’s birthday invite should have a particular structure.

The Standard Structure for Child Birthday Invite Response

No matter how you respond to a child’s birthday invitation, the basic format includes:

Saying hello >>  Introduce yourself if necessary  >>  Thank them for the invite  >>  Politely say whether you can come or not  >>  Add any extra details or questions if needed  >>  Close the message.

Quick tip: 

  • The way you respond can change based on how you know the person and how formal the event is. 

For example, replying to a birthday party by text will be different from replying in person, but this outline helps you get your message across clearly.

Step 1: Saying Hello

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

To start your message, begin with a friendly and simple greeting.

You can use something like “Hi [Name]” or “Hello,” or add a short line like “Hi [Name], I hope you’re doing well.”

If you don’t know the name of the celebrant’s parents or host, just say “Hello.”

If you’re replying a few hours after receiving the invitation (especially on Whatsapp or SMS), you might skip the greeting since you’re replying to a message.

However, it’s still a good idea to include it.

Step 2: Introduce yourself 

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

For a child’s party, the other parent might not know who you are. So, it’s a good idea to introduce yourself in your response.

Remember, they’ve sent invitations to many parents, so it helps if they know who you are and which child you’re replying to.

Your introduction doesn’t need to be lengthy. For instance, you can say, “This is Mrs. Elizabeth, Ressler’s mom.”

Step 3: Decline or accept the invitation

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

The main part of your response is to clearly say if you’re accepting or declining the invitation.

If you’re saying no, you don’t need to provide a reason. Usually, the organizers just want to know how many people will be coming. By responding, you’re helping them out.

However, if you and the host are close, they might feel a bit disappointed if you decline. In that case, it’s polite to offer one or two brief reasons.

Step 4: Ask for any other specifics

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

Adding this detail in your response is optional, but it’s a good idea if you’re accepting the invitation (especially if your child will attend without you).

Since your child will be there, you might have special concerns or questions about the party. 

Use this part of your response to address any of those, like asking about the party theme.

Quick Tip:

  • Read the invitation carefully first to avoid asking for information that’s already included, like the address, date, time, or dress code.

Step 5: A fun closing

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

This is where you wrap up your message, whether it’s email, SMS, or WhatsApp. 

Keep it short and friendly. “See you there” works fine. 

Your closing should match whether you’re accepting or declining the invitation, but ending on a positive note, like a simple “thank you,” works well in any situation.

Quick Tip: 

  • If you skipped the greetings part because you’re replying to a WhatsApp text, just make sure to include your child’s name in the message so they don’t have to send a weird follow-up asking for it.

4 Best Ways to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation: Templates and Samples

Now that you know the steps involved in writing a response to a child’s birthday invitation, creating your custom reply won’t be as stressful as before. 

But if you don’t have enough time to write the message from scratch, you can simply copy and paste these samples. 

Ensure to look at the sample and substitute any information to suit your situation before sending it to the host. 

Example 1: Accept the Invitation


I’m Craig, Rachel’s dad. Thank you so much for the birthday invitation! We’re excited to attend and celebrate with you. For any other details we need to know, please share. Looking forward to it!

Example 2: Decline the Invitation


I’m Craig, Rachel’s dad. Thank you for the kind birthday invitation. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to attend due to a prior commitment. We’re disappointed to miss the celebration. We hope you all have a wonderful celebration and we look forward to catching up soon!

Best wishes, Craig.

Example 3: Ask for Specifics on the Birthday

Hello there,

I’m Craig, Rachel’s dad. Thanks so much for inviting us! Rachel will be excited to attend the party. However, I won’t be attending. Could you please provide more details about the party, such as the theme, closing time, and transport arrangements? Looking forward to hearing from you!


Example 4: Respond if you are not sure yet of your child’s availability

Hi there,

I’m Craig, Rachel’s dad. Thank you for the birthday invitation! We’re currently uncertain about our attendance but will keep you updated as soon as possible. 

Best regards,

What Is the Best Channel to Reply to a Child’s Birthday Invitation?

The best way to respond to a child’s birthday invitation is using the same method it was sent. So, if the invitation came via email, reply by email. If it was through WhatsApp, respond on WhatsApp.

Make sure to reply as soon as possible because the organizers will surely need to prepare a spot for you and your child, even if you don’t end up attending. 

Also, don’t assume they have your number or email saved. Include your child’s name in your response to avoid them having to ask who you are.

My Final Thoughts

It might surprise you, but many parents organizing a birthday party don’t worry too much about why you can’t attend. 

What’s important to them is knowing how much food and drink to order and how many seats to set up.

We spoke with a mother who hosted a party where only 10 out of 36 people showed up. 

She ended up with a lot of extra food and a disappointed guest of honor.

This could have been avoided if everyone had let her know if they were coming or not. So, replying to a birthday invitation is really important.

We hope this article helps you with replying to your child’s birthday RSVP!

How to Respond to a Child Birthday Invitation

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