25 Best Ways to Reply to “Praise the Lord”


When someone says “Praise the Lord,” it’s quite straightforward to give a response if you share their faith or enthusiasm. However, what about when you don’t share their faith or excitement?

“Praise the Lord” is an exclamation people, especially Christians, often use to acknowledge God, and to greet fellow Christians.

Also, people use this phrase to express gratitude to God when something good happens to them to imply that he made it happen.

However, as I’ve previously mentioned, it can be difficult to know what to reply if you don’t share their belief. Most times, it’s best to greet them with silence. But, if you want to reply, this article has got you covered.

In this guide post, I’ll be discussing 25 ways to reply to “Praise the Lord.” They’re perfect replies whether you share their faith or not.

25 Interesting Ways to Reply to “Praise the Lord”

There are numerous ways to reply to “Praise the Lord.” However, as I’ve already established, your response will depend on whether you believe in the exclamation or not.

Responses that show you share the same faith include “All the time,” “The Lord is good,” “Amen,” and several more.

If you want to keep things simple because you don’t share in their excitement, responses like “okay,” “yeah,” and “alright,” can work.

However, if you don’t share in their faith and you want them to know, you can say something like “I doubt he hears you,” “Who cares?” and “Who is that?”

Below are 25 ways to reply to “Praise the Lord”

When You Share in Their Faith 

  1. All the time
  2. The Lord is good
  3. Amen
  4. Alleluia
  5. He deserves our praise
  6. He’s worthy to be praised 
  7. Glory!
  8. He alone is God
  9. For sure
  10. I agree
  11. It’s good to praise him
  12. Yes, I will praise him
  13. Sure
  14. Yeah
  15. Okay
  16. Alright 
  17. You can go ahead and praise him
  18. Who is that?
  19. No, it should be “praise the …”
  20. I doubt he hears you
  21. Who cares?
  22. Why?
  23. Unfortunately, that’s all you know and it isn’t smart
  24. I’m not interested
  25. No

When You Share in Their Faith 

When you share in the faith of someone who says “Praise the Lord,” that is, you believe in God, there are numerous responses you can give to this exclamation. 

“Amen” and “Alleluia” are the most common responses that are used in church and outside the church. But, there are several other ways that you can share your excitement about praising God. 

Below are some of them.

All the Time

“All the time” is one of the responses that you can give to someone who says “Praise the Lord” when you share in their faith.

This response is one of the plenty of ways to acknowledge their greeting if they use the acclamation as a greeting.

Moreover, replying all the time means that you believe God needs to be praised frequently. 

It’s a beautiful way to engage your fellow Christians to let them know that you share their excitement about God.

The Lord Is Good

How to reply to Praise the Lord

The Lord is good” is another beautiful way to reply to someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

First, “The Lord is good” is one of the many Christian greetings that are used in the church and outside the church. 

This statement is straightforward, which means that they believe that the God they serve is good.

So, when someone greets you with “Praise the Lord,” you can give this reply. It tells them that you’ll praise the Lord because he’s good.


“Amen” is one of the simplest responses to “The Lord is good.” Besides, it’s one of the most common responses to this greeting.

Amen has been translated to mean “So be it,” and is often used by Christians at the end of a prayer or hymn. It’s derived from the Hebrew “āmēn,” which means truth, certainty, and verily, used to agree to what has been said.

When Christians use this word at the end of a prayer, it means that they agree to the words being said and wish for it to happen.

So, by giving this reply to “Praise the Lord,” it means that you agree that God deserves to be praised. 

Also, it’s a perfect way to show that you share their faith and excitement. So, whether it’s said in a gathering, or someone greets you personally with it, your “amen” will show that you’re on the same page with them.


“Alleluia” is another simple and common reply for “Praise the Lord.”

This word is derived from the Hebrew, “hallelujah,” which means “Praise the Lord.” It’s an expression of worship to God.

Although this reply translates to the same exclamation, “Praise the Lord,” it’s one of the commonest replies Christians give to the exclamation.

Moreover, Christians believe “Alleluia” is the song of worship in heaven. So, when someone greets you with “Praise the Lord,” you can also say the same thing by replying with “Alleluia.”

Moreover, it’s one of the best ways to show your excitement about praising God.

He Deserves Our Praise 

How to reply to Praise the Lord

“He deserves our praise” is another exciting reply to give to “Praise the Lord.” 

When someone greets you with “Praise the Lord,” this statement is the perfect reply that acknowledges their greeting and also shows that you agree with their statement.

He’s Worthy to Be Praised 

“He’s worthy to be praised” is another perfect way to reply to “Praise the Lord.”

This reply is another way to say that you agree with their sentiment. By using this response, you tell that you believe that God needs to be praised.

Also, it’s one of the best ways to show your excitement and a cool way to express your faith in God.


“Glory” is another interesting reply to give to “Praise the Lord.”

This is a beautiful way to show your excitement when someone greets you with this statement.

Also, it shows that you share the same faith as them. So, when someone greets you with “Praise the Lord,” and you don’t want to use the usual “amen” or “alleluia,” “Glory” is a perfect alternative that fits well.

Moreover, it’s a charming response that everyone should enjoy.

He Alone Is God

“He alone is God” is another befitting reply to give someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

This reply is another simple way to show your agreement with their statement.

Also, it’s an affirmation of your belief in God. Saying that he alone is God means that you believe there’s no other God, and so he deserves to be praised. It’s wonderful to engage with your fellow Christians.

For Sure

Another beautiful yet simple way to reply to someone who says, “Praise the Lord” is with “For sure.”

This statement is a positive one that shows that you share their sentiment about praising God.

Also, it’s another perfect way to show your agreement concerning what they’re praising God for. 

For instance, if someone shares the good news and ends with “Praise the Lord,” attributing the situation to the Lord’s doing, this reply shows that you agree that it’s God who is behind it.

I Agree

Another reply you can give when someone says “Praise the Lord” is “I agree.”

This is a straightforward reply that shares your agreement with them. It lets them know that you’re okay with praising God.

Also, this reply will work best when someone uses this expression to appreciate God over something that happens to them.

For example, if someone says “Praise the Lord” for getting a promotion, “I agree” shows that you concur that God was the one who made it possible.

It’s Good to Praise Him 

Another befitting reply for “Praise the Lord” is “It’s good to praise him.”

This statement is another positive one that shows you share the same faith with the person making the statement.

Also, it’s another perfect way to sing God’s praises, as this statement means that you know God enough to know that it’s good to praise him.

Yes, I Will Praise Him 

“Yes, I will praise him” is another enthusiastic reply to give to someone who says, “Praise the Lord.”

This response is a straightforward one that tells them you’re happy to praise God, letting them know you share their belief.

With this reply, if this person were a stranger, they’d be more than happy to engage you in a discussion, as it shows you’re open to that.

When You’re Not Enthusiastic and Want to Keep It Simple

When you’re not enthusiastic about responding to someone who says “Praise the Lord,” but you don’t want to appear rude, especially if they’re speaking to you directly, there are some simple replies you can give.

These responses don’t tell whether you believe in God or not, as you can believe in God, but because you’re not in the mood to listen to what the speaker is trying to say, hence these simple replies.

Below are some of them.


“Sure” is something you can say when someone says “Praise the Lord.” Although this statement is a positive statement that shows you agree with their exclamation, you can give this reply when you want to keep things simple.

Also, depending on your tone, you can give this response to dismiss them when they try to engage you. It’s something you can say before returning to what you were doing.


How to reply to Praise the Lord

“Yeah” is another simple reply to give someone who says “Praise the Lord!”

“Yeah” is slang for “yes,” which shows you agree with something.

However, in this case, when someone says “Praise the Lord,” “Yeah” doesn’t show that you share the same excitement with them.

Also, you can give this reply to sound sarcastic. For instance, when someone uses the exclamation to attribute a situation to God’s intervention, you can say “yeah” to mean “just like I thought” or “Of course, I expected that.”

In this case, you mock them for giving the glory to God.


“Okay” is another simple way to reply to someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

While “okay” is a positive word that is used to acknowledge something that someone says and shows your agreement, in this case, it doesn’t share their enthusiasm.

You can even use this word in a mocking way to question their assertion. For instance, using it with an inflection at the end to make it sound like a question. Just like saying, “And so?” 


“Alright” is another reply that shows you’re not interested in hearing more of what someone has to say when they greet you with “Praise the Lord.”

It’s a dismissive reply that means you agree that God needs to be praised but you’re not ready to join them. Also, it’s just like saying, “I have heard you, but can you go?”

When someone says “Praise the Lord,” and you give this reply and continue with what you were doing, they should get the message.

When You Don’t Agree with Them

When you don’t agree with someone who says “Praise the Lord,” and you want them to be aware that you don’t share in their sentiment, certain responses will pass the message.

Below are some of them:

You Can Go Ahead and Praise Him 

“You can go ahead and praise him” is a straightforward reply to “Praise the Lord” that shows that you don’t agree with the person speaking.

Also, this response is a dismissive one that tells them you’re not ready to engage them. It’ll work well when you don’t want them to say more to you. 

Who Is That?

“Who is that?” is another reply that shows you don’t share the same sentiment with the person speaking.

When someone says “Praise the Lord,” giving this response questions their assertion.

Also, it shows you’re ready to engage them and share your thoughts.

No, It Should Be “Praise the…”

This is another reply to give when you don’t agree with someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

This response will work when someone says “Praise the Lord” to attribute something good that happened to God’s intervention. For instance, if someone uses the expression after a successful operation.

You can give this reply in this case to let them know that it should be “Praise the doctors.”

I Doubt He Hears You

“I doubt he hears you” is another reply that shows your disagreement with someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

It’s a reply that shows you don’t believe in God. Also, it’s something to say when you want to be vocal about your unbelief.

Who Cares?

Another way to show your disagreement with someone who says “Praise the Lord” is with, “Who Cares?” 

This response is a sarcastic one that lets them know you’re not interested in joining in their excitement.


“Why?” is another simple way to question someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

It’ll work well when you want to engage with them and let them know your thoughts. 

Unfortunately, That’s All You Know and it Isn’t Smart 

How to reply to Praise the Lord

“Unfortunately, that’s all you know and it isn’t smart” is a rude way to reply to someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

This response expresses your frustration with someone who uses the phrase frequently.

I’m Not Interested 

“I’m not interested” is a straightforward reply you can use to dismiss someone who says “Praise the Lord.”

It tells them you’re not ready to do as they say.


“No” will work well when you want to be direct with your belief.

When someone says “Praise the Lord,” “no” tells them that you won’t partake in their faith.

Final Words

When someone says “Praise the Lord,” your response will depend on whether you believe in God and share in their excitement.

This article has all you need for ways to reply to this exclamation. So, you can always refer back to them for the ones you need.


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