50 Funny Ways to  Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal


Saying yes to a relationship proposal doesn’t have to be boring or predictable. It shouldn’t be conventional too because you can actually add humor, sarcasm, and wit to make the moment even more memorable. 

If your proposal is on the way and you need funny responses to give your partner, then this article is for you.

In this article, I have provided 50 funny ways to say yes to a relationship proposal, followed by concise explanations on it to guide you in your usage. 

The lists include humorous punchlines, witty statements and sarcasm that can be comprehended easily.

Ready? Let’s dive into it!

Table of Contents

50 Funny Ways to Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal

  1. Well, if I must!
  2. I guess you’re stuck with me now
  3. About time you asked!
  4. Sure, I’m too tired to keep swiping
  5. Only if you promise to bring me snacks
  6. I was about to ask you the same thing
  7. Let me check my calendar… Just kidding, yes!
  8. You mean you’ve waited this long for me to say yes?
  9.  I guess I could let you be my plus one forever.
  10. “I’ll say yes, but only if I can pick the movies.
  11. Yes, but don’t think this means I’m sharing my fries.
  12. Is that a proposal or a threat? Either way, I’m in!
  13. Yes, but only because I’m bored.
  14. Fine, but I get the last word in every argument!
  15. Let’s make our parents proud and say yes.
  16. You know this means you’re my designated driver forever, right?
  17. Yes, but my dog has to approve first
  18. I guess I’m ready to tolerate you forever.
  19. Yes, because finding someone else sounds exhausting
  20. Yes, but you’re in charge of all the laundry!
  21. I guess so, but only if I get the bigger side of the bed.
  22. Yes, but you have to deal with my weird food habits.
  23. Does this mean I get the remote now?
  24. Yes, but only if you can handle my sarcasm forever.
  25. Sure, but just know you signed up for my Netflix binges.
  26. I’d be honored to take on the task of annoying you for life.
  27. I was going to say no, but you’re cute, so yes.
  28. Yes, but we’re having pizza at the wedding.
  29. Yes, but only if I can hog all the blankets.
  30. Alright, but I’m not cleaning the bathroom
  31. I’ll allow it, but don’t get used to being right!
  32. Fine, but only if you let me sleep in on weekends.
  33. Yes, but you owe me breakfast in bed.
  34. You’re really lucky I like you
  35. Yes, but only because you laugh at my jokes
  36. Sure, but don’t expect me to stop stealing your hoodies.
  37. Yes, but on the condition that you love my quirks
  38. Only if you promise not to spoil the end of shows.
  39. I guess so, but you have to laugh at all my puns
  40. Yes, but we’re doing karaoke at the wedding
  41. Sure, but be warned, I’m a terrible dancer
  42. I suppose so, but I’ll need chocolate as a daily bribe.
  43. Yes, but I call dibs on all the leftovers.
  44. Alright, but you owe me a lifetime supply of pizza.
  45. Yes, but don’t expect me to share my snacks.
  46. I was born ready forthis chaos, yes!
  47. Yes, but just know I’m always right.
  48. Sure, but you have to be my gym buddy now.
  49. Yes, but I’m keeping my quirky habits
  50. Yes, but just don’t make me watch any sad movies

1. “Well, if I must

Saying ‘Well, if I must!’ is a playful way to make it seem like you’re reluctantly agreeing, even though you’re actually thrilled. It adds a sense of lighthearted sarcasm to the moment.

2. I guess you’re stuck with me now

Funny Ways to  Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal

This response brings a humorous tone, suggesting the proposer has no choice now that you’ve said yes. It’s a fun way to imply they’re locked into the relationship.

3. About time you asked

This is perfect for couples who’ve been together a long time. It adds a bit of sass, showing you’ve been waiting for this moment… About time you asked! I was starting to think I’d have to propose

4. Sure, I’m too tired to keep swiping

For anyone who’s been in the modern dating world, this is a funny way to admit you’re done with dating apps.

Sure, I’m too tired to keep swiping! You’re my final match.

5. Only if you promise to bring me snacks

This phrase adds some humor by making snacks seem like the dealbreaker. It’s lighthearted yet sweet.

6. I was about to ask you the same thing

Turn the tables with this witty response, making it seem like you were one step ahead.

I was about to ask you the same thing! I guess you beat me to it.

7. Let me check my calendar… Just kidding, yes

Adding a moment of fake hesitation with this response makes the ‘yes’ even more dramatic and funny.

Let me check my calendar… Just kidding, yes! I’ve got all the time for you.

8. You mean you’ve waited this long for me to say yes?

This sarcastic response is great for poking fun at the proposer, especially if the relationship has been long-standing.

9. I guess I could let you be my plus one forever.

Playfully framing the relationship as a permanent plus-one situation adds some humor to the conventional proposal acceptance.

10. I’ll say yes, but only if I can pick the movies.

This is a funny way to set a light-hearted condition on your relationship, giving you some control over a common couple’s decision: movie night.

11. Yes, but don’t think this means I’m sharing my fries

Everyone knows how sacred fries are. Adding this condition makes it both funny and relatable.

12. Is that a proposal or a threat? Either way, I’m in

This sarcastic response implies that the proposal could be seen as both a romantic gesture and a playful threat, adding humor to the situation.

13. Yes, but only because I’m bored.

This response plays on the idea of boredom as a reason for accepting the proposal, adding a humorous twist to the agreement.

14. Fine, but I get the last word in every argument!

Funny Ways to  Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal

Setting a humorous condition about having the final say in arguments adds a playful dynamic to the agreement.

15. Let’s make our parents proud and say yes.

This response humorously frames the proposal as a way to fulfill family expectations, adding a lighthearted touch.

16. You know this means you’re my designated driver forever, right?

Adding a humorous condition about being a designated driver highlights makes the proposal more interesting.

17. Yes, but my dog has to approve first!

Making your pet’s approval a condition adds humor and shows how much pets are considered part of the family.

18. I guess I’m ready to tolerate you forever.

This response adds a playful tone by framing the relationship as a long-term tolerance challenge, making the acceptance funny and endearing.

19. Yes, because finding someone else sounds exhausting

This humorous phrase highlights the effort it takes to date and suggests that staying with the current partner is the easier option.

20. Yes, but you’re in charge of all the laundry

Turning household chores into a humorous condition adds a practical yet funny touch to the acceptance.

21. I guess so, but only if I get the bigger side of the bed.

This response humorously addresses a common relationship debate-bed space—making the acceptance both funny and practical.

22. Yes, but you have to deal with my weird food habits.

This humorous condition acknowledges unique personal peculiarity adding humor to the acceptance.

23. Does this mean I get the remote now?

Including a common relationship issue like control of the TV remote adds a funny touch to the acceptance.

24. Yes, but only if you can handle my sarcasm forever.

This phrase sets a playful condition about dealing with sarcasm, making the acceptance humorous and true to character.

25. Sure, but don’t expect me to stop stealing your hoodies.

This humorously gives a condition and highlights a common relationship relationship habit borrowing clothes, firthery making the acceptance fun.

26. I’d be honored to take on the task of annoying you for life.

Taking the acceptance as an opportunity to annoy the partner adds a funny twist, showing love through humor.

27. I was going to say no, but you’re cute, so yes.

Funny Ways to  Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal

This response adds a humorous touch by admitting that the proposer’s cuteness was the deciding factor.

28. Yes, but we’re having pizza at the wedding.

This response includes a humorous condition about wedding food, making the acceptance both funny and personal.

29. Yes, but only if I can hog all the blankets.

Adding a condition about blanket hogging introduces humor and highlighting a common relationship issue.

30. Alright, but I’m not cleaning the bathroom!

This response humorously addresses household chores, setting a condition that adds both humor and sarcasm to the proposal.

31. I’ll allow it, but don’t get used to being right

Setting a humorous condition about always being right adds a playful vibe to the acceptance.

32. Fine, but only if you let me sleep in on weekends.

Adding a condition about weekend sleep-in privileges adds humor and shows the importance of personal time.

33. Yes, but you owe me breakfast in bed.

This response humorously turns the proposal acceptance into a negotiation for breakfast in bed, making it both funny and interesting.

34. You’re really lucky I like you

This response implies that your proposer’s luck is a factor in the acceptance, adding a fun twist to the agreement.

35. Sure, but only if you promise not to judge my Netflix choices.

This phrase addresses a common relationship issue like movie or TV show preferences making the acceptance both funny and relatable.

36. Yes, but I call dibs on the last slice of pizza forever.

Adding a humorous condition about food privileges helps highlight a common relationship debate.

37. Alright, but only if we can keep our separate dessert stashes.

Here is another funny condition to a proposal response that can add spark to your response.

38. Yes, but you’ll need to accept my random dance parties

Adding a condition about spontaneous dance parties adds a humorous and lighthearted touch to the acceptance.

39. Yes, but only if you can handle my terrible puns.

Setting a humorous condition about dealing with bad puns highlights a personal quirk, making the acceptance both funny and endearing.

40. Sure, but you’ll have to keep up with my caffeine addiction.

This response humorously frames the acceptance as a challenge relating it to caffeine consumption.

41. Yes, but only if you promise to laugh at all my jokes.

This phrase set a humorous condition and an expectation for constant support in humor, making the acceptance both funny and light-hearted.

42. Alright, but you have to let me control the playlist in the car.

Adding a condition about controlling the car playlist addresses a common relationship issue, making the acceptance hilarious.

43. Yes, but only if you’re okay with me hogging the TV remote

This response addresses the common debate over TV remote control, and adds humor to your response.

44. Sure, but you have to agree to my obsession with plant care.

Setting a condition about caring for plants, adds fun to the acceptance.

45. Yes, but you’ll need to accept my love for cheesy romance novels.

Adding a condition about enjoying cheesy romance novels highlights your preferences and suggests that you want them to know too.

46. Alright, but you’re in charge of cleaning up after the pets.

This response addresses the common household chore related to pets, which adds a comic condition to your acceptance.

47. Yes, but you must promise not to steal my fries.

Addressing  a common food issue, adds a funny twist to the acceptance and highlight a shared love of fries.

48. Sure, but you need to be okay with my constant need for snacks.

Another funny response to give to your guy’s proposal. Saying they need to be okay with your constant need for snacks is a great way to tease them.

49. Yes, but only if you can handle my obsession with organizing everything.

If you are poor at organizing things, this is a suitable tease to add to your proposal to add spark to the conversation.

50. Alright, but you need to promise to love my terrible dance moves.

Addressing a common personal peculiarity makes the acceptance both funny and endearing.

Funny Ways to  Say Yes to a Relationship Proposal

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