50 Funny Ways to Say “The Eagle Has Landed”


The Eagle has landed” denotes the successful completion of a task and the arrival of a person or object. It alludes to the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission in the early 1960’s.

The purpose of this article is to enlighten readers on funny ways to say that a job has been successfully done. Let’s say you want your friend or your close work associates in church to know that you’ve completed a task, you can say it in a funny way which helps lighten up the mood to deliver the good news.

I am positive that amongst any of these 50 funny phrases to say “the Eagle has landed”, you’ll be able to find a few phrases that would help say that you got the job done hilariously.

Table of Contents

Funny Ways to Say “The Eagle Has Landed”

  • The pimple has finally popped.
  • It took a century but we finally reached our destination.
  • The task has been crucified, dead, and buried.
  • I touch down on that goal.
  • Mission fulfilled to the brim.
  • We’ve arrived and we are ready to rumble.
  • The object was set and is now complete.
  • The package is delivered, over.
  • The target is inside the nest.
  • The operation was a successful success.
  • We made it even though there wasn’t a visible finish line.
  • We’re here and ready to hear.
  • The goal is now in my file for ‘achieved goals’.
  • The goal has been conquered.
  • The task has been humbled.
  • The did is now done.
  • I made Mama proud.
  • It’s done and that’s it.
  • The job was completely done in style.
  • The work is too done, you’re welcome.
  • We are now in position.
  • The goodies are attained.
  • The eggs are now in the nest.
  • The job has reached its end.
  • We’ve landed without wings.
  • Bye to the job, because it’s done.
  • The bird’s feet have touched the ground.
  • The ground has met me.
  • Success now belongs to me.
  • What’s done and dusted? The task.
  • The walls have come down.
  • I and the prize have finally shook hands.
  • The mission is over for life.
  • The mark has been hit big time.
  • We nailed it so much, that it’s dead.
  • The target faced the heat and now we hit it.
  • Sleepless nights are over.
  • The plan has been executed successfully.
  • We’ve locked it in and it’s not getting out.
  • I just double-crossed the finish line.
  • We’ve checked the box, it’s juicy.
  • The goal has been scored.
  • The project is done, I better project that.
  • We’ve secured the win, it feels safe.
  • The mission is sealed like a bottle of wine.
  • We took that task to school.
  • The task is a wrap.
  • The mission is now history.
  • We won the race like a pro.
  • We finally have it.

The pimple has finally popped

This is a phrase that serves as a funny analogy to finally being eased off a huge burden.

When a task has been accomplished or you finally get eased of stress, and you want to say that in a funny way, this expression is a good pick.

It took a century but we finally reached our destination

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

This expression is a funny way to say when you’ve waited for such a long time to get to a place and then finally arrived.

The use of hyperbole, “a century” in the longevity of the journey, makes it a funny manner to say “the eagle has landed.”

The task has been crucified, dead, and buried in “done”

Whenever you’re feeling excited about completing a certain task and you want to make a funny announcement about it, this is a great line that you can use to express it.

The use of the words “crucified” “dead” and “buried” could imply that you conquered the task like Jesus Christ conquered death  (according to Christian beliefs).

I touch down on that goal

“Touch down” is a word used in the game of American football which means that a player scored.

In this case, the goal, that is, the work or task has been put down and executed perfectly by you. This is a funny version of expressing that a job has been completed.

Mission fulfilled to the brim

“Mission fulfilled to the brim” is another funny way to say that a job has been done.

“To the brim” is an illustration or a description of the level of how complete the work is and does not need any correction or doubt that it might not be good enough.

We’ve arrived and we are ready to rumble

This is a hilarious way of saying that you’ve landed or arrived in a place. It goes as far as stating the person’s purpose which is where the humor lies.

Next time you’re so excited to say that you’ve arrived somewhere, try saying it funnily.

The object was set and is now complete.

Going down memory lane is a good way to come up with heartwarming and funny expressions.

This statement highlights that there was a certain period that a goal was set but in the present, it is now complete. Your body language should scream “too excited” to make it more funny.

The package is delivered, over

The addition of the word ‘over’ is where the humor lies in the sentence. It is an inclusion of military terminology into normal conversations which is ridiculous.

It also serves the purpose of laying more emphasis on the fact that the package being delivered makes the task ‘over.’

The target is inside the nest

This is another humorous expression created around military terminologies. Words like “target” and “nest” are used to indicate a person being in a place successfully.

Perhaps your job was to get someone to a place safely and you’ve done that, you can be funny by saying this phrase.

The operation was a successful success

“The operation is a successful success” is a funny phrase that uses repetition to create humor.

The expression means that there are stages or levels to success and in this case, the operation was a successful kind which is funny.

We made it even though there wasn’t a visible finish line

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

Not everyone has to cross a visible finish line to be able to complete a task which this expression creates humor around.

So, if your task, for example, is to deliver pizza to a customer, once you have it delivered you have completed that goal despite not having to cross a finish line.

We’re here and ready to hear

The use of puns (play on words) makes this expression funny. If you’re going to write or text this to a person then you’re going to get the full potential of the humor.

Since ‘here’ and ‘hear’ are homophones, it makes it easy to use in a sentence that means that a person has successfully arrived at a destination.

The goal is now in my file for ‘achieved goals’

“Achieve goals” as a file is a representation of a goal that has been attained but instead of just saying it in a straightforward way, you can decide to be funny and creative with it.

You can reply to your close workmates whenever they ask you about a task being completed.

The goal has been conquered

‘The goal has been conquered’ is a funny way of saying ‘the eagle has landed.’ If your tone is on point and you have the right context to say it, then you should put this phrase to good use.

If expressing it verbally, you can include dramatic gestures but when writing you can add emojis or exclamation marks.

The task has been humbled

Something being humble means that the thing has been conquered or defeated which makes this phrase funny.

It’s a smart use of personification by implying that ‘a task’ can be ‘humble.’ This is a phrase that will be great after completing a task that was strenuous for you.

The did is now done

Another use of puns has created this funny line whereby the homophones used are ‘deed’ and ‘did’ which means an action.

It is then put in a past tense ‘done,’ to indicate that the person has put the task behind them. Again, this would be more noticeable if written or typed.

I made Mama proud

Most times when people say “made mama proud” it is usually around the subject matter of being successful or achieving a goal.

Instead of just saying that you’ve completed a task in a basic way, you can lighten up the mood by choosing to say it in these words.

It’s done and that’s it

“It’s done and that’s it” is also a funny way of saying “the eagle has landed” because it includes at the end, that the job or task has been done and it will remain that way.

It’s almost like you’re affirming to yourself or whoever you’re speaking to that the job wasn’t going to come up as undone again.

Job completely done in style.

“Job completely done in style” is another phrase that speaks about finishing a job completely. It has a little flare to it by saying that the job was done effortlessly.

If this is a situation that you find yourself in, you can have this phrase at the back of your mind to make use of.

The work is too done, you’re welcome

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

You have to possess a high level of confidence that will reflect in your tone if you really want to sound funny.

Saying the work is ‘too done’ shows how perfectly you did the work and even though you don’t get appreciated, you already pat yourself on the back.

We are now in position

“We are now in position” is a funny way to say that a job is complete. It could be that your position is a funny one and having to acknowledge that could be hilarious.

Maybe your position is to clean dirty laundry or to clog dirt out of a toilet, this statement would be funny to utter.

The goodies are attained

Instead of saying “goods” you can decide to be lighthearted about it by saying ‘goodies,’ besides, who does not want to attain goodies?

When it comes to comedy or humor, you have to just be honest and positive to be the best.

The eggs are now in the nest

Just because there’s a reference to eggs and nest does not mean it is literal. It is just a funny version of ‘the eagle (birds that can lay eggs) has landed.

This is a good fit for a job that requires you to transport certain things to a place, the moment you have it to your location, then the eggs have now been delivered to the nest (the right place).

The job has reached its end

The job has reached its end is a funny announcement that the job has been done. It is a dramatic way of saying it which could be deemed as a lighthearted expression.

Whatever job it is that you’re happy to see end or complete, this sentence expresses that joy better.

We’ve landed without wings

It is common knowledge that humans can’t fly but instead of saying that “we’ve landed,” you can say “We’ve landed but without wings.”

It’s a funny way to indicate that you have successfully arrived at a place safe and sound.

Bye to the job, because it’s done

When the job is ready to say bye, be the first to open the door with this funny expression of “the eagle has landed.”

Share this with your friends at work and watch them explore their fun side.

The bird’s feet have touched the ground

Using only the bird’s feet touching the ground,” highlights that there has been an arrival on ground

What makes it funny is the choice of words and how dramatic it makes it look.

The ground has met me

When two things or people meet, it means that there’s a common GROUND.

It is a funny way to say that a person has arrived, perhaps someone who was transported by a plane.

Success now belongs to me

Instead of saying that success is yours, you can be more possessive, as if you have a romantic relationship with the word.

Now, success has nowhere else to go since it has been claimed by you.

What’s done and dusted? The task

The initial question is funny and the answer to it is funnier.

You can definitely raise your shoulders while saying this to your friends at work or to your coursemates at school.

The walls have come down

“Jericho” is a city in the bible that the people of Israel were able to break down just by praise.

This incident has now become historical knowledge and is incorporated into this expression to mean that a task that was so challenging has become easy.

I and the prize have finally shook hands

The use of personification, that is, ‘the prize having hands to shake someone’, is the highlight of this funny expression.

It means that there’s now an agreement between a person and a goal.

The mission is over for life

This is a declaration that a mission has ended and it has ended for eternity.

Indicating with gestures like crossing your hands and taking it apart, helps this expression build more laughter.

The mark has been hit big time

When someone “hits the mark” it implies that the person has finally reached their goal and it’s a big goal at that.

Perhaps there’s a project that you’ve worked so hard on for a long time, and it finally paid off, you can use this sentence to express that.

We nailed it so much, that it’s dead

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

What is being nailed in this context is the task, the job, or work. It being dead shows that it is over and done.

Perhaps you make a huge announcement about your job being done, you can use this phrase as a headline to grasp their attention and to create humor.

The target faced the heat and now we hit it

The target is the goal and facing heat means that you dealt with it and you are proud of that effort.

There is no need to be tense when trying to be funny, the trick is to be as relaxed as you possibly can.

Sleepless nights are over

When we have a job or task that’s so difficult or consumes a lot of time, there’s a chance that it will prevent us from sleeping.

Saying that “sleepless nights are over” is an indirect and funny way of saying that you’re done with that task.

The plan has been executed successfully

“The plan has been executed successfully” is another phrase that also means that a mission has been accomplished.

Whether it is successfully changing a kid’s diaper, or taking out the garbage, the plan to do so was executed successfully.

We’ve locked it in and it’s not getting out

“We’ve locked it in and it’s not getting out” is a phrase that shows that you’ve gotten something that was out of your reach, now, within your reach.

Saying that ‘it is not getting out’ means that there is no way that the deal is slipping through your hands.

I just double-crossed the finish line

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

This is a funny and smart way to say that a task has been fulfilled.

“Double crossing” means to outsmart and in this context, it also implies that the person has crossed the finish line effortlessly.

We’ve checked the box, it’s juicy

This is a funny statement that means that a person has checked a box in their list.

It also derives humor from the use of the word “juice box” by indicating that it is juicy.

The goal has been scored

Despite not being an athlete, we can still score goals in our respective fields.

“The goal has been scored” shows the excitement that comes with winning or being successful.

The project is done, I better project that

This is a funny statement because it uses the word ‘project’ in a way that has two meanings.

The first one means a task or goal and the other means that it should be written in bold letters and made known and visible to the world.

We’ve secured the win, it feels safe

When people say that they have secured the win, it means that they have become successful at something.

The humor is seen in the latter part of the sentence by implying that “the win” feels that has been secured and feels safe.

The mission is sealed like a bottle of wine

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

The mission is sealed like a bottle of wine is a simile that illustrates the extent of how sealed the mission is.

This type of phrase comes in handy anytime and anywhere.

We took that task to school

Saying that the task was taken to school, shows that you completed it effortlessly.

It is a task that you feel confident that you did very well.

The task is a wrap

The task is a wrap means that the task is over and you are pleased about it.

Next time, you have to express your delight about finishing a task, this is good for that.

The mission is now history

“The mission is now history” is a funny way to say that you’re done with a task.

It means that you have completed something and it is now in your past, now you’re looking for something that’s new and fresh.

We won the race like a pro

“We won the race like a pro” is another hilarious way to say that you achieved success in something.

If you’re feeling like you need to brag, this line makes you do that with ease.

We finally have it

In addition, “we finally have it” can be a funny manner in which you can say that you have successfully done something.

It depends on what it is that you have and how dramatic you can be about it that determines how funny you’ll sound.

Funny Ways to Say The Eagle Has Landed

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