20 Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks


There’s that one time in everyone’s life that we walked into a “stinking situation,” for some people, the bad air in the place almost wiped their nose out.

Saying something stinks isn’t exactly a nice thing to say but in a situation where you feel like you have to let your comment out, a better way to do so is to utter it in a funny way or in a lighthearted way to make it seem less offensive.

Perhaps it’s your friend’s room, or your dirty socks that keep releasing terror in the air, jokingly telling them that “it smells nasty,” with an exaggerated tone that shows you’re being tortured.

With the instances attached to each phrase, it will enlighten you more on how to use it so that you don’t take the fun out of it.

 What Are The Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks? 

  1. Something smells skunky.
  2. It smells nasty.
  3. Something smells rotten.
  4. It’s smelly.
  5. It has a repulsive odor.
  6. It has a foul odor.
  7. Something reeks.
  8. It smells filthy.
  9. There’s a stinky scent.
  10. Something has an offensive smell.
  11. It’s drilling my nose.
  12. Something smells really bad.
  13. It has an unpleasant odor.
  14. Something must have expired for years.
  15. It smells disgusting.
  16. Something smells awful.
  17. There’s a foul stench.
  18. What died here?
  19. It smells decayed.
  20. There’s a horrible scent.

Something smells skunky

Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks

Skunky is a word derived from the word “skunk,” an animal that releases toxic farts that have an offensive odor. When someone says that a place or thing smells skunky, it means that the smell coming from there is horrible.

Rather than choosing to say the regular phrase, you can decide to be funny by saying this. Even your friends or family members would know just how terrible the smell is to require a new type of phrase.

For Instance:

  • Something smells skunky here, did you wash those dishes at all?
  • What happened to this place? It smells skunky here.

It smells nasty

When a person says the word “nasty,” it is to indicate that a place or smell is ruthless. This is a good choice of words that are mostly used in a light-hearted situation.

Maybe you’re throwing some shade at your friend’s room for not being clean, you can make a joke with this phrase.

For Instance:

  • I think someone is going to die here soon, it smells nasty! 
  • This place is not just old and forbidden, girl, it smells nasty. 

Something smells rotten

Another funny way that you can say something stinks is by saying that something smells rotten. Oftentimes when things smell rotten, it means that it has a horrible scent.

Next time, when you’re conversing with your buddies about the smell of a certain food, or place that you believe stinks, you can say it this way to be funny.

For instance:

  • Something smells rotten here, It’s like rotten eggs.
  • Something smells rotten, It’s making me want to throw up.

It’s smelly

Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks

“It’s smelly” is a funny way to say that something stinks. It is dependent on the tone at which you use that determines the level of humor you derive.

You can even add gestures like using your fingers to hold your nose or making a suffocated face, which indicates that the thing or place smells.

For Instance:

  • I can’t eat this at all, it’s smelly.
  • This is highly disgusting and I can’t believe that this is where you live, it’s smelly, my goodness.

It has a repulsive odor

“Repulsive” is a word that people use to mean that they find something irritating which makes it a perfect fit for a situation that deals with you in a stinking place.

Perhaps you are conversing with your friend and you want to say something that stinks in a funny way, then this is a good phrase to use.

For Instance:

  • What is that? It has a repulsive odor! 
  • I can believe you’re tasting it, common, it has a repulsive odor.

It has a foul odor

Tone is the major thing in humor and it takes it to make this phrase “it has a foul odor,” funny.

There are certain times that you might find yourself in a “hot mess,” this is the time to also throw in a messy and funny phrase as well.

For Instance:

  • Damn! I can’t handle this smell, it has a foul odor. 
  • It has a foul odor, it deserves a penalty.

Something reeks

“Something reeks” is a funny way to say that something stinks. It depicts the manner in which the horrible smell is oozing.

This phrase can be added to your conversation with your friend or even while on a phone call with your family members.

For Instance:

  • Something reeks, it’s like a skunk committed suicide and the body was dumped in that room.
  • I can’t stand being here. Something reeks, and it aims to murder.

It smells filthy

“Filthy” is a word that’s mostly used in a light-hearted manner and it serves that purpose in this phrase as well.

There are other elements like your tone, the gesture and your ability to relax that will determine how much you’re going to get people to laugh or sound funny.

For Instance:

  • It smells filthy, get that thing away from my presence.
  • What is that thing? It smells filthy. Ewww!!

There’s a stinky scent

Most times when people use the word ‘scent,’ it is to convey the message that the smell is pleasant but in this case it is the opposite which brings out the humor in this phrase.

Rather than expressing that something stinks with a bland statement like “something smells bad” you can be funny by using this phrase.

For Instance:

  • This food looks too good to have this scent. Yes, there’s a stinky scent coming out from the food.
  • There’s a stinky scent coming from this thing, I can’t stand it.

Something has an offensive smell

Another funny way to say that something stinks is by saying that “something has an offensive smell.”

It implies that the smell has hurt you personally which not only makes it metaphoric but hilarious. Let’s see how this funny phrase can be utilized in a sentence.

For Instance:

  • Something has an offensive smell, and I am positive that it should be jailed for smelling this bad.
  • Do you perceive the same thing as me? Something has an offensive smell and I am offended by it.

It’s drilling my nose

Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks

“It’s drilling my nose” is a funny way to say that something smells terrible. It is considered funny because of the emphasis placed on the discomfort caused by a bad smell.

Let’s say you’re trying to describe the degree of the smelly thing, you can jokingly say that it’s drilling your nose.

For Instance:

  • How do I explain what’s smelling in this room? It is almost like it’s drilling my nose.
  • I can’t take this bad air into my system anymore, it’s drilling my nose.

Something smells really bad

When someone says that something smells really bad, it can be interpreted as a funny way to say it. It’s blunt yet serves the purpose of humor.

Perhaps you’re articulating this phrase, you can stretch the word “really” to create an effect that you’re not happy with the stinking situation.

For Instance:

  •  Something smells really bad, and when I say really bad, I mean, really bad.
  • What in the world is that thing? It smells really bad, I wonder how you’re still alive.

It has an unpleasant odor

“it has an unpleasant odor” is a funny way to say that something stinks because it shows that the smell isn’t inviting or welcoming to you or to anyone.

It’s a brilliant way of creating humor around the subject matter of “bad smell.” Whether you’re expressing this to a colleague or friend, this is certainly a funny phrase that will help you.

For Instance:

  • Did a can of worm expire and was poured into it? It has an unpleasant odor, don’t you think?
  • Whatever that is, it has an unpleasant odor. This is why I am not a big fan.

Something must have expired for years

Funny Ways to Say Something Stinks

This is a metaphorical and funny way to say that something stinks. “Something must have expired for years” is an indicator that there’s something that is spoiled which causes a bad smell.

The use of the words “for years” is just a hilarious form of exaggeration to show the intensity of the terrible smell.

Maybe you open up a fridge in your house and you want to say something stinks in it, this is a funny way you can use to do so.

For Instance:

  • Wow! I am certain that something must have expired for years in this fridge of doom.
  • Something must have expired for years, I just can’t stand it anymore, it smells forsaken.

It smells disgusting

“It smells disgusting” is a funny way to say that something stinks or smells bad. You can accompany the phrase with a gesture like squeezing your face in disdain for the smell or you can even increase the height of your pitch.

Perhaps you want your friend to know how smelly their dirty socks are, this is a funny way to let them know.

For Instance:

  • Get that thing out of my sight, it smells disgusting, I wonder how you can call it socks.
  • Only God knows when you last put out the garbage, it’s disgusting.  I am going to throw up.

Something smells awful

Saying that something smells awful is a funny way to express that a thing smells bad. “Awful” is a word that means that a certain thing is horrible and despicable.

You might want to joke about how stinky your hair is because you haven’t shampooed for weeks, this is a really funny way of saying it.

For Instance:

  • Something smells awful in your hair, oh! Lord have mercy.
  • Something smells awful in your room, did you kill a person in there? I can’t believe how unclean you are.

There’s a foul stench

“There’s a foul stench” is also a funny way to say that something stinks as it implies that the odor of a certain thing terrifies your nostrils.

You can decide to make use of this phrase while trying to tease your colleague’s shoes or your friend’s favorite food that smells so bad.

For Instance:

  • Your shoes look so nice but there’s a foul stench coming out of them. Why is that?
  • What makes you like this dish so much? There’s a foul stench coming from it.

What died here?

Asking rhetorical questions sometimes passes a message and in this case, the message passed across is that there’s a horrible smell.

During the period of decomposition, there’s an awful smell which relates to a form of exaggeration as to what the real situation is. Let’s make use of it in the following examples.

For Instance: 

  • What died here? There has to be a corpse in here.
  • Why does it smell this way? What died here?  

It smells decayed

Another hilarious exaggeration that creates humor is the phrase “it smells decayed.” Obviously, when something is decayed it implies that the stench is terrible.

Lighten up the mood as you pass out critical comments about your friend’s item through this funny phrase.

  • I am sure that you know that your armpit smells right? It smells decayed bro.
  • That thing you’re holding, it smells decayed and you had better get rid of it.

There’s a horrible scent

“There’s a horrible scent” is yet another funny way to say that something stinks which can be used in a dialogue with your close family friends and every other person in your circle.

In the English language, the right use of words is necessary but to get more humor out of it, you have to take into consideration the context and manner in which you’re saying it.

For Instance:

  • Trust me, you do not want to go near that thing, there’s a horrible scent coming from it.
  • There’s absolutely no way I am holding that thing close to me, there’s a horrible scent from it that can hurt your soul.

Final Thoughts

All it takes to be funny is a great comical tone and the ability to creatively say the truth, it’s not complicated.

Next time when you walk into a place that’s stinking with bad air, you won’t have a problem extracting a funny phrase to comment on how miserable your nose feels, and any of these outlined phrases can help you express that.

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funny ways to say someone stinks

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