10 Funny Ways to Say “Not a Chance in Hell”


When faced with an outrageous request or an unrealistic proposal, sometimes a simple “no” just doesn’t cut it. Instead, a more colorful, humorous response can drive the point home with style, flair and humor.

Infusing humor into your refusal not only makes your rejection memorable but also lightens the mood, making it clear that while the answer is a firm “no,” it’s delivered with a touch of wit. 

Trumping these situations with humor can be particularly useful in both personal and professional contexts.

Whether you’re dodging an over-the-top favor from a friend or diplomatically turning down an impractical work request, these creative responses provide a way to decline gracefully while keeping the atmosphere positive.

Moreover, by choosing one of these funny ways to say “not a chance in hell,” you’ll not only communicate your stance but also entertain and possibly even endear yourself to the person making the request.

If you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable situation where outrageous requests are being directed at you, this article is for you. I have provided a sumptuous list of 10 funny ways to disregard such a request you find inconsiderable.

The list includes deep humor, sarcasm, witty one-liners, and additionally, instances you can use are being provided for you in order to make proper use of them.

List of 10 Funny Ways to Say “Not a Chance in Hell”

  1. When pigs fly, and not even then!
  2. You’ve got a better chance of finding a unicorn in your backyard.”
  3. I’d rather wrestle a lion while blindfolded
  4. The chances of that happening are about as likely as winning the lottery every day for a year.
  5. I’d sooner take a nap in a bed of nails.
  6. I’d rather swim with sharks wearing a meat suit.”
  7. The probability is the same as a snowball’s chance in hell.
  8. “I’d prefer to jump into a volcano.
  9. Not even if the moon turned into cheese.
  10. That’s as likely as me becoming a rock star overnight.

“When Pigs Fly, and Not Even Then!

This classic phrase humorously exaggerates the impossibility of the request. Creatively stating that pigs flying is not even a remote possibility, you’re clearly signaling that the chance of your acceptance is nonexistent.

Example 1:

Your colleague walks up to you and say “Could you help me move this weekend?”, jokingly respond with “When pigs fly, and not even then! I’ve got plans that are set in stone.”

This is a creative and funny way to turn down their request and inform them of your busy schedules.

Your friend won’t get offended because it is a light-hearted way of saying no. Furthermore, they would think you are pulling their legs and would want to press further.

Example 2:

Your friends call you and ask you if you want to join the midnight marathon?If it is not your thing, respond creatively with this- When pigs fly, and not even then! I’m more of a couch potato than a runner.

You’ve Got a Better Chance of Finding a Unicorn in Your Backyard

This phrase uses the mythical nature of unicorns to underscore the improbability of the request being fulfilled. It adds a playful element to your refusal by suggesting an equally absurd scenario.

Example 1:

Assuming your neighbor asked to lend them your car for the weekend? And you don’t find that request appealing, respond wittingly with- You’ve got a better chance of finding a unicorn in your backyard! My car’s tied up with my weekend plans.

Example 2:

Another instance where your colleague asks if you can cover for them at work next week, you can pull their legs by responding with – you’ve got a better chance of finding a unicorn in your backyard! I’ve got a full schedule and can’t take on more.

I’d Rather Wrestle a Lion While Blindfolded

This response humorously compares the difficulty of the request to a dangerous and difficult task, making your refusal sound more serious and dramatic.

It reminds me of my childhood where we mentioned doing the impossible rather than lending help to someone who offended us just to get back at them.

Example 1:

Your sister treated herself to tell wraps of shawarma without offering you any then an hour later, she comes to meet you asking if you can babysit her three kids for a day?

Get your revenge by responding with- I’d rather wrestle a lion while blindfolded! I’m swamped with my own responsibilities.

Example 2:

In a different case, it could be your colleague who offended you and now they need you to take on this massive project at work?… Just reply with this great comeback “I’d rather wrestle a lion while blindfolded!

This project is a bit too much for me right now, and watch them beg for your mercy.”

The Chances of That Happening Are About as Likely as Winning the Lottery Every Day for a Year

This phrase exaggerates the improbability of the request by comparing it to an extremely rare event, emphasizing just how unlikely it is for you to agree.

Example 1:

Your adventurous friend asked if you can join him on a cross-country road trip and you do not wish to go… well, use this savvy response- “The chances of that happening are about as likely as winning the lottery every day for a year!

I’ve got too many commitments” to turn down the offer.

Example 2:

If your friend asked you ;Would you consider moving in with me?” and it’s not something worth considering, turn down the request creatively by using this witty one-liner; “The chances of that happening are about as likely as winning the lottery every day for a year!

I’m perfectly happy with my current situation.”

“I’d Sooner Take a Nap in a Bed of Nails”

Funny Ways to Say Not a Chance in Hell

This phrase uses vivid and unpleasant imagery to highlight how undesirable the request is. It’s a dramatic way to make your point while adding humor to your response.

Example 1:

Your friend knows that you know how to arrange rooms, then seeks your help in reorganizing her entire house, you can turn down the request  with “I’d sooner take a nap in a bed of nails! I’d rather tackle this project another time.”

Your friend won’t get offended that you turned her down because you have projected your busy schedules in a lighthearted manner.

Example 2:

Your colleagues want to make the most of the vacation then they invited you for a week-long camping trip but you have other plans or truth be told you prefer to stay indoors…  you can turn down the offer by saying “I’d sooner take a nap in a bed of nails! Nature isn’t quite my thing.” 

It’s a creative response to let them off your hook.

“I’d Rather Swim with Sharks Wearing a Meat Suit”

This response makes use of exaggeration to emphasize your refusal on the request, using humor to make your refusal more entertaining and memorable.

Example 1:

Your project teammate inquires if you can take on a high-stakes presentation, respond by saying this- “I’d rather swim with sharks wearing a meat suit! Public speaking isn’t my forte.”

Example 2:

Your friend: Will you help me with this huge charity event?

Your response: I’d rather swim with sharks wearing a meat suit! My schedule is already packed.

The Probability Is the Same as a Snowball’s Chance in Hell

This classic idiom vividly conveys the impossibility of the request. Referring to the well-known snowball analogy, you emphasize just how unlikely it is for you to agree.

Example 1

Your playmate: Will you join me for a skydiving lesson?

The probability is the same as a snowball’s chance in hell! I prefer to keep my feet on the ground.

Example 2:

Your boss: Can you manage this impossible deadline?

Your response: The probability is the same as a snowball’s chance in hell! I’m already stretched too thin.

Note that you can only use the second example of this section if you maintain a close relationship with your boss.

I’d Prefer to Jump into a Volcano

Funny Ways to Say Not a Chance in Hell

This response uses extreme imagery to underscore your refusal. By comparing the request to something incredibly dangerous and dramatic, you make it clear that you’re not interested.

Example 1:

Your colleague asks you if you Can cover his shift this weekend and you remember he didn’t do the same for you when you asked, get your comeback with this response- I’d prefer to jump into a volcano! I’ve got plans I can’t rearrange.

Example 2:

Your naughty junior brother asks if you could help me with his massive project, give him a dose of his poison by saying “ I’d prefer to jump into a volcano! I’m already swamped with my own tasks.” Trust me when I say he is already on his knees begging for your mercy.

Not Even If the Moon Turned into Cheese

This playful phrase uses the unlikely event of the moon turning into cheese to emphasize the unlikelihood of the request being accepted. It adds a humorous twist to your refusal.

Example 1:

Your bestie: Want to join me on a spontaneous trip abroad?

Response: Not even if the moon turned into cheese! I’m not up for international travel right now.

Example 2:

Your colleague says- can you take over this new assignment?  

Your response: Not even if the moon turned into cheese! My plate is already full.

That’s as Likely as Me Becoming a Rock Star Overnight

This phrase humorously compares the impossibility of the request to an extremely unlikely event—becoming a rock star overnight. It adds a touch of humor to your refusal.

Example 1

Your friend asks- Will you help me organize this big event?

Humorously reject by saying “that’s as likely as me becoming a rock star overnight! I’m already committed to other projects.”

Example 2:

Your colleague again asks if you can take on this additional responsibility? Respond with “That’s as likely as me becoming a rock star overnight! My schedule won’t allow it.”


Rejecting a request doesn’t have to be dull or straightforward. With these ten funny ways to say “not a chance in hell,” you can convey your refusal with humor and flair.

Furthermore, using exaggerated scenarios and playful language, you make your point clear while adding a touch of creativity to your response.

Next time you need to turn down a request or invitation, consider one of these humorous alternatives written above.

Not only will you deliver your message effectively, but you’ll also add a bit of fun to the interaction, making it a memorable exchange for both you and the person on the other end.

So go ahead, make use of these witty responses and let your sense of humor reflect through in all your conversations.

Funny Ways to Say Not a Chance in Hell

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