20 Funny Ways to Say Good Riddance to Someone


There are times in life when saying goodbye feels more like a relief than a sad moment.

Whether it’s a toxic colleague, a drama-filled friend, or just someone whose time in your life has come to an end, sometimes a simple “goodbye” doesn’t quite cut it.

You need something with flair, humor, or just a little extra spice to get your point across.

Saying “good riddance” doesn’t have to be harsh or mean, sometimes, it’s all about adding a witty twist to lighten the mood.

So, if you’re ever in a situation where you want to say goodbye but with a humorous or sarcastic edge, I’ve got you covered.

Below are 20 funny ways to say “good riddance,” each with its touch of wit, sarcasm, and humor.

 Ready? Let’s go.

20 Funny Ways to Say Good Riddance to Someone

  1. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
  2. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!
  3. It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun.
  4. Goodbye, and good riddance!
  5. Don’t trip on your way out.
  6. Finally, some peace and quiet.
  7. Don’t forget to write… or actually, do.
  8. Well, this awkward silence just got a whole lot longer!
  9. See you never!
  10. Hasta la vista… forever!
  11. So long, farewell, don’t come back.
  12. I survived your company…barely!
  13. Your departure is like Christmas morning!
  14. Who needs reality TV when we have you?
  15. And just like that, the room got smarter.
  16. Don’t let the good sense hit you on your way out.
  17. Thanks for leaving; it’s the nicest thing you’ve done all day.
  18. Goodbye, and may your drama go with you.
  19. May the rest of your life be as uneventful as this moment.
  20. Finally! The human tornado has left the building.

1. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Funny Ways to Say Good Riddance to Someone

This classic sarcastic phrase is both humorous and sharp. It’s a playful jab that says, “I’m not sorry to see you go,” while keeping things light.

This is a suitable use for your friend whose presence has become tiring and you really had a tug of war before agreeing to leaving. 

We all have that special kind of friend who instantly feels your house is their the moment they step into your house.

As much as their freedom and not respecting boundaries can be amusing, it can be annoying too, and you just wish they would leave the sooner they got here.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out is a playful way to tell your friend you are relieved that they finally made the decision to leave your space. 

Example 1:

  • Bye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out… unless it’s a revolving door, then good luck!

Example 2:

  • Farewell! And remember, doors are friends, not enemies. Unless they’re shutting behind you.

 2. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!

This witty line adds a bit of playful insult to the goodbye, implying that the person leaving isn’t someone you’d want to switch places with.

It is suitable to use if the person you accommodated or spent time with was uneventful, and at the end of the day it just felt like a total waste of time.

Example 1:

  • See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya! Especially after that stunt you pulled in the meeting.

Example 2:

  • Goodbye! And no worries, I’ll never be in your shoes. I’d need to downgrade my life for that.

3. It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun.

If you want to tell someone that their presence wasn’t fun or enjoyable and you want to do so creatively, without hurting the person, then ‘It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun’ is a perfect line to use.

It will help you convey your sincere opinion about the meeting but in a lighthearted manner such that the person gets the gist and still be cool with it.

It is a funny twist on the usual “goodbye,” this one lets someone know that their presence wasn’t exactly enjoyable. 

Example 1:

It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but let’s be honest, we both know it wasn’t real fun.

Example 2:

Wow, what a ride. It’s been real, and it’s been fun… but now, it’s time to make it actually fun.

4. Goodbye, and good riddance!

‘Goodbye, and good riddance!’ is a common saying used to dismiss an unwanted visitor. This one’s straightforward but can be delivered with just enough sarcasm to make it funny rather than harsh. 

You can use it for your buddy because it’s a light-hearted tease that will evoke laughter from them.

Example 1:

  • Goodbye, and good riddance! You really know how to overstretch your welcome.

Example 2:

  • Well, goodbye! Good riddance…may we never meet in an elevator again.

5. Don’t trip on your way out.

This is a lighthearted way to say that you’re not too concerned with the person leaving. It is a somewhat brutal and harsh form of saying you care less about their absence, and in fact you are not going to miss them.

Also you can use it as an ironic statement for someone you love. Acting like you careless when you actually care is a cute way to mask your vulnerability.

The funny part about this statement is that your crush or partner actually knows that you do care.

Example 1:

  • Don’t trip on your way out… but if you do, I hope someone catches it on camera!  

Example 2:  

  • See ya! Don’t trip on your way out, though I wouldn’t mind a good laugh.

6. Finally, some peace and quiet.

This sarcastic phrase is perfect for when someone’s departure feels like a breath of fresh air. Imagine having your naughty younger siblings for a three week holiday; that can be frustrating and unavoidable right?

But the moments school resumes and they are leaving you feel so relieved…. Yes! The above statement is an appropriate statement to say when your siblings are finally leaving your house.

Example 1:

  • Oh, you’re leaving? Finally, some peace and quiet! I almost forgot what silence sounds like.

Example 2:

  • Wow, you’re really leaving? I thought this day would never come. Ah, peace at last!

 7. Don’t forget to write… or actually, do.

This sarcastic comment adds a humorous twist to your statement, suggesting that you’re not really looking forward to keeping in touch.

When you tell someone to or to not write that means you are implying whether they do or they do not you really don’t care. 

The above statement can also be used to tease your friend who is as crazy as you are. They definitely will get the gist and retort with the same energy.

Example 1:

  • Don’t forget to write… or actually, do forget. My inbox could use a break.

Example 2: 

  • Stay in touch…no, on second thought, don’t. I enjoy my peace.

8. Well, this awkward silence just got a whole lot longer

This witty phrase adds some humor to the moment, implying that the person’s absence will only improve things. It is a perfect roast for an annoying intruder which could be your colleague, that neighbor or your friend.

Example 1:

Well, this awkward silence just got a whole lot longer, and I’m okay with that.

Example 2:

Your exit just made the silence even better…funny how that works, huh?

9. See you never!

‘See you never!’ is a great phrase to use for someone whose presence was really disturbing and annoying. This one is perfect for a situation where you’re really hoping not to cross paths with someone again.

Example 1:

  • Goodbye and see you never again! Just the way I like it. 

Example 2:  

  • See you never! Unless fate decides to play a cruel joke on me.

10. Hasta la vista… forever!

Hasta la vista is a Spanish farewell that translates as “goodbye” in English.

A funny and dramatic twist on the famous “Hasta la vista, baby,” this goodbye makes it clear you’re happy to say farewell. Even the tone of the words is so exciting and happy. 

Use this to get rid of your clingy girlfriend and watch her aim for your neck.

Example 1:

  • Hasta la vista… forever! I’m waving so hard right now.

Example 2:

  • Goodbye! Hasta la vista… and trust me, the ‘forever’ part is the best bit.

11. So long, farewell, don’t come back.

‘So long, farewell, don’t come back’ is a humorous way to end a farewell and can be used to get rid of someone you don’t like to have in your corner. This phrase makes it clear that their return is not welcome.

Example 1:

  • So long, farewell, don’t come back! Please, for everyone’s sake.

Example 2:

  • So long, farewell, and remember leaving is the best thing you’ve done all day.

12. I survived your company…barely

I survived your company …barely is another way to say good riddance to someone you didn’t have a great time with; suitable  to use for someone who is so boring.

It is a statement that turns the goodbye into a funny reflection on what it was like having them around.

Tell them in a funny way how miserable you were having to stay with them for a while using the above statement.

Example 1:

I survived your company…barely! Honestly, I deserve a medal.

Example 2:

Wow, I made it through your company. Barely. I need a nap now.

13. Your departure is like Christmas morning

If you need to show excitement of how their absence means so much to you,Your departure is like Christmas morning

is another savage expression to use. This sarcastic remark lets the person know that you’re more than happy to see them go.

Example 1:

  • Your departure is like Christmas morning! Except no one has to pretend to be surprised. 

Example 2:  

  • Wow, it’s like Christmas morning! Only, this present is you leaving.

14. Who needs reality TV when we have you?

‘Who needs reality TV when we have you?’ is a funny comment that adds a jab and compares the person’s presence to something dramatic, like reality TV. Use this for your dramatic and annoying friend.

Example 1:

Who needs reality TV when we have you? It was an emotional rollercoaster.

Example 2:  

Thanks for the drama. Who needs Netflix when we have you?

15. And just like that, the room got smarter.

If you want to pull your friend’s leg or  brush their toes, tease them with the above response, however, I don’t guarantee you would leave the scene with your head or mouth in a good shape.

‘And just like that, the room got smarter’ is a sarcastic and humorous way to imply that the person wasn’t exactly adding value to the conversation.

Example 1:

And just like that, the room got smarter. I feel my IQ rising already! 

Example 2: 

Wow, the second you left, I felt the collective IQ of the room increase.

16. Don’t let the good sense hit you on your way out.

‘Don’t let the good sense hit you on your way out’ is another witty way to say good riddance to that annoying friend of yours.

This twist on the “door” suggests that the person didn’t always make the best choices.

Example 1:

  • Bye! And don’t let the good sense hit you on the way out. It might shock you.

Example 2:

  • Good riddance! And remember, good sense is rare. Don’t get too close to it on your way out.

17. Thanks for leaving; it’s the nicest thing you’ve done all day.

You can also show a sarcastic appreciation to your visitor for having the  sense to know when to leave by using the above statement.

This sarcastic quip adds a twist by thanking someone for finally departing and it sure to crack them up.

Example 1:

  • Thanks for leaving; it’s the nicest thing you’ve done all day. Honestly, thank you.

Example 2:

  • Wow, finally! Thanks for leaving. That’s probably your most productive action.

18. Goodbye, and may your drama go with you.

Someone whose presence was unbearable finally decided to leave and you need to bid them farewell?

Well, ‘Goodbye, and may your drama go with you’ is just the snacky response you need to give out. This is perfect for someone who’s been a bit too much to handle.

Example 1:

  • Goodbye, and may your drama go with you. No need to leave any behind.

Example 2:

  • Wow, it’s been real. Goodbye, and please take your drama with you.

19. May the rest of your life be as uneventful as this moment.

‘May the rest of your life be as uneventful as this moment’ is a harsh, and witty way to say goodbye, suggesting that their future should be calm or boring.

Example 1:

  • May the rest of your life be as uneventful as this moment… because that would be perfect.

Example 2:

  • Well, goodbye. And here’s to hoping your life stays as uneventful as this conversation.

20. Finally! The human tornado has left the building.

Your stubborn two year-old niece is finally leaving your house after a week of babysitting and you want to share your excitement of how relieved you are.

Finally! The human tornado has left the building is the best pick for you to portray how relieved you are.’

This  humorous description paints the departing person as a whirlwind of chaos.

Example 1

  • Finally! The human tornado has left the building. Time to rebuild!,

Example 2:

  • Goodbye, human tornado! We’ll be cleaning up for weeks, but at least it’s over now.


Saying goodbye doesn’t have to be boring or sad. In fact, sometimes a little humor, sarcasm, or wit can make the moment feel lighter and more enjoyable.

Whether you’re bidding farewell to a colleague, a friend, or anyone who has overstayed their welcome, these funny alternatives to “good riddance” can help you leave them with a laugh or at least, a raised eyebrow.

Funny Ways to Say Good Riddance to Someone

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