35 Funny Ways to Say “Good Luck”


While you go about your daily struggle, there’s nothing more exciting than a stroke of luck here and there.

This stroke of luck can turn an entire bad day into something worthwhile.

So, if you intend to wish someone luck, there are plenty of ways to do that other than the traditional phrases.

In this article, we’ll be exploring funny ways to wish someone good luck. Whether they’ll be going for a job interview, having exams, going to work, or just stepping out of the house, you can wish them luck with these phrases.

Besides, these hilarious good luck messages can help them have a good laugh, easing the morning tension.

Table of Contents

35 Funny Ways to Say “Good Luck”

Below are 35 funny ways to say “Good luck”:

  1. Break a leg and knock them dead
  2. May your luck shine as hard as the sun on a bad day
  3. May your luck continue to run like running water
  4. May your luck be as rare as rain in summer 
  5. May your luck be so good that it shines on your cat too 
  6. May your luck be as unending as data during a lockdown
  7. Good luck! May your boss give you off on a Monday
  8. If luck were coffee, may yours always be hot
  9. If luck were a disease, may you never get healed
  10. Good luck to you! May your life be simplified like the tutorials on YouTube
  11. I hope you find the light at the end of the room so you don’t have to find a tunnel
  12. May you be more lucky than a thief who escapes the authorities
  13. I hope you find a thousand dollars in your back pocket
  14. May your luck be as strong as your relationship
  15. Good luck to you! May you not find yourself in a tangled mess like your hair
  16. Wishing you luck as strange as a flying caterpillar 
  17. May you be more lucky than a cat with nine lives
  18. Cheers to not singing off-key
  19. Cheers to not tripping and falling off the stage
  20. May your day be more successful than a successful brain surgery
  21. I wish you good luck today at work with an absent boss
  22. May your boss suffer temporal amnesia today
  23. Here’s to not looking for your socks on a Monday morning 
  24. Here’s to not having a running stomach on your way to work
  25. May your luck run like never-ending diarrhea 
  26. Good luck and may your hair remain in your bonnet all-day
  27. Here’s to not spilling your coffee on your shirt on your first day at work and in front of your boss
  28. Don’t trip unless you find a bag of diamond
  29. May the lucky fairy pick your tooth
  30. May your luck be as big as an elephant
  31. May your day be as sweet as a baby’s smile
  32. May your laughter cause catastrophe at a train station
  33. May your luck be as consistent as your beauty
  34. May your charm out-charm the witches’ spell 
  35. Crush those goals and leave them in a pulp

Break a Leg and Knock Them Dead 

Break a leg and knock them dead” is one of the funny ways to wish someone good luck.

First, “Break a leg” is an informal slang that is used to wish someone good luck. Likewise “Knock them dead” means to greatly impress someone and is used to wish someone good luck.

So, putting these phrases in the same sentence is a creative and funny way to wish someone luck. It’s just like literally asking them to break a leg and knock someone dead.

May Your Luck Shine as Hard as the Sun on a Bad Day 

May your luck shine as hard as the sun on a bad day” is another hilarious way to wish someone good luck. 

Imagine what it’s like to have a bad day. It can be frustrating, leaving you in a foul mood all day.  

Then having this bad day plus the sun shed all its heat on you; I’m sure you don’t want to imagine that.

So, comparing someone’s luck to the heat of the sun on a bad day is a hilarious way to wish them luck. 

May Your Luck Continue to Run Like Running Water

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

May your luck continue to run like running water” is another funny way to wish someone luck.

Wishing them luck like running water means that their luck will continue to run. It’s a hilarious yet beautiful way to wish someone well, as it implies that things will continue to go well for them.

May Your Luck Be as Rare as Rain in Summer 

May your luck be as rare as rain in summer” is another funny way to wish someone luck.

This one wishes them a special kind of luck. Also, comparing their luck to rain in the summer means that you wish that they get something that seems impossible.

May Your Luck Be So Good That It Shines on Your Cat Too 

May your luck be so good that it shines on your cat too” is another hilarious way to wish someone well.

This one wishes them more than enough luck that it spreads to their cat too. It’ll work on occasion when they’re going through something difficult. Hearing this expression is enough to lighten their mood.

May Your Luck Be as Unending as Data During a Lockdown

May your luck be as unending as data during a lockdown” is another interesting way to wish someone well.

Imagine being restricted indoors and not having data to keep yourself entertained, its going to be one hell of a boring life. But, with unending data, you can keep yourself busy.

So, wishing someone a bit of luck like this means they’ll always have something good going for them.

Good Luck! May Your Boss Give You off on a Monday

Good luck! May your boss give you off on a Monday” is one hilarious way to wish someone luck.

Many people working 9-5 don’t like Mondays, as these days are always hectic. So getting off on a Monday is like a blessing.

So, if you want to wish someone luck, you can start by wishing they get a break on a  Monday.

If Luck Were Coffee, May Yours Always Be Hot

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

If luck were coffee, may yours always be hot” will certainly cause a good laugh.

I have not seen anyone who likes a cold coffee. So, wishing someone luck and comparing it to hot coffee is a hilarious way to pray that they always have things going well for them.

If Luck Were a Disease, May you Never Get Healed

If luck were a disease, may you never get healed” is another funny way you can wish someone luck.

This one compares luck to a disease, wishing that they never get healed. 

Imagine telling someone you wish they never get healed from a sickness: that’s how ridiculous this statement will sound to someone.

Good Luck to You! May Your Life Be Simplified Like the Tutorials on YouTube

If you watch tutorials on YouTube,  you’ll discover that many of them are made easy for viewers to understand.

So, wishing that someone’s life is as easy as YouTube tutorials is a cute and funny way to wish them luck. 

I Hope You Find the Light at the End of the Room so You Don’t Have to Find a Tunnel

Wishing that someone finds the light in their room rather than at the end of a tunnel is another hilarious way to pray things get easier for them.

Imagine having to look for a tunnel before searching for the light at the end; it can be one hell of an adventure.

But if you don’t have to step out of your room to find the light, how easy will it be for you.

May You Be More Lucky Than a Thief Who Escapes the Authorities

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

A thief who escapes authorities has good luck shining on them. Then, wishing someone to be more lucky than such a thief shows your good thoughts for them.

While it might sound ridiculous and hilarious, it’s also a cute way to wish them luck for their exams or other engagements.

I Hope You Find a Thousand Dollars in Your Back Pocket 

I hope you find a thousand dollars in your back pocket” is a wish that shows your good thoughts for someone.

It’ll work well for someone short on cash. Finding a thousand dollars in their pocket will certainly make them happy. 

So, say this prayer for that friend who’s complaining about money and make them laugh at the ridiculousness.

May Your Luck Be as Strong as Your Relationship 

May your luck be as strong as your relationship” is a humorous way to wish someone luck.

What’s hilarious about this one is that their relationship may not be strong. So, wishing them luck as their relationship is quite tricky. It’ll work for a friend who’ll see the humor in it.

Good Luck to You! May You Not Find Yourself in a Tangled Mess Like Your Hair

This expression of goodluck will certainly cause laughter.  It’ll work for someone who always keeps their hair unkempt.

It’s a hilarious and sarcastic way to wish them well and also ridicule them for always keeping untidy hair. 

Wishing You Luck as Strange as a Flying Caterpillar 

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

Wishing you luck as strange as a flying caterpillar” is another funny way to wish someone a special kind of luck.

It’s strange to see a caterpillar fly because they’re not meant to fly. So, wishing someone such strange luck means that you hope they get things that seem impossible. It’ll certainly cause a good laugh.

May You Be More Lucky Than a Cat with Nine Lives

May you be more lucky than a cat with nine lives” is another humorous thing to say to wish someone well.

A cat with nine lives is one lucky one, as the whole world might’ve been wiped off before they die.

So, wishing that someone has more luck than a cat with nine lives means you mean well for them.

Cheers to Not Singing Off Key

Cheers to not singing off-key” adds a layer of humor by referencing singers who go off-key, implying that they’re unlucky.

You can wish a friend who’s about to sing well with this humourous statement to make them laugh and ease their tension.

Cheers to Not Tripping and Falling off the Stage

Cheers to not tripping and falling off the stage” is another way to cause a good laugh when you want to wish someone well.

This one is another hilarious way to wish a friend who’s about to get on stage well. Moreover, this wish can ease their tension and make them finish whatever they have to do on stage without tripping.

May Your Day Be More Successful Than a Successful Brain Surgery

A successful brain surgery brings joy to everyone involved. How much more having a day more successful than such surgery?

This statement will certainly cause a good laugh. It’s a funny way to wish someone a successful day.

I Wish You Good Luck Today at Work with an Absent Boss 

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

I wish you good luck today at work with an absent boss” will make someone who has an annoying boss happy.

It’ll work well for a friend who always complains about their boss. There’s nothing more they’ll like on a workday than an absent boss.

May Your Boss Suffer Temporal Amnesia Today 

May your boss suffer temporal amnesia today” is another crazy thing you can say to wish someone luck.

This one is perfect for someone who always complains about their boss. Wishing their boss temporal amnesia means you want their boss to have memory loss for a short time.

It’ll work well if they’ve gotten themselves in trouble and need their boss to forget for a while.

Here’s to Not Looking for Your Socks on a Monday Morning 

Here’s to not looking for your socks on a Monday morning” is another funny thing to say to wish someone well.

Monday morning can be annoying. First, you wake reluctantly, wishing you could sleep more and not go to work. Then, imagine having to look for your socks. It can be very frustrating.

So, wishing someone doesn’t have to look for their socks is a humorous but wonderful way to wish them well, especially on a Monday morning.

Here’s to Not Having a Running Stomach on Your Way to Work

Here’s to not having a running stomach on your way to work” is another silly but interesting way to wish someone luck.

Having a running stomach is not only painful but frustrating. Then imagine having one on your way to work. What do you do? 

This scenario is better not imagined. So, wishing that someone never has a running stomach on their way to work is a way to show you care about them.

May Your Luck Run Like Never Ending Diarrhea 

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

May your luck run like never-ending diarrhea” is another crazy statement to make to wish someone luck.

The humor in this expression is comparing their luck to never-ending diarrhea. While diarrhea in itself is something no one wishes to suffer, having to have luck that keeps running like diarrhea sounds appealing, not in a real sense, though.

Good Luck and May Your Hair Remain in Your Bonnet All Day 

Good luck and may your hair remain in your bonnet all day” is another hilarious statement, especially for ladies who can relate.

This one is appropriate for someone who doesn’t use the right size of bonnet for their hair. So, wishing them luck with this expression is a funny way to wish them well and, at the same time, mock them for that habit.

Here’s to Not Spilling Your Coffee on Your Shirt on Your First Day at Work and in Front of Your Boss 

The first day at work can be tension-filled. Many things can go wrong on that day, including spilling your coffee. Then, having to spill the coffee in front of your boss is better than imagined.

So, wishing someone luck with this expression is a great way to share your good thoughts with them. It’ll work well for someone starting a job for the first time.

Don’t Trip Unless You Find a Bag of Diamond 

Don’t trip unless you find a bag of diamonds” is another interesting statement that’ll leave people in stitches.

This expression is a funny and sweet way to wish someone luck. It prays that they don’t trip and fall but hope they trip over a bag of diamonds.

Tell me, who wouldn’t want that?

May the Lucky Fairy Pick Your Tooth

May the lucky fairy pick your tooth” is another interesting way to wish someone luck.

While others pray for the tooth fairy to pick their tooth, getting the lucky fairy is indeed lucky.

You can only hope and wait for the lucky fairy to pick your tooth to know what luck will come your way. Interesting, right?

May Your Luck Be as Big as an Elephant

May your luck be as big as an elephant” is another funny thing to say to wish someone luck.

The elephant is the largest land animal. So, having a bit of luck as big as an elephant is indeed something someone will like. 

Therefore, if you want to wish your friends well and at the same time make them laugh, this is the perfect comparison to use.

May Your Day Be as Sweet as a Baby’s Smile

May your day be as sweet as a baby’s smile” is another beautiful comparison you can use if you want to wish someone well.

A baby smile is always beautiful. It brings warmth to the parents and others around. So, wishing someone luck as sweet as a baby’s smile is another sweet and hilarious statement that express your good thoughts for them.

May Your Laughter Cause  Catastrophe at a Train Station

May your laughter cause catastrophe at a train station” is another ridiculous thing to say to wish someone good luck.

This is a funny way to let someone know you wish them well. Also, praying that their laughter causes catastrophe means that you wish something good to happen to them that’ll cause them to burst out in laughter to the notice of people around.

May Your Luck Be as Consistent as Your Beauty 

May your luck be as consistent as your beauty” is another hilarious way to wish someone luck.

This one wishes them well by comparing their luck to their beauty. Moreover, is a sweet way to compliment them by calling them beautiful.

May Your Charm Out-Charm the Witches’ Spell 

May your charm out-charm the witches’ spell” is another funny thing to say to wish someone good luck.

First, this statement compliments them by implying they’re charming. Also, it’s a hilarious play on words that wish that they succeed in what they’re doing.

It’ll certainly cause a good laugh.

Crush Those Goals and Leave Them in a Pulp

Crush those goals and leave them in a pulp” is another funny way to wish someone well.

First, “Crush those goals” is a phrase that’s used to wish that someone do excellently well. 

The humor is adding that they not only crush the goal but leave it in a pulp. It’s a hilarious way to wish that they exceed their expectations.

Funny Ways to Say Good Luck

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