20 DJ Questions to Ask Clients


Interviewing potential clients can be quite a task. 

As a DJ, there are different categories of clients who’ll seek your service. While you must entertain them, the approaches you use with each client will slightly differ.

The best way to give a client what will satisfy them is by asking them questions that’ll help you understand what they want from you and the right way to entertain them.

In this article, we’ll be exploring DJ questions to ask clients. Besides helping you know how best to entertain them and their guests, it builds trust.

20 DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

DJ questions to ask clients are relevant questions that’ll help you give the best of your service.

Some of these questions include: “What kind of music do you want me to play?”, “Can I see the space I’ll be using for my equipment?”, and “Would you need me to show you reviews and references?”

Below are 20 questions to ask your client as a DJ:

  1. How many hours am I playing?
  2. What kind of music do you want me to play?
  3. Are you bringing a specific music you want me to play?
  4. Will there be a no-play list?
  5. Can I see the agenda for the event?
  6. Will I be playing until the guests leave?
  7. Are you taking care of your MC?
  8. Will you provide your hype man?
  9. What is the venue policy?
  10. Will you take care of my staff?
  11. Can I see the space where I’ll be setting up?
  12. What kind of guests are you inviting?
  13. What time will the venue be open?
  14. Will you be supplying the power?
  15. Will you be making provisions in case of a power outage?
  16. What’s your policy on drinking and smoking?
  17. Am I the only DJ playing at your event?
  18. How did you hear about me?
  19. Would you need me to show you reviews and references?
  20. Is there anything more I need to know that will help me serve you better?

How Many Hours Am I Playing?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

One of the first questions to ask your client as a DJ is the number of hours you have to play at their event.

Once you are aware of the kind of event you’ll be playing at, which they must have told you as they invited you, you should find out the number of hours you’re required to spend at the event.

This question is necessary so you plan yourself properly, in case you have more than one event for that day.

Also, if you already have an event scheduled for that day, the number of hours they’ll be needing your services will decide if you’ll take up the job.

So, this is a necessary first question before you get into the other important ones.

What Kind of Music Do You Want Me to Play?

Another important question, which should top your list of questions to ask clients as a DJ is the type of music they’d like you to play.

After knowing the number of hours you’re to play and the nature of the event, you should ask what kind of music they want before anything else.

First, if you don’t have a label, maybe “pop,” “Christian,” or “country,” you’ll always meet clients who’ll expect you to play what they want.

So, you should ask them what kind of music they want to know if it’s your niche. Moreover, even within a particular genre, certain clients will still have their preferences. 

Therefore, ensure you find out about their music preference.

Are You Bringing a Specific Music You Want Me to Play?

You should also inquire from your client if they’ll be bringing a song they want played on the day of their event.

Some clients might have a particular song they’d like you to play on their day. It could be a composition from them or just something special they feel you might not have.

So, it’s best to know about this beforehand to plan adequately. Moreover, you should get the song before the said day to prevent any form of distraction on that day.

Will There Be a No-Play List?

Some clients even after choosing the kind of music they want might still demand a no-play list.

So, you should ask them this question, especially if they give you hands to play any song.

You wouldn’t want a client frowning or meeting you to change a song you played.

Can I See the Agenda for the Event?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

Another important discussion to have with clients is the agenda of the event.

Your client should be able to let you in on how the event is going to be, better still they should hand you a copy of the agenda, whether it’s a soft or hard copy.

Knowing about the agenda will help you to be better prepared. 

Will I Be Playing Until the Guests Leave?

Another important discussion to have with your client is if they’d like you to play until guests leave.

This is a necessary question to ask them, so you won’t be taken unawares on that day.

Some clients love their DJs to keep playing until a good number of their guests leave. For instance, if the event closes at 5:00 pm, they’d like you to play for another 30 minutes or more.

So, you should find out about this and factor it in when making your plans for that day.

Are You Taking Care of Your MC?

Some clients might want their DJ to handle the MC duties. That is, they’d expect the DJ to provide the MC for the day. 

However, some clients would make provisions for the master of ceremony themselves.

So, you should ask your client if they’d provide the MC themselves or if they want you to take care of it. This question is necessary to enable you to make adequate preparations if you’ll be providing the MC.

Will You Provide Your Hype Man?

“Will you provide your hype man?” is another DJ question to ask your client.

Most clients, without saying it, expect their DJ to do some hyping with the microphone while they play music. Even with the presence of an MC, they’d want a DJ who gingers the guest from their stand.

So, you should ask this question and not assume that you’ll only control the music and sound of that day. 

Moreover, this question is necessary to know the charges you’ll be giving them.

What Is the Venue Policy?

“What is the venue policy?” is another DJ question to ask your client.

Rented venues usually have policies guiding usage for renters, guests, and even the DJ playing.

For the DJ, they might have a policy that prohibits certain equipment, or it could be about the loudness of the music being played.

So, you should ask your client about this policy, especially if you haven’t played in the venue before. 

Will You Take Care of My Staff?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

“Will you take care of my staff?” is another question to ask your client as a DJ.

As a DJ, you would have your team who works with you, from those who’ll help carry, set up, and manage the equipment, and MC, to those who’ll take care of emergencies.

Also, these are the things to consider when drawing up your charge policy. So, you should inquire from your client if they’ll take care of your team on that day, that is, making provision for their drink and meal.

Can I See the Space Where I’ll Be Setting Up?

Another important question you shouldn’t fail to ask your client as a DJ is “Can I see the space where I’ll be setting up?”

This question will need you to to see a video of the venue or go with them to the venue to see where they reserve for you.

Also, it’s a necessary question, so that you’ll know if it’ll be enough for you to set up your equipment and still have adequate space for you and your team to navigate around and do your job.

And if it’s enough, they’ll be aware of it on time and make necessary adjustments.

What Kind of Guests Are You Inviting?

As a DJ, you should know the type of guests your clients are inviting.

Are they children or adults, or a blend of all ages? What is the age category? Also, apart from the age of the guests, you should know the kind of people they are, a little about their personality and energy.

While it can be difficult for your client to tell you something about every guest, they should at least be able to tell you something that’ll help you judge the kind of people that’ll be attending the event.

This question is important to help you know the kind of music to prepare for that day and the way to make everywhere lively.

What Time Will the Venue Be Open?

“What time will the venue be open?” is another important thing to inquire from your clients as a DJ.

Generally, you’re expected to come early before the start of the event to set up and keep the place lively before the arrival of guests.

That means if the event is scheduled for 9:00 am, you should arrive by 8:00 am, so you can set up before guests arrive.

So, knowing what time the venue will be open is important to help you plan your movement. You wouldn’t want to come in time and meet a closed venue.

Will You Be Supplying the Power?

Another very important question you shouldn’t forget to ask your client is concerning the power supply.

Some clients provide power for the DJ, while some expect the DJ to handle their power supply.

So, you shouldn’t fail to ask your client if they’ll be supplying the power for that day so that you plan accordingly.

Will You Be Making Provisions in Case of Power Outage?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

Another thing you should find out from your client as a DJ is if they’ll be making provisions to take care of power outages.

First, if they’re not going to provide power, that means you know you are to handle everything about the power supply. 

However, in case of a power outage, you should find out if they have plans to cater to such a situation.

What’s Your Policy on Drinking and Smoking?

You should find out from your client their policy on drinking and smoking. You shouldn’t just assume they will accommodate that.

As a DJ, it’s your sole duty to provide entertainment for your guests at all times.

However, especially if you’ll be playing for hours, you’ll need to take breaks in between, while having someone on stand-by to answer any message and continue providing music.

So, if you’re taking breaks, you wouldn’t want to engage in some acts that are against the venue policy or engage in something your client won’t appreciate.

If you smoke or drink, you should ask your client if they’ll be okay with it. Moreover, you would need to give some distance if you’re smoking so as not to inconvenience anyone.

Am I the Only DJ Playing at Your Event?

Another question to ask your client is if you’re the only one playing at the event.

Some clients might want more than one DJ at their event, others might get a DJ and also get a live band. Ensure you discuss these with them, so you can work to harmonize with whoever they’re bringing. 

How Did You Hear About Me?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

Another question to ask your clients is how they heard about you. Maybe they randomly searched for you on the internet, they were recommended by a friend or some other way.

Knowing how they found you can be morally boosting, and can also help you determine the level of trust they have in you.

Would You Need Me to Show You Reviews and References?

You should also ask your clients if they want reviews or references from past clients

Usually, clients are the ones who make this request, but if they’re not forthcoming with it, you should make the offer yourself.

Letting them see reviews and references can increase their trust in you and your brand.

Is There Anything More I Need to Know That Will Help Me Serve You Better?

DJ Questions to Ask Clients DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

Finally, you should ask your client if there’s anything more you need to know. It could be about the event, the guests, or just about any information you’re missing out. 


As an entertainer, you owe it to your clients to entertain them. One step towards achieving that is to get all the necessary information about the event from them.

So, as a DJ, you should ask your clients certain important questions to help you serve them better.

DJ Questions to Ask Clients 

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