15 Different Ways to Say “Save the Date”


In our daily conversation with people, “Save the date” has become the go-to expression when imploring someone to make sure they attend an event.

While this phrase is effective in letting people be aware of the particular date and remember to honor it, there are plenty of alternative phrases that can serve the same purpose.

The importance of exploring alternatives is that it offers uniqueness, avoiding repetitions. With these synonyms, you’ll be able to express yourself in different ways and different situations.

Whether you want to remind your colleague of a work event or you want your friend to remember a hangout, this article has all you need.

15 Different Ways to Say “Save the Date”

There are numerous ways to tell someone to save the date when you want them to remember to attend an event.

Here are 15 alternatives to “Save the date”:

  1. Mark the date
  2. Keep this date at the back of your mind
  3. Take note of the date
  4. Set your reminder
  5. Mark your calendar
  6. Don’t forget this date
  7. Free up this day 
  8. Work towards this date
  9. Lock it in
  10. Don’t be left out
  11. Enter this date into your schedule
  12. Reserve this date
  13. Secure this date
  14. Plan to be there
  15. Free up your schedule 

Mark the Date

Mark the date” offers a fresh alternative to “Save the date.”

This phrase is an instruction, asking the listener to make a label on a date to serve as a reminder. 

Asking someone to mark the date emphasizes how important that date is, so you want them to put a label on it so that they don’t forget it.

While it can serve as just a way to assert the importance of something, it can also mean you want the listener to carry out the instructions, which can serve as a great way to remind them.

It’ll work well for different occasions, from work meetings and birthday parties to any form of events- formal or informal.

  • Mark the date, 15th of July. I don’t want to hear the excuse that you forgot
  • Mark the date, 20th of November. It’s going to be a memorable day, so make sure you’re there 

Keep This Date at the Back of Your Mind 

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

Another interesting alternative to “Save the date” is, “Keep this date at the back of your mind.” 

It’s a great expression that emphasizes the importance of something. 

First, the mind is the non-material part of a being, in which perception, consciousness, and thoughts are founded.

When you ask someone to have something at the back of their mind, you’re asking them to keep it in their consciousness; that’s why you want it to always ring in their thoughts.

Also, this statement offers a perfect way to let someone know that it’s something of utmost importance, which they have to honor. 

  • Keep this date at the back of your mind. I wouldn’t want any of you absent. It’s not allowed
  • Keep this date at the back of your mind. You wouldn’t want to miss out on this important event 

Take Note of the Date 

Take note of the date” is another way to tell someone to remember to attend an event.

This expression works well as a good alternative to “Save the date,” highlighting the importance of the event.

Also, it’s a somewhat formal statement that can serve as a directive you give to your team members or employees, asking them to remember to be at an occasion.

However, you can also use it casually to talk to your friends or an acquaintance, emphasizing the necessity of them being present at an occasion.

  • Take note of the date. You all must attend. So, make sure you prepare accordingly and be there
  • Take note of the date. I don’t want you to forget

Set Your Reminder

A practical alternative to the original expression is “Set your reminder.”

It’s a directive that is easy to carry out, exploring the devices available to carry out this instruction.

Smart devices, like mobile phones, computers, and smart wristwatches, are examples of devices that allow users to set reminders.

In this way, once you’ve carried out this instruction, you don’t have to bother yourself because the device will remind you with an alarm.

Additionally, you can use this reminder to help you prepare. So, rather than setting the reminder for the exact date, you can set it some days before it to remind you of the necessary things you need to do before the said day.

Furthermore, this expression is an instruction that ought to be carried out immediately. So, when someone says, “Set your reminder,” it’s something you should do immediately so you don’t forget to ask your reminder to remind you.

  • Set your reminder and start making your plans. We must make our plans early enough
  • Our reunion is next month, so set your reminder for when you’ll start adequate preparations 

Mark Your Calendar

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

Mark your calendar” is another practical alternative to “Save the date.”

The use of calendars dates back many years ago. People have always used calendars not only to be mindful of the day’s date but also to remind themselves of certain events.

When you ask someone to mark their calendar, you’re asking them to put a mark on their calendar, so that they’ll be reminded of the particular date.

While they don’t necessarily need to carry out the instruction, this statement can serve as a friendly way to emphasize the importance of the event and why they should remember to attend.

Also, it’ll work well in an informal environment to remind people to take note of an upcoming event.

  • Don’t forget to mark your calendar, we have a party to attend to honor our dear friend. We want you there
  • Mark your calendar and start your preparation for the annual ball party on time. We want something superb 

Don’t Forget This Date

A more casual alternative to the original expression is, “Don’t forget this date.”

It’s a direct statement that asks someone to remember an important date.

Also, it hints at the significance of the occasion, asking them to keep it in mind and not forget.

You can use it with friends or when you’re in a casual environment to express the need to have the listener present on the said day.

  • Don’t forget this date. We’ll like you around. You know it’ll be different without you
  • Don’t forget this date. It’s very important to our family that you grace this occasion 

Free Up This Day 

Free up this day” offers a gentle way to remind someone to be aware of an upcoming event.

It’s a great synonym for “save the date,” underscoring the importance of the said date.

Moreover, this statement is a friendly and polite way to ask the listener to save that day for the particular event alone, letting them know they should avoid making other plans for that day.

Additionally, it’s great for any occasion to hint colleagues or friends on the importance of an upcoming activity.

  • Free up this day, we’ve scheduled it for the medical outreach and we want your full participation
  • Free up this day- 20th of December. The board of directors will be visiting, so you need to be here on time to make sure things go well 

Work Towards This Date 

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

Work towards this date” is another way to say “Save the date.”

This statement serves as a way to remind someone of an upcoming event and the need to prepare for it.

Asking someone to work towards something means it’s important. Also, working towards it implies they’ll be making preparations, which means that’ll be difficult for them to forget the date.

For example, someone who’s making plans for a graduation ceremony on the 12th of February is unlikely to forget about the ceremony on the said day.

  • We have got an upcoming celebration on the 15th of August. We’ll reveal the details soon. But, start working towards the date. Clear up your calendar, get your dinner clothes, and be ready
  • The annual Feed the Hungry initiative is around the corner, so start working towards the date. We want something better this year 

Lock It in

Lock it in” is a great way to emphasize the importance of something.

It’s a good replacement for “Save the date,” connoting a note of finality and conclusion.

When you use “Lock it in,” it indicates that everything is in place, deliberations have been concluded, and the date has been agreed upon.

It’ll work well on occasions where there were discussions around the event and there’s mutual agreement on the said date.

So, when someone says “lock it in,” it means that is the end of the discussion.

Moreover, this statement indicates confidence about the upcoming activity, assuring listeners that it’s worth being present.

  • So, 31st it is. Lock it in and set the gears rolling ASAP. We want everything to go smoothly
  • We’ve agreed that the midweek meeting will be on the 13th of this month, so lock it in, and get all the necessary documents ready

Don’t Be Left Out

Don’t be left out” is another interesting alternative to “Save the date.”

This statement offers a casual and convincing way to let someone know about the importance of being present at an event.

By saying don’t be left out, you must’ve given them reasons why they shouldn’t miss the event.

Moreover, it is a polite yet persuasive way to ask someone to attend an occasion. In addition, it creates curiosity around the event and builds anticipation.

When you tell someone not to be left out, you’re letting them know they’ll be missing something great if they do.

  • We’ve something beautiful planned for you all for the 15th, so don’t be left out. You wouldn’t want to hear about it from someone else
  • We’re all aware of the forthcoming retreat. Start making your preparations. Don’t be left out of those who’ll benefit immensely 

Enter This Date into Your Schedule

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

Enter this date into your schedule” offers a formal way to say “Save this date.”

This expression is an instruction, asking the listener to fix the date in their plan.

A schedule is usually used in a workplace to highlight important activities that need to be done. It serves as a guide to help busy people have an organized day.

So, when you ask someone to enter a date into their schedule, you’re asking them to add the date to the list of things they ought to do, highlighting the significance.

It’ll work well in a professional environment to remind workers of important events.

  • Enter the 14th into your schedule, we’re having clients over and I want you to handle them
  • The events have been fixed for the 6th, 7th, and 10th, so enter them into your schedule and start making plans immediately 

Reserve This Date

Reserve this date” is another way to tell someone to remember to be at an event.

This phrase is more formal and respectful, serving as a request.

When you ask someone to reserve this date, you’re asking them to keep the date solely for the occasion; it stresses the importance of the occasion.

Also, this statement is suitable for occasions that are likely to take the whole day. So, you ask them to set aside that day with this request.

  • We are inviting you to our baby shower scheduled to be held on the 7th of November, please reserve this date
  • We’re fixing our annual report on the 20th of November, and you know how long this meeting can take. So, please reserve this date

Secure This Date 

Secure this date” is another way to say “Save the date.”

This statement is just like “Reserve the date.” It asks the recipient to keep the date because it’s important.

First, if something is important, you’ll want to keep it safe. So, this expression stresses the importance of that day.

In addition, it’s a semi-formal request that you can use on any occasion to let someone know that they need to attend an occasion.

  • Secure this date, we’ll be interviewing about 50 persons
  • There’s going to be a thorough cleaning up of this building, so secure the 10th for this activity 

Plan to Be There 

Plan to be there” is a polite way to ask someone to be at an event.

It’s a semi-formal request you can use with some formal events like a wedding invitation, baby shower, and the like.

Also, you can use it with friends and families informally to stress the importance of why they need to be at an event.

  • We’ll be hosting friends and families at our baby’s dedication ceremony. Plan to be there
  • There’s going to be a party for the youths at the end of tomorrow’s service, plan to be there 

Free Up Your Schedule 

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

Free up your schedule” is another slightly formal way to say “Save the date.”

This statement is used to stress the importance of a forthcoming event, imploring the recipient to make time for it.

Asking them to free up their schedule recognizes that they’re likely going to have other important activities. However, you’re emphasizing that this event is more important, so they need to avail themselves at all costs.

  • We’ll be meeting with the clients this afternoon, so free up your schedule
  • The seminar on the 8th is very important and attendance is mandatory, so free up your schedule


The way you address someone plays a huge role in the way a message is received. “Save the date” is a phrase that nudges someone to remember to be at an event.

However, there are many other ways you can make this request and pass your message more explicitly.

If you want to stress the importance of the event and let the recipient know that attending is crucial, using a stronger expression is more suitable.

So, this article has provided you with enough alternatives to “Save the date” that’ll work in different scenarios. Feel free to always reference this article when needed.

Different Ways to Say Save the Date

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