15 Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You “Gorgeous” 


It feels great to be called “gorgeous,” but knowing how to respond can also be a little confusing. What do you say when a guy calls you that?

First, let’s think about why he said that. It could mean that he finds you attractive and wants you to know. Maybe he’s just trying to be kind and make you feel good. 

In some cases, there could be a hidden reason behind the compliment. No matter the reason, it’s always nice to hear something positive.

How you respond really depends on who the guy is and how the compliment makes you feel. 

At Phraseably, we’ve spent a lot of time helping people find the right words for different situations, so we’ll share 15 great ways to reply to being called “gorgeous.”

Key Takeaways

  • When a guy calls you gorgeous, it’s usually a compliment, but his reason for saying it can differ depending on the situation.
  • Saying “Thank you” is always a safe and polite response. What matters most is what you do next—whether you want to keep the conversation going or end it. 
  • To return the compliment, you could say, “Thanks, handsome.” 
  • If you want to be funny, you could say, “I woke up like this… almost.”
  • If the compliment makes you uncomfortable, just say “thanks” and move on without giving it much attention.

Many people struggle to find the right words when they get a compliment, especially from strangers.

We understand that feeling. Even when it’s someone close, like your boyfriend, if you haven’t been with him long enough to feel comfortable saying “I love you” after he compliments you, it can still feel awkward.

Simply repeating the compliment back to him may not feel sincere either.

So, if you’re unsure how to gracefully respond to a compliment like “you’re gorgeous,” the list of replies in the next section will be really helpful for you.

List of the Best Responses When a Guy Calls You “Gorgeous”

  1. Thank you, you’re very kind. 
  2. Oh, I try.
  3. Aw, thanks. That’s sweet. 
  4. Thanks, I think you’re pretty handsome yourself
  5. Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.
  6. I’m flattered, thanks!
  7. Well, it’s not easy being this good-looking, but someone has to do it.
  8. It takes one to know one. 
  9. And so are you.
  10. Are you sure you’re looking at the right person?
  11. Thanks, I’m blushing over here
  12. Thank you, handsome!
  13. I agree.
  14. I’m happy you think so.
  15. I get that a lot. Thanks.

Responding to compliments like these from guys doesn’t need to be complicated. Just thank them and try to sound genuine—there’s no need to argue or brush off their opinion.

One common mistake ladies make in such situation is overthinking or getting paranoid. You don’t need to worry about things like:

  • Is he trying to win me over for a favor?
  • Have I inadvertently made myself seem vulnerable and in need of a self-esteem boost?
  • Is he trying to get clingy? 

These thoughts aren’t necessary. Now, let’s look at each of these responses and the situations where each one works best.

1. Thank you, you’re very kind

If a guy gives you a simple compliment, like calling you gorgeous, a good response is to say, “Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” 

It’s even better if you add a sincere smile. This response comes across as polite and avoids sounding overly modest or too proud. 

Plus, it allows you to accept the compliment gracefully without feeling awkward or unsure of what to say.

2. Oh, I try

Sometimes, random guys on the street can call you “gorgeous.” In that case, you can simply smile and say, “Oh, I try,” and keep walking. 

This is a great way to respond without giving them a chance to start a conversation if you’re not interested. 

The same reply works online when strangers comment “gorgeous” on your post.

3. Aw, thanks. That’s sweet

Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You Gorgeous

Another great way to respond when a guy calls you “gorgeous” is by saying, “Aw, thanks. That’s sweet.” 

This works best when you’re close to the guy, like your boyfriend, crush, or a good friend.

Also, it’s totally fine if you don’t compliment him back immediately. You probably like things about him, but you can wait for the right moment to share those compliments.

4. Thanks, I think you’re pretty handsome yourself

If you feel like you should return the compliment but want to keep it natural, you can say, “Thanks, I think you’re pretty handsome yourself.”

This works well when the guy who called you “gorgeous” is someone you like, and you want to flirt a bit more. 

Since he’s showing interest, this is a good opportunity for you to show that you’re interested, too. 

Quick Tip: 

  • Adding a winky face can make it clear that you’re being playful and flirty, not just returning the compliment.

5. Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself

How you respond to a compliment can depend on what you want to achieve. 

This response shows you appreciate the compliment and are interested in him. 

It’s a great response when a guy calls you gorgeous and you want to keep the chat going.

6. I’m flattered, thanks!

Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You Gorgeous

Truth is, not all guys who call you “gorgeous” are being romantic. 

Some can use it just to compliment you or make you feel good without any deeper intentions. In these cases, replying with “I’m flattered, thanks” is a perfectly good response.

Quick tip: 

  • You can usually tell a guy’s intention when he calls you gorgeous by paying attention to his body language and tone (playful or flirty). 

7. Well, it’s not easy being this good-looking, but someone has to do it

Being called “gorgeous” can boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself and your appearance. 

It helps you see yourself in a more positive light and appreciate your own beauty.

You can embrace this boost and respond with something like, “Well, it’s not easy being this good-looking, but someone has to do it.” 

This adds a touch of humor and helps you feel proud of yourself. It shows you’re aware that you’re indeed doing something right about your looks and are worth admiring.

8. It takes one to know one

If someone calls you gorgeous and you want to give a creative reply, you could say, “It takes one to know one.” 

This phrase means that if you think someone else is great, it probably means you’re also great. So, when you say this, you’re basically saying you think he’s gorgeous too.

Even though kids often use this phrase to respond to criticism, it can still be a fun and positive way to compliment someone.

9. And so are you

Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You Gorgeous

Another way to return the compliment is by saying, “And so are you.” 

This has the same effect as “it takes one to know one,” but it doesn’t carry the same hint of application for criticism. It’s a warmer and more inclusive way to respond. 

Complimenting someone when they say something nice about you is always a good move and fits any situation.

10. Are you sure you’re looking at the right person?

In those awkward moments when someone calls you gorgeous and you wonder what they see, asking, “Why did you call me that?” can sound weird.

Instead, you can respond with, “Are you sure you’re looking at the right person?” This will prompt them to now explain the specific thing about you they find gorgeous. 

Then you can simply say thank you and keep chatting or end the conversation as you wish.

11. Thanks, I’m blushing over here

If you want to be a bit playful with your response, you can use a pun or wordplay.  But if you prefer to keep it simple, you can just let him know he’s making you blush. 

A happy, confident woman who gives off positive vibes naturally attracts people. So don’t be surprised if someone calls you gorgeous. 

When a man interacts with a woman who is full of energy, humor, and enthusiasm, it positively affects him. So, saying, “I’m blushing” fits perfectly in this kind of situation.

12. Thank you, handsome!

Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You Gorgeous

Sometimes, a guy genuinely wants to compliment a girl’s beauty without hidden motives like flirting or teasing. His compliment is a sincere observation of her appearance.

In these cases, it’s polite to acknowledge his compliment and show appreciation. A response like “Thank you, handsome” is a great way to return the compliment.

13. I agree 

Guys can use compliments like “beautiful” or “gorgeous” to test how you will react. He does this to get a sense of your feelings without directly saying how he feels. If you smile and seem more talkative, it can hint that you’re interested. 

If you don’t want to encourage him, just respond politely with something like “I agree” and change the subject.

Ultimately, it’s up to you how you take a guy calling you “gorgeous.” While it can be flattering, it’s wise to be careful and not assume too much too soon.

14. I’m happy you think so.

If the compliment catches your interest and you want to keep chatting, tell him “I’m happy you think so,” to show you’re receptive.

You can accompany this with a smile and open body language which can help encourage the conversation. 

Being called “gorgeous” can make you feel more valued. It suggests that you’re not just attractive but also someone worth noticing and paying attention to. 

When someone uses the term “gorgeous,” it’s natural to be happy about what the person thinks of you.

15. I get that a lot. Thanks

If a compliment makes you uncomfortable or you don’t want to continue the conversation, you can politely set boundaries. You could say something like, “I get that a lot. Thanks,” and then change the subject.

Thanking him and quickly moving on to a different topic helps signal that you’re uninterested. 

Also, saying “I get that a lot” while avoiding eye contact or slightly shifting your focus can show that you’re not interested.

Wrapping up 

For some reason, it can feel difficult for us women to respond to compliments from men. It somehow feels like we need to “earn” the compliment or return the favor, but that’s not true.

When someone compliments you, the best response is simply, “thank you.” There’s no need to overthink it.

From there, it’s up to you if you want to add a little extra to your response, depending on your relationship with the guy who called you gorgeous.

Good luck!

Best Responses For When a Guy Calls You Gorgeous

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