40 Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 


Are you hosting a baby shower? Are you looking for the right words to send an invitation?

A baby shower is one of the most beautiful ways to celebrate a mother-to-be. So, if you’ll be sending invitations, you can step out a bit of the traditional style and make it all fun.

In this article, I’ll be discussing the 40 best baby shower invitation text messages. From simple and emotional to funny messages, this article has got you covered.

Table of Contents

40 Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

Below are 40 baby shower invitation text messages:

  1. Our little blessing is on the way, join us in welcoming him
  2. Our bundle of joy is kicking happily, let’s join in the celebration
  3. We’re about to begin a new adventure with a new addition, come let’s drink to that
  4. A tiny but mighty miracle is about to pop out of my belly, you’re welcome to welcome him
  5. Your presence is needed in our home to shower some love on our coming baby and the mummy-to-be
  6. Something big is cooking in … tummy, come let’s celebrate
  7. Our little beauty is coming soon to join us, join us to usher her in
  8. I invite you to the baby shower of… let’s merry together, as we await the coming of the little one
  9. Just as we await the coming of Christ, we await the coming of our little girl. However, unlike Christ, she’s coming sooner and so we’re celebrating earlier
  10. A new baby is on the way and we’re over the moon with excitement, we’d like you to join in this celebratory mood
  11. We invite you to shower… with all the love and support, for she’s about to push out something beautiful soon
  12. Hey! It’s our baby shower, we invite you to celebrate with us this blessing from God
  13. The beauty of motherhood can never be painted accurately, but we do the little we can to celebrate these moments. We invite you to join us to shower … with all the love you can give
  14. We’re having a baby shower for …. We’d like you to spice the celebration with your presence
  15. Please, join us as we celebrate and anticipate the arrival of our little blessing 
  16. We invite you and your family to our baby shower. We hope to see you join us to celebrate
  17. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, soon we birth a pinky star
  18. Heaven has blessed us with a mini us, and we’d like you to join us in welcoming them
  19. While we anticipate the big Day, we want you to join us to shower the mother with love and gifts
  20. It’s double blessings, join and be a part of this blessing
  21. We’re thrilled to invite you to celebrate with our expectant mother of two
  22. Our twins are on the way, it’s a thing of joy and we want you to be there 
  23. We’re joyfully anticipating our miracles, they’re two and we want you here too
  24. We specially invite you to our baby shower, to hold on this day… we prefer cash gifts
  25. You’re invited to our baby shower, please let us know if you can make it
  26. We’d like you to grace the occasion of our baby shower with your presence 
  27. Celebrate with us on the 12th of June for the baby shower of our twins on the way
  28. We’d love to have you with us as we celebrate our little miracle on the way and the mother
  29. We are celebrating the mom, and you’re invited
  30. We anticipate new beginnings, join us for a toast
  31. It’s a blue party, come with your dancing shoe
  32. A little man is joining the crew, we’re overwhelmed with joy
  33. Our bundle of joy is arriving in pink, we’re celebrating
  34. We’re over the moon with excitement waiting to meet the new guy
  35. It’s a baby girl! Bring the dolls all dressed in pink
  36. We’re celebrating the parents-to-be with a baby shower, join us
  37. Two heads are better than one, come join us to celebrate a mother of two heads
  38. Prepare to have fun with us as we celebrate the mother-to-be
  39. It’s a baby shower, so bring your gifts in plenty
  40. We’re happy to ask you to join us on the occasion of our baby shower 

Our little blessing is on the way, join us in welcoming him

This message is straightforward and beautiful, and it is great to invite anyone- friends, colleagues, and family.

Moreover, likening the baby to a little blessing makes it more heartwarming. Also, the message specifies the gender to be a boy.

Our bundle of joy is kicking happily, let’s join in the celebration

Here, the baby is referred to as a bundle of joy, giving the impression of a joyful mood. It’s another beautiful way to invite loved ones to celebrate a baby shower.

Additionally, adding that the baby is kicking happily gives an anticipatory mood.

We’re about to begin a new adventure with a new addition, let’s drink to that

This one is cute and straightforward, inviting your guest to toast to the new baby on the way.

Also, this message gives your guests vivid imagery of anticipation and joy, getting them excited too.

A tiny but mighty miracle is about to pop out of my belly, you’re welcome to welcome him

If you’re the mother-to-be sending the invitation, this is one of the perfect messages to send to your guest.

Here, you let your guest know you’re close to welcoming your baby boy, and you’re happy about it. In addition, likening your baby to a miracle is heartwarming.

Your presence is needed in our home to shower some love on our coming baby and the mummy-to-be

This one welcomes your guests to celebrate the coming baby and the mother-to-be. It’s straightforward and cool for co-workers and friends.

Moreover, saying their presence is needed treats them as important.

Something big is cooking in … tummy, come let’s celebrate

This one is another interesting way to invite guests to a baby shower.

Saying that something big is cooking in the mother’s tummy is a funny analogy. It’ll work for anyone when you don’t want to be formal.

Our little beauty is coming soon to join us, join us to usher her in

This message is another beautiful way to invite people to a baby shower.

It likens the baby to a little beauty, leaving warmth in the hearts of those reading it. Moreover, it’ll work if you want to reveal the gender of the baby.

I invite you to the baby shower of… let’s merry together, as we await the coming of the little one

This is another interesting message to send to your guests to invite them to a baby shower.

It asks them to join in the celebratory mood of loved ones as they join the parents in waiting for the new boy. Moreover, it incorporates love and community sense.

Just as we await the coming of Christ, we await the coming of our little girl. However, unlike Christ, she’s coming sooner and so we’re celebrating earlier

This is a hilarious way to invite someone to a baby shower. It likens the baby’s arrival to the coming of Christ that Christians are anticipating. However, it reminds them that Christ isn’t coming soon, but the baby is.

Also, it suggests an excited mood while revealing the gender of the baby.

A new baby is on the way and we’re over the moon with excitement, we’d like you to join in this celebratory mood

Of course, a new baby is on the way. This is a beautiful text message that captures the excitement of the parents and their loved ones. 

Also, it invites guests to join in that excitement, giving a sense of community.

We invite you to shower… with all the love and support, for she’s about to push out something beautiful soon

This message invites guests to celebrate the mother or parents of the coming baby, emphasizing love and support.

It means guests are meant to express their love and support in any way they can.  Moreover, likening the baby to something beautiful is heartwarming.

Hey! It’s our baby shower, we invite you to celebrate with us this blessing from God

Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

This is a beautiful message for a Christian community. It’s appropriate to send to your community of believers or worshippers to invite them to celebrate God’s blessings 

The beauty of motherhood can never be painted accurately, but we do the little we can to celebrate these moments. We invite you to join us to shower … with all the love you can give

This is a beautifully penned-down note that celebrates mothers while inviting guests to do the same for the expectant mother.

It’s an emotional message you can use to invite loved ones to a baby shower, emphasizing they bring love and sweetness with them.

We’re having a baby shower for …. We’d like you to spice the celebration with your presence

This message is another cute and straightforward way to invite someone to a baby shower.

It tells the guests that their presence is important to celebrate with the parents.

Please, join us as we celebrate and anticipate the arrival of our little blessing 

Another straightforward way to invite someone to a baby shower. This message captures an excited atmosphere.

Moreover, referring to the baby as a little blessing excellently captures the joy and gratitude of the parents 

We invite you and your family to our baby shower. We hope to see you join us to celebrate

This message is a suitable one to invite a family; husband and wife, parents and children.

Adding that you hope to see them highlights the importance of their presence 

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, soon we birth a pinky star

Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

This one is a funny and sweet way to send an invitation for a baby shower.

It’s a suitable invitation when it’s a baby girl that’s on the way. Additionally, the use of stars beautifies the message.

Heaven has blessed us with a mini us, and we’d like you to join us in welcoming them

This message is a suitable one for twins or a mother carrying more than one.

Also, it’s perfect for a Christian community, highlighting the blessings of God. Additionally, stating that you’d like them to join in the celebration incorporates the spirit of love and togetherness.

While we anticipate the big Day, we want you to join us to shower the mother with love and gifts

This one invites the guests and at the same time, encourages a sense of giving and love.

It categorically states that gifting is welcomed. Also, it excellently captures the excitement and joy of the loved ones anticipating the baby.

It’s double blessings, join and be a part of this blessing

A beautiful message that’s suitable when the mother is expecting twins. It reveals a spirit of gratitude and happiness.

We’re thrilled to invite you to celebrate with our expectant mother of two

Another beautiful way to invite guests to celebrate the coming of twins. Shows excitement and anticipation.

Our twins are on the way, it’s a thing of joy and we want you to be there 

Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

Another lovely message to send to guests to invite them to celebrate the coming of twins. Additionally, stating that you want them there, stresses the importance of their presence.

We’re joyfully anticipating our miracles, they’re two and we want you here too

This one is another appropriate message when twins are on the way. It’s cute and funny, beautifully capturing the joy of the moment.

We specially invite you to our baby shower, to hold on this day… we prefer cash gifts

This is a somewhat formal invitation for friends and colleagues. It’s appropriate if you prefer cash gifts. So, mentioning it in the invite isn’t out of place.

You’re invited to our baby shower, please let us know if you can make it

This message is another beautiful one to formally invite friends and colleagues to a baby shower. 

Stating that they let you know if they can make it is important for proper planning.

We’d like you to grace the occasion of our baby shower with your presence 

Another beautiful message that’ll work to invite friends, families, and colleagues to a baby shower. It’s beautifully written.

Celebrate with us on the 12th of June for the baby shower of our twins on the way

Another beautiful invite for when twins are on the way.

It’s straightforward and is suitable for all classes of guests.

We’d love to have you with us, as we celebrate our little miracle on the way and the mother

Emphasizes that you’re celebrating the coming baby and the mother. Ideal to help the guests prepare gifts for the baby and mother.

We are celebrating the mom, and you’re invited

Another beautiful message that captures the joy of motherhood. Ideal when you want to emphasize that the celebration is for the mother to help guests prepare their gifts.

We anticipate new beginnings, join us for a toast

Simple and straight to the point. Great for close friends and colleagues.

It’s a blue party, come with your dancing shoes

Simple, but yet an excellent way to capture the celebratory atmosphere. Also, it reveals the gender to be a boy and emphasizes that there would be dancing.

A little man is joining the crew, we’re overwhelmed with joy

Another beautiful way to invite guests to celebrate with the family, while revealing the gender to be a boy.

Our bundle of joy is arriving in pink, we’re celebrating

Another excellent way to invite guests to a baby shower. This message reveals the gender to be a girl.

We’re over the moon with excitement waiting to meet the new guy

This message is another beautiful one that captures the joy of the parents and loved ones. Also, it reveals the gender to be a boy.

It’s a baby girl! Bring the dolls all dressed in pink

Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

This one is a funny way to reveal the gender of the baby and also invite your guest.

We’re celebrating the parents-to-be with a baby shower, join us

Pretty formal and straightforward. Invite the guests to celebrate with the parents. 

Two heads are better than one, come join us to celebrate a mother of two heads

Another funny way to reveal that twins are on the way and invite friends and colleagues for the celebration.

Prepare to have fun with us as we celebrate the mother-to-be

This message invites the guests to prepare to have fun while celebrating the Mother.

It’s a baby shower, so bring your gifts in plenty

A simple invitation for friends and families, encouraging them to come with gifts. 

We’re happy to ask you to join us on the occasion of our baby shower 

A formal invitation for friends and colleagues. 


Best Baby Shower Invitation Text Messages 

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