50 Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents


So, it’s your parents’ wedding anniversary and you’re celebrating with them. However, amid the excitement, there’s curiosity about them and their relationship.

An anniversary is a big deal. Whether it’s the 1st, 5th, 20th, or 50th anniversary, staying married together is worth celebrating.

Therefore, if you’re curious about your parents’ life together, if you want to know how they’ve managed to hit that milestone, you’re in luck with this article.

In this guide post, we’ve curated 50 anniversary questions you can ask your parents; from their first meeting to subsequent dates, the first time as a married couple, getting pregnant, and raising you and your siblings to staying in love.

These questions will create more love and laughter. And what’s more, there are a lot of lessons to take home from their answers.

So, stay with me, as I discuss questions you can ask your parents on their anniversary.

Table of Contents

50 Questions to Ask Your Parents During Their Anniversary

Below are 50 questions to ask your parents on their anniversary:

  1. How do you know they’re the one?
  2. How have you managed to stay together until now?
  3. Was there ever a day you felt regret?
  4. What was the first date like?
  5. Was it love at first sight?
  6. Who showed interest first?
  7. Are your personalities alike?
  8. Whose parents did you meet first and what was both parents’ reaction?
  9. Did having children impact the relationship you share?
  10. What are your favorite activities as a couple?
  11. How do you create beautiful moments together?
  12. What lessons have you learned about love you didn’t know before?
  13. What is the first thing you both do every morning?
  14. How did you agree on the place to live?
  15. How do you agree on places to go for vacations?
  16. How did you handle challenges?
  17. How did you handle finances?
  18. How did you decide on children, when to have them, and how many to have?
  19. Have you had any major rifts and how did you come out of them?
  20. How did you balance working and family life?
  21. Did you make plans for dates or do you just have them?
  22. Have you ever had interference from relatives and how did you handle it?
  23. Did your love ever change over the years and how did it?
  24. What was the biggest decision you made as a couple?
  25. How do you conclude on things you disagree with?
  26. How do you spend time when you’re not working or out on a date or vacation?
  27. What are the sweetest and thoughtful things you’ve done for each other?
  28. How did you plan your wedding?
  29. How did you feel right before making your vow?
  30. What was your honeymoon like?
  31. Did everything go as planned during your wedding?
  32. How did you come to agreement on important things concerning the wedding?
  33. Was there any disagreement from both families during your wedding preparations and how were they resolved?
  34. What will you tell couples about to walk down the aisle?
  35. What are your favorite memories of special moments?
  36. Have you ever gone on wild adventures together?
  37. Is there ever a time you don’t want to be together?
  38. How do you handle personal time and how do you give each other space?
  39. Have you ever done anything spontaneously?
  40. How did you agree on names for your kids?
  41. What was it like when you discovered you were going to be parents for the first time?
  42. What was the pregnancy journey like?
  43. Who is the strictest?
  44. Do you observe any family tradition?
  45. How do you make decisions concerning your kids?
  46. Was parenting ever difficult for any of you?
  47. How did you support each other?
  48. What are your biggest achievements as a couple?
  49. How do you intend to spend the remaining part of your years together?
  50. Who do you think will die first?

1. How do you know they’re the one?

“How do you know they’re the one?” is an important question to ask happy couples who have been together for a long time if you’re looking to find love like them.

Their answer will help deal with doubts and any reservations you might be having if you have a lover. First, many people who are in romantic relationships are afraid to take the next big step because they are not sure who they’re dating will be there forever.

Yes, they might love them but love is not always enough when you want a long-term commitment in marriage. So, it’s one of the best questions to ask your parents if you want what they have.

2. How have you managed to stay together until now?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

This is another question to ask your parents during their anniversary.

With the alarming divorce and separation rate, it’s normal to worry about you and your partner staying together forever.

There are many lovable marriages that turn sour, from couples wanting different things, problems with parenting, and falling in love with someone else, to irreconcilable differences.

If you want to know about the trick to your parents’ long and happy marriage, this is one of the anniversary questions to ask them.

3. Was there ever a day you felt regret?

This is another question to ask your parents during their anniversary. While many couples might look happy, they’re the only ones who know how well it is with them.

So, your parents might be celebrating many years of being together, but they’re the only ones who truly know the work they’ve put in to come that far. So, this question will open your eyes to the many challenges that come with marriage.

4. What was the first date like?

A very interesting question is asking them about their first date. Not only will you learn one or two with this question, but it’s a beautiful way to recall beautiful memories and make them laugh about their first date.

Moreover, hearing your parents talk about their first date can be exciting and help you see love and romance differently.

5. Was it love at first sight?

“Was it love at first sight?” will make your parents recall happy moments and make their day. Moreover, you’ll see love and relationships from their perspective.

6. Who showed interest first?

“Who showed interest first?” is a question that’ll make your parents remember their early days and the beautiful and awkward moments they had together.

Also, you can learn how to navigate through the early challenges after meeting someone you like.

7. Are your personalities alike?

“Are your personalities alike?” will help you learn more about your parents’ love relationship.

This question will help you see how to manage and tolerate your partner’s character, and differences that will arise in your relationship. Also, if you’re yet to get into a relationship, it’ll prepare you for one.

8. Whose parents did you meet first and what was both parents’ reaction?

Problems with parents and family are not uncommon in relationships. Sometimes it’s one of the reasons lovers separate.

So, asking your parents about your grandparents’ reaction to their relationship is important to prepare you for when you’ll be ready.

They can help you understand why parents behave the way they do, and help you in responding rightly to their actions.

9. Did having children impact the relationship you share?

“Did having children impact the relationship you share?” is a vital question.

Having children is not always easy, even when you want them badly. So, hearing your parents share with you how they managed their relationship when you and your siblings arrived will prepare you adequately.

10. What are your favorite activities as a couple?

“What are your favorite activities as a couple?” is another good question to ask your parents on their anniversary that’ll help you strengthen your relationship.

Learning how your parents spend moments together doing what they both like will be both fun and educational.

11. How do you create beautiful moments together?

Another important lesson to learn from your parents’ marriage is how to create beautiful memories with your loved ones.

During their anniversary asking them how they create beautiful memories is one of the important questions to ask them. Their answers can influence the choices you make in your relationship.

12. What lessons have you learned about love you didn’t know before?

Another important thing to ask your parents during their anniversary is the lessons they have learned over the years.

Being in love with someone for the first time is way different from being in love after many years together. There are lots of things you discover about each other, about love, and about the relationship you share.

So, the answer you’ll get from your parents can help you adjust to these changes when they come.

13. What is the first thing you both do every morning?

Knowing about the first thing your parents do together in the morning can be both fun and educational.

With this question, you’ll discover if they have a routine they follow or if they just do random things that come to their minds.

14. How did you agree on the place to live?

Making the decision of where to live as a couple can be difficult, especially if both partners live in different areas or states and have a life built there.

It’s not going to be easy for one partner to leave their jobs, friends, and life to start a new life elsewhere. So, the answer to this question will provide you with insight on how to overcome this challenge if it arrives.

15. How do you agree on places to go for vacations?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

Another important thing you can learn from your parents during their anniversary is how they agree on places for vacations.

While it might look like a straightforward thing, their simple piece of advice can come in handy when you and your partner have limited funds and have different places in mind.

16. How did you handle challenges?

Challenges are part of every relationship because it’s part of life. Your parents who are celebrating years of being together, radiating happiness and fulfillment have gone through marital challenges.

The difference it makes between couples who are separated and those who stay together is how they handle their challenges and the decisions they make.

So, your parents’ anniversary is an opportunity to learn from them how they managed their challenges.

17. How did you handle finances?

Finances are very important in any relationship and how it’s handled impacts the relationship.

So, asking your parents how they manage their finances will help you whenever you get to that stage.

18. How did you decide on children, when to have them and how many to have?

Decisions as it concerns the number of children to have and when to have them is one of the hurdles intending couples have to cross.

And many times, couples find it difficult to reach an agreement. So, learning from your parents on this aspect will go a long way to assist you whenever you get on the same boat.

19. Have you had any major rifts and how did you come out of them?

Fights and arguments are part of every relationship. But, knowing how to get through these moments is important if you want to keep your relationship.

Hearing from your parents how they came out from a huge disagreement if they have ever had one will help you if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

20. How did you balance working and family life?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

Whether we like to hear it or not, getting married and starting a family is a huge step.

No matter how much love there is between a couple, if they don’t put in effort to balance their work and family life, one will suffer, which will, in turn, affect the relationship.

So, hearing from your parents how they managed theirs is important.

21. Did you make plans for dates or do you just have them?

Another lesson you can learn from your parents is how they handle dates.

Every successful couple has what works for them. Some have a particular day or days they commit to dates, while some do as it suits them. So, ask your parents this question to learn from their experience.

22. Have you ever had interference from relatives and how did you handle it?

Family interference in relationships is a huge deal. Many beautiful relationships have been ruined because of families.

So, asking your parents how they handled any interference from families is an important anniversary question you should have in mind.

23. Did your love ever change over the years and how did it?

Over the years, the love and respect you have for someone can change. You might notice that you love them for a different reason or the affection can grow deeper or become shallow.

So, this question is another important anniversary question to ask your parents. Learn from them if they have loved each other less, as they progressed or if it got better.

24. What was the biggest decision you made as a couple?

Making decisions as a couple is almost an everyday thing in a healthy relationship.

While it’s not always easy, it’s something that can’t be neglected. So, asking your parents about the biggest decision they made together is important.

It’ll teach you how to go about yours whenever you get to that stage.

25. How do you conclude on things you disagree with?

As I’ve earlier established, disagreements in relationships aren’t uncommon. As Individuals, coming together will always result in disagreements before decisions are made.

So, learning from your parents how they reach a decision whenever they disagree will go a long way when you start your journey.

26. How do you spend time when you’re not working or out on a date or vacation?

Another anniversary question to ask your parents is how they spend time together in the house. When they’re not working, and performing any chores, what do they do?

Do they engage themselves in fun activities? Do they do their personal thing? Do they get bored not knowing what to do? These are some of the things to know.

27. What are the sweetest and thoughtful things you’ve done for each other?

One of the ways to show love to someone you care about is in your actions. And carrying out thoughtful actions on your partner will move them more.

So, asking your parents about the sweetest and most thoughtful things they’ve done for each other will give you an insight into how to do yours.

28. How did you plan your wedding?

Wedding plans are not easy to make, and that’s why many people leave that to event planners.

Even at that, event planners will work with the decisions of the couples. So, learning from your parents how they plan their wedding will save you a lot of stress if you’re going to plan yours.

29. How did you feel right before making your vow?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

Right before taking the wedding vow is one of the most emotional moments for couples. That’s when emotion intensifies- apprehension, love, and several more.

So, hear from your parents how they must have felt during that moment.

30. What was your honeymoon like?

The honeymoon is one of the interesting parts of wedding couples look forward to.

Asking your parents about their honeymoon is a perfect way to get them to walk down memory lane on their anniversary.

Also, you’ll get to see how much in love they were and learn of activities they engaged in.

31. Did everything go as planned during your wedding?

Many times things don’t go as we plan them. So, asking your parents if things went according to plan during their wedding is another way to learn from their experience.

It could be a last-minute hitch, it could be anything from a small to a big disaster on D-Day. Hearing how they acted and came out of it is important.

32. How did you come to agreement on important things concerning the wedding?

Another anniversary question to ask your parents is how they agreed on the decisions they took when planning their wedding.

Of course, they had different opinions about things, from the color of the day, and the number of guests, to choosing the venue. How they navigated through their differences and came to a decision is something to learn from.

33. Was there any disagreement from both families during your wedding preparations and how were they resolved?

Another important thing to hear from your parents is how they handled disagreements from families when planning their wedding.

Whether we like it or not, families will have something to say about the wedding, and disagreements are likely to happen between both families. So, you can learn one or two on how they resolved theirs.

34. What will you tell couples about to walk down the aisle?

What will they tell couples about to take that huge step and walk down the aisle? I bet your parents will have something for them.

So, put yourself in the shoes of someone about to make that big decision and hear what your parents have to say.

35. What are your favorite memories of special moments?

People in love have special moments and memories, talk more of couples who have been in love for a long time.

So, ask your parents during their anniversary about their special moments. Apart from laughing about these things, you’ll get to see love in their eyes.

36. Have you ever gone on wild adventures together?

Hear from your parents if they have ever gone on a wild adventure and how they did it. Was it spontaneous? Whose idea was it? How did it go?

This is the perfect question to cause some good laughs.

37. Is there ever a time you don’t want to be together?

Another question to ask your parents during their anniversary is if there was a time they didn’t want to be together.

No matter how in love you are with someone, there must be a time when you want to be alone, especially when you begin to live together.

So, as a married couple, your parents must have had these moments.

38. How do you handle personal time and how do you give each other space?

As I’ve previously mentioned, married couples would need some personal time. They can’t want to be in each other’s space all the time.

So, hearing from your parents how they handled those moments will teach you one or two things.

39. Have you ever done anything spontaneously?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

Are they the spontaneous type? Hear from them if they are and what spontaneous things they have done.

40. How did you agree on names for your kids?

Decisions concerning kids are not always easy to take, and one of the agreements parents have to reach is what names to call their kids.

So, you can ask them this question during their anniversary to learn from them.

41. What was it like when you discovered you were going to be parents for the first time?

Being parents for the first time opens a well of emotion you might not even know you have.

So, this is a beautiful question to ask your parents to know how they must have felt when they were about to have their first kid.

42. What was the pregnancy journey like?

Hearing from your parents about their pregnancy journey is another way to learn and have some good laughs.

How did your mother handle it? How did your father support her? How did they go through it together?

43. Who is the strictest?

While you must have observed your parents and know who the strictest is, hearing from them who the strictest is is another beautiful way to engage them during their anniversary.

44. Do you observe any family tradition?

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

Family traditions are great ways families can bond together. Apart from what you must have done together while growing up, hear from them if there are other traditions they observe.

45. How do you make decisions concerning your kids?

How did your parents make decisions concerning you and your siblings?

This question is another important thing to ask them during their anniversary. Hearing from them how they came to decisions concerning your upbringing, from infancy to whatever stage of life you’re in is important.

 46. Was parenting ever difficult for any of you?

Hear from your parents if they ever found parenting difficult.

Parenting is never easy. However, couples have different ways they navigate through this phase. So, this is another important question you shouldn’t fail to ask your parents.

47. How did you support each other?

Supporting each other is one of the things people in a relationship do. Support is one of the rudiments of a successful relationship.

So, hear from your parents how they support each other.

48. What are your biggest achievements as a couple?

What have your parents achieved together? What are their biggest achievements?

This is another good question to ask them as they celebrate their anniversary.

49. How do you intend to spend the remaining part of your years together?

Whether they’re celebrating 10, 20, or even 50 years together, they still have time together.

So, ask them how they intend to spend their remaining years together.

50. Who do you think will die first?

“Who do you think will die first?” is a funny question to ask your parents as they celebrate their anniversary.

Hear and laugh about their answer.

Anniversary Questions to Ask Your Parents

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